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Everything posted by rlex

  1. One thing i noticed is that F-15 is extremely agile for such a heavy plane, even when fully armed. I hasn't used real one, of course, but is it actually THAT agile (probably more agile than F-16)? It makes bombing runs a bit tricky when you use joystick, just a little pressure on roll axis and your plane doing a full barrel roll in less than a second.
  2. maybe you can borrow A2 A-10 model rather then using futuristic wipeout? Just so it fits your timeline. Or you just want to "supercharge" existing planes?
  3. Hello Toadie, can you please upgrade your AK/RHS compatibility with AK-12 compat? Currently i can only use AK-12 mags from your mod.
  4. Say i will enable Advanced I-TGT AND lock on some transport on ground with SDB II, what target will get preference? Having alot of fun with F-15 and new weapons, thanks firewill!
  5. that's really strange. I see method you linked uses symlinks for managing several servers, so this might be the issue.
  6. looks like you missing a3.bikey in keys folder, since it can't validate vanilla a3 PBOs
  7. linux headless client still doesn't work with signature verification.
  8. >placed pbo's in MPMissions folder Have you tried going to multiplayer -> create server? MPMissions is only for MP (but you can freely play it solo) Missions is for SP
  9. There is no difference between windows and linux servers when running missions. If they require some specific addon, this might not work since 1.42 is "old" stable version. Mission you're linking was made for rather old version of arma, doesn't require any addons as i can see, and should work with no problems.
  10. Yep, this is it. Hipsters from medium want to see typographic quotes like this -> †But you want to use normal quotes like this -> " Here is the difference: lex@lancaster ⯠serverConfigDir=â€/home/ubuntu/installarma3/install/public/serverconfig†lex@lancaster ⯠echo $serverConfigDir â€/home/ubuntu/installarma3/install/public/serverconfig†lex@lancaster ⯠serverConfigDir="/home/ubuntu/installarma3/install/public/serverconfig" lex@lancaster ⯠echo $serverConfigDir /home/ubuntu/installarma3/install/public/serverconfig So replace all of the bad quotes with good ones and give it a spin. And if you're trying to run it without mods, remove -mod argument from arma3server launch parameters.
  11. That's ok i think, i have this error every time i launch my server, but i had no problems with it. You better take a look at "â€â€â€â€ | â€â€â€â€ |" line of your log, it seems you're trying to launch some mods but messed up with quotes. Post your start.sh, i suspect i might know where is problem
  12. damn, mavericks on F-15, that's nice. BTW, if you put AGM65G (heat?) and AGM65L (laser?) at same time, it seems that AGM65G will take first slot. So, basically, you have both heat- and laser-seeking missiles, but you should fire G variant before you can fire L, since in ArmA they appear as one weapon.
  13. When ACE3 is installed, APEX Service menu doesn't appear
  14. If i understood correctly, one SDB II in loadout = 4 actual bombs on single hardpoint?
  15. Had same bug btw, and not only in liberation. As for now, shooting down civilian helis is punishable by 3-day ban on our server.
  16. Thanks. So CBU-89/103/etc is dumb-fire? Looks like i need to practice with bombs... Besides, I-TGT (old system) is deprecated now and not recommended for use since Advanced was implemented?
  17. Hello firewill, can we have a list of bombs with GPS lock-on ability? Also there is small problem with SFW bomb - it is able to lock on enemy vehicle, but if dropped with this lock, it will fall far before locked vehicle (like 200m). Otherwise great work. Loving F-15K with THAT selection of bombs.
  18. Mine are just tiny improvements and "bug fixes" (like new RHS mortars bags) https://github.com/GreuhZbug/greuh_liberation.Altis/pull/70 https://github.com/GreuhZbug/greuh_liberation.Altis/pull/69 Also i'm still digging for roots of that issue https://github.com/GreuhZbug/greuh_liberation.Altis/issues/66
  19. Yep, already inspected your code, what a beautifully written mission! Do you accept pull requests and bug reports via github, btw?
  20. small bug with I-TGT: if your plane is destroyed, mark will be on map until server restart. Targeting system still works, but you will not see new I-TGT marks on map.
  21. Hands down best COOP mission i played in ArmA. If you add some insurgency stuff (search & destroy ammo stashes as side OP) that will be great. Can you also add more RHS transport in request menu? Like armed humvees, for example.
  22. Had segfaults on vanilla missions as well as lightly modded (RHS+ACE) servers.
  23. Hello, is it possible to auto-launch mission on server restart and set some parameters? Like this: class Missions { class Mission01 { .... param1 =xx; param2 =yy; } } Found this ticket https://dev.withsix.com/issues/2809for A2, is this valid for A3?
  24. well that's GPS targeted bombs. You probably will need LGB loadout on plane and someone with laser designator to precisely strike moving targets.
  25. Yeah, but might be a bit tricky due to height