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Everything posted by CaptainAzimuth

  1. I would hope an advanced jets TGP does NOT have dirt on it's screen, most air forces wouldn't even let you take off like that, there's about a gazillion checks and run throughs pilots go through before they even hop in the hot seat. I reckon cleaning their instruments or making darn sure there's not a bit of anything hindering their equipment. Tanks are a whole different ball game though.
  2. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I know i know, but I'm not as hyped for the addition being added to new vehicles as much as I am the core mechanics (Zues/Ammo Truck/multiplayer compatability)
  3. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Lol? I don't get your joke. But I am very pleased that proper throttle control is coming. I'm just a little disappointed that no Dynamic Loadout updates have been added since the AH-99.
  4. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    It's basically eventually going to work like the throttle does with the Heli AFM, but for fixed wing aircraft. This will make it possible to taxi a runway without shooting between dead stops and 100kph while constantly tapping the accelerate key.
  5. CaptainAzimuth

    ASP-1 Masterclass

    Awesome, now I can show this to my whining team mates that call it the worst gun in the game. I used this thing to shoot Pawnees out of the sky in KOTH.
  6. CaptainAzimuth

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    I disagree. They should either go full interior or nothing at all in my opinion. They had quite a few back in Arma 2.
  7. Too late. Firewall already made a more than splendid DAP ghosthaek i believe, and I'm pretty sure BI couldn't top that. However I'm more interested In seeing what the new Fighters are looking like, but for now, I'll ask if there are plans to have a TGP in the Loudout for jets that don't already have one modeled, and if so, would it be possible to prevent one from using a TGP if they don't have one equipped?
  8. CaptainAzimuth

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    Awesome. Just Awesome.
  9. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    No. It's support for the possible addition of multi-modes on launchers.
  10. CaptainAzimuth

    The Blackfish is not powerful enough

    Yeah, it's not quite the solo vehicle that's for sure, however I have done it a few times and made good use of it. It's more of a special purpose asset, not well used for most situations, and can only take 3 rockets before going down. Also, Quad Rotors aren't practical URL, especially in such a massive aircraft. Take a quad wing utility vehicle and shoot One wing off. Now it's going to crash and you lose 3 expensive engines, not to mention the instability of 3 rotors, which would be no different than simply 2. Lose one and you only lose one more engine on crash. Less money for asset loss and Maintainence.
  11. CaptainAzimuth

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    My problem with jets currently is that when banking, it doesn't necessarily turn that direction, I stead, it sort of drifts sideways in that direction, instead of a proper banking. That should also be tweaked.
  12. CaptainAzimuth

    The Blackfish is not powerful enough

    I think it's alright, the accuracy just needs to be tweaked. However, I wouldn't mind if they made the Blackfish like the Spectre instead of the spooky and added some ATGMs to the wings for more multirole other than ground saturation
  13. CaptainAzimuth

    "3FPS Issue" - Call for Help

    As per current Stable build of Arma, and some asking around, players have reported the FPS glitch occurring most common when in combat, shooting, about to shoot, or getting shot. Before it was just a simple stutter one stated, when shooting another player, the game would freeze and bit then unfreeze, but now occasionally, it becomes an entire mem-dump. Also, a squad mate of mine uploaded a video not too long ago, in which flying an F-35 gun runned someone who just disembarked from a vehicle. As soon as he gets the kill, the game freezes, and instantly initiates the notorious FPS glitch.
  14. I agree. With the Jet DLC overhauling sensors, I would call it more than appropriate to bring back the countermeasure mode change for the sake of better game design.
  15. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    laser-steering is intended, but no, i haven't had any issues with Titan AA. What's your view/object distance set to?
  16. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Oh no, i'm aware, i'm just excited cus it's nearing Q2 already.
  17. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Hmmm, no Dev Branch Changelog... I reckon were close to the next update? Kinda getting eager for the Dynamic Loadouts and Sensors.
  18. CaptainAzimuth

    JETS DLC Wishlist

    Hahaha, yeah. I'd cringe at the sight of another cold war revive. However, I wouldn't mind something more realistic, like a Stealth F-18, rumors there might be one being tested, or perhaps instead of a concept design, a choice of one being co-developed by nations. Wouldn't be bad, since NATO already use Israeli tanks in the armaverse... we're looking for a fighter though, but I'm sure BI will allow it to be multirole. I don't see why they don't do the F-22, or something more compact like the ATD-X. As for CSAT, the J-20 would be perfect... if it wasn't an interceptor. That leaves the J-31 and Su-50... although, I would mind if they went with the legendary SU-47, so as long as they didn't ruin it's sex appeal. XP
  19. CaptainAzimuth

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Well I'm not saying they don't have countermeasuers, I suppose you may be interpreting what I'm saying wrong (countermeasure mode, burst/single) I was only asking a question. But if I knew a bit of coding, I wouldn't mind. I remember scripting in YSFLIGHT (made flares fire left, down and to the right), but I'm not on the CUP team and I don't know SQF. =P
  20. CaptainAzimuth

    JETS DLC Wishlist

    I'd hope not. That has too much qualities of an interceptor, not a fighter. That thing looks like it's designed to take off from Moscow and reach Alaska within the hour. =P
  21. CaptainAzimuth

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    i'm aware ACE uses this, but it's already Vanilla to Arma 3, simply disabled by default, at least that's what i was told by a BI Dev some time ago. What i was wondering is if CUP could consider enabling this, not because it's realistic, which it is, sure and ACE uses it, but it's not native to ACE, but rather because it was nice to have in Arma 2, and CUP brings back some of those A2 good feeling. I feel like Arma 3 is missing this feature.
  22. CaptainAzimuth

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Well it isn't enabled for all helicopters that should have them "hind's and such". What i mean isn't countermeasures in general, but the aircraft that do only using Burst mode, AFAIK, switching to single fire is a thing, just disabled by default (wasn't this way in Arma 2), but can be enabled via. a simple config.
  23. CaptainAzimuth

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Question, will you guys consider enabling countermeasure mode?
  24. CaptainAzimuth

    Possible fix for the "3 FPS Drop" Issue

    Should keep track of those and upload. However, i believe i got something very similar to the 3FPS glitch in Editor, but briefly. Spawned a CUP Mi-24D, took off, was flying after destroying a castle on Chernarus about 4-5 mins in, and my game stuttered and hit a fluid 8-10 FPS, and then resumed 40+ in a few seconds. Not sure if it's related, but felt similar. Remember that when the FPS glitch occurs, all textures and animations die. This could be important.