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Everything posted by tom.tucka

  1. tom.tucka

    Sangin WIP

    Very Nice work indeed SmokeDog!
  2. tom.tucka

    Zero Dark Zero

    anyone used the HALO part of this mod on a dedi server? If so what was your experience like?
  3. tom.tucka

    Sangin WIP

    Great news SmokeDog! Sounds amazing and thanks for the time and effort your putting in! Will sangin also be compatible with CUP Terrains?
  4. tom.tucka

    Sangin WIP

    Well as soon as there's a release I'll have a Bash! Will post my findings, I'd much like empty fobs! gives mission makers more control on the layout and especially with eden coming out I think being able to build up the inside yourself will be great!
  5. tom.tucka

    Sangin WIP

    Some maps in CUP wasn't working for me...
  6. tom.tucka

    Sangin WIP

    Great news! Can't wait to create some patrol ops! Smoke do you know if sangin is working with the Eden editor?
  7. tom.tucka

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP_Terrains

    If you'd like to write something that would be a big help to me and my community!!!
  8. tom.tucka

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP_Terrains

    Love using CUP terrains, would like to use celle 2 but whenever I use the map I get this error after some time, Does anyone know a fix?
  9. Okay cool! Very nice indeed! Hopefully some videos of these epic fire fights soon?
  10. Nice work Smokedog! Loving it! Sorry if you've answered this before but will you be getting the alive team to index the map? would be fantastic if you were!
  11. tom.tucka

    Takistan bases by Donbass

    Would be nice as that's now the most stable terrain pack out :)
  12. tom.tucka

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP_Terrains

    Any chance your adding support for Celle 2? Very buggy for me and I keep getting memory leaks...
  13. Is there no way we can have the option to change the sound volume via a module or something? personally I think it should be kept just as loud as it was in A2 kinda made the jet special!
  14. tom.tucka

    Takistan bases by Donbass

    Any chance these bases will be working with CUP Terrains?
  15. the hawk was being worked on back in A2... I think it will be a while until it comes out as always, When its done!! But there are some videos and old WIP's on the RKSL site! It would be a nice edition with the RAF vally/ Mach Loop map being worked on though!
  16. Hello gents, When I start my bulldozer I get this error message: Any Ideas On how to solve this problem? Any help Much appreciated In Advance Thanks Tom
  17. Thanks to the help of Sgt M. Stonebridge (Yoshida In 3 Mercain) we found it. Arrow-Copter AC20. :) Updates please :D
  18. With most of the Dev team dealing with real life matters; Have you thought of asking the ACE3 Team if you can merge into them and make this mod part of ACE3?
  19. @RKSL-Rock On the Typhoon Is it possible for you to add a function where you can set the canopy to be open in the editor? Think having this will give it a better look sitting in the hangers :P Also are there any plans to make it fully interactive like the A-10 from Pearl (Sorry if that's been asked)
  20. tom.tucka

    3CB BAF Units

    You can still use there Stuff... Just download the 3CB weapons and Equipment packs and then create your own loadouts by script or by software like LEA
  21. tom.tucka

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    Does anyone have High-Resolution Image of the map?
  22. tom.tucka

    3CB BAF Units

    Congrats On the release, Next is the Big one I Hope :D
  23. was complicated for me too, just follow this tutorial shows you everything! https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139003-tutorial-how-to-run-arma3-on-a-dedicated-server/
  24. tom.tucka

    [WIP] Map Boscaada

    Looks amazing! Cannot wait till release! Some great missions will be developed on this map
  25. tom.tucka

    Urban Patrol Script

    @Baton1990 Place the following code in your init.sqf {_x SetMarkerAlpha 0} forEach ["YOURMARKERNAME","YOURMARKERNAME","YOURMARKERNAME","YOURMARKERNAME"];