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Everything posted by germanaagun

  1. germanaagun

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    This is so unfortunate, I can only hope they will have a change of heart in the future regarding their content! Perhaps they could include woodland and 3 color desert variants of the ACU uniform, as well as GREF variants in the future?
  2. germanaagun

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    This hits me with the big sad since the uniform had been in for over a year before this change was made. I wish they would reconsider this choice but ultimately this is their decision
  3. germanaagun

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'll have to guerrilla glue some velcro and another arm pocket to my M93s
  4. germanaagun

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I had reskinned the ACU uniform prior to the latest patch without any prior knowledge of its status regarding modification - extremely disappointed to find out on booting the game with the new version of RHS that my skins no longer work and were actually never sanctioned in the first place (despite having the hidden selections available for so long...). There has got to be an alternative to including content in RHS that is not open to 3rd party modification? it appears that with everything, over all 4 packs, the only content we are not allowed to edit for some reason are the 3 amazingly rendered ABU, ACU, and BDU uniforms. We're free to alter incredibly high quality community made vehicles, weapons, helmets, vests, and etc, but not these three uniforms? This is particularly out of place given that the ACU and BDU are among the most common uniforms used by nation's world wide, even in the year 2019. ACU cut uniforms are even commonly used by Russian military & law enforcement organizations in a number of camouflage schemes, and a staggering number of nation's SWAT, SOF teams, or regular grunts.
  5. germanaagun

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    my friends and i were having an issue where we would spawn in at the debug spawn location on any map and the spawn menu wouldn't load, turned out we had to start a new save due to the version update @Zygimantas Luk
  6. the hero and survivor models are in A2:PMC, those gear components are going to be in the next glorious CUPdate, pictures were posted by a CUP dev a couple pages back the bandit model components are already in CUP, as the KSK tropentarn / flecktarn uniforms and gear
  7. i just ran into the jamming issue as well - the keyboard shortcut quit working but the self interaction menu (equipment > clear jam) works fine
  8. germanaagun

    tanoa lite?

    not an expansion but the arma 2 ACR dlc did have "lite islands" included with it (lower terrain/object resolution for textures n stuff)
  9. germanaagun

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    did you use gpgp's supersonic crack sound values?
  10. germanaagun

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    the stuttering is caused by first time loading of massive sound files - it should definitely be eliminated with 1.4, which as he says should be 700mb unpacked as opposed to 5gb right now
  11. germanaagun

    3den Enhanced

    no option to not have insignias? they don't work properly on every uniform model and making any changes to a unit will force an insignia on - there is no option to not have insignia on a unit after editing it
  12. To go with Marduk's post, the M60 LODs are bugged outside of like 25m - the barrel assembly disappears just a heads up tovarishch
  13. Does the extended antenna have any affect on functionality of the radio? anyways, regardless of function, perhaps you could add the ability to switch between the folded and extended antenna with ACE interact - would be a bit silly to be running around in a firefight (clipping issues in buildings?) with a 20 foot long antenna extended (but i suppose thats happens semi-often in reality)
  14. germanaagun

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Isla Abramia for A3

    just downloaded 1.21 http://puu.sh/oHeAC/f83c9cea2e.jpg floating building in yolandi no grass clutter
  15. incredible work have you considered FFV on the spotter slot if its possible? they'd be able to do the obvious (blast some fools), throw smoke grenades, IR grenades, etc, and also use binoculars and other optics for spotting
  16. what happened to all the enterable buildings that were present in allinarma? (im probably mistaken, but weren't some of the people responsible for AIATP responsible for CUPTP?) the buildings pictured below were enterable, had reasonably detailed interiors that weren't buggy, doors and windows that worked and broke properly (chunks of the doors would be destroyed when you shot at them enough). they also worked relatively flawlessly with AI. as far as functionality goes they were 100% i didn't think CUP terrains would be such a downgrade when it comes to functional content, because these buildings being enterable greatly improved gameplay on sahrani, and tons of custom maps (from fallujah to panthera a3) that made use of these buildings perhaps you have plans to implement buildings like those that were present in allinarma? i feel like switching to CUP TP was a downgrade, considering i never had issues with stability and etc when using AIATP. unless im really stupid and that stuff is in SMD sahrani https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/175705-smd-sahrani-a3-bohemias-sahrani-terrain-as-ported-by-smd/page-15#entry2957167 so i guess for now i use AIATP
  17. should do them but you pretty much already have black on the SBS dudes in your other mediterranean pack
  18. (spamming refresh for the dl link)
  19. germanaagun

    Toadie's SmallArms WIP thread

    gold source OGs carrying it over to arma? ive never seen anything more beautiful.
  20. germanaagun


    its beautiful
  21. germanaagun

    Sham's M16A4 Pack Port

    was testing the weapons and got to the m16a3 and it crashed upon firing, will restart and try again and see if i get the same results edit: could not recreate the crash. must have been something else that coincided with me firing the weapon for the first time (should be worth mentioning that upon firing weapons for the first time the sounds were delayed / didn't play (vanilla and the m16s, when i was comparing sound volumes)) sounds are good! might want to fix the muzzle flashes because they're kind of weird m16a3/a4 with the M203 don't have the leaf sights (as in the sight mount is there, but the sight itself isn't even on the model), while the m16a2 with the m203 does have the leaf sight fully present. mesh error when reloading on the m16a2 m203, broken bits of magazine are still present when you reload other than the low quality arma1 models and the above, these guns are pretty good to go