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Everything posted by Valken

  1. That should run OK if it has FAST RAM. But its a laptop so I am unsure of the screen resolution and how much RAM you can fit into it. Also, checkout this graph about recent GPUs with an Intel i9-9900K @ 5 GHZ with DDR4-3400 memory: https://www.techspot.com/review/1789-amd-radeon-vii/ ARMA uses everything, CPU and GPU so even the mighty Nvidia 2080Ti runs within a few % of the AMD GPUs. That means the AMD GPUs are just as good with a good CPU and fast RAM. If you can find a used Vega, that may be a good way to get save money and put that into a faster CPU that you can OC.
  2. Actually there was something that I noticed with Nvidia GPUs in that they need a faster CPU to run better because it runs extra threads for it to push more draw calls. AMD uses LESS CPU overhead so you might get away with less CPU cores. I tried to disable HT with this 1060 GTX and loss FPS! If you are going AMD, try to disable HT and OC the cpu better. It might be more efficient and can save some money. I was wondering if anyone had an Intel i3-8350K (quad core coffeelake)? Those OC crazy high - 4.8-5.0 GHZ and I wonder if it was paired with fast ram and AMD GPU like 580 or better, would it run ARMA faster than with Nvidia GPU due to Nvidia using up cpu threads?
  3. Set your PC to performance mode and check if you can remember the video driver version number was before the upgrade. Sometimes old GPU whats best with older drivers, not newer for older games. ARMA 3 is not new anymore... over 5 years old.
  4. @Mrido Hi Welcome to the forums. I do not have window 10, only Windows 7. But one suggestion another user advised me was to check my RAM speed to make sure it was set correctly. Goto your BIOS and check if your RAM is really at DDR3-1600 MHZ. Also check your CPU to make sure it was set that the highest speed. Lastly, goto the ARMA VIDEO settings and let it AUTO set the settings. Maybe it was set too high. You can test this by lowering the object distance (for 3D models) as it should increase your FPS as you lower it.
  5. @greywulf58 No worries friend. We're all good. To make amends, let me give you some advice on your existing system per your previous post: Your CPU is good enough. OC it to whatever is stable. The higher the better. You need to really check this during the summer as you may need to OC it back down a bit then. You have enough RAM at 16 GB. But you should check how fast it is rated. The faster the better as Oldbear said. ARMA 2/CO and 3 is RAM speed and timings sensitive. If you have something like DDR4-3000+, that is pretty good. Ideally, 3200+. Anything less, your CPU is being held back on all of its total potential. Get an SSD. After CPU/RAM, SSD is next. I recommend you try to find a 1TB Samsung or Crucial SSD because if you get hooked on ARMA 3, you will install mods... and that should also reside on the SSD due to the way the ARMA engine streams data nearly constantly, when it runs out of RAM. OS+ARMA 3 will eat up nearly 45+ GB (ARMA 3 is at 32 GB and Windows 7 x64 at 13 GB - I just checked mine), not counting any other apps you may have or need to use. I have ARMA 3 + mods on 960 GB SSD ... it is nearly full! RHS/CUP/STALKER/RAVAGE/SMA/NIARMS/etc... GPU - you should focus here after you have setup the above 3, in that order. Get a 1050 or ideally 1060 GTX or FASTER. That should tie you up for ARMA 3 and ARMA 2/CO. Worst case is to get the SSD and lower your graphic settings to play at constant 30 FPS at minimum. ARMA is smooth at 30 FPS unlike other games that needs 60+ FPS. There is no point to have ARMA look beautiful but stutter like bad curry out the back end if you know what I mean... Sorry for the graphic image. You can try to save some money on a used GPU. Contrary to what people say, there are tons of good used GPU on the market now due to falling crypto mining business. Those guys usually UNDERVOLT the GPU or set it at 80/90% due to the cost / benefit ratio of the mining. It would be a cheap way to get up to speed on ARMA 3 at 1080p. FYR - I have a Haswell I7-4970K @ 4.5-4.6 GHZ, 32 GB DDR3-2400CL10, SSD and 1060 3GB GTX. I should have gotten 6 GB version, but this was a temp solution as I was really trying to buy an AMD 580/590 or Vega, but that was / is still sold out where I am located. This system runs ARMA 3 over 60 FPS most of the time online on the servers that I play so that is good enough for me until I upgrade to 4K or 8K, whatever I can afford then.
  6. @greywulf58 I meant no disrespect and the :D at the end of the sentence was meant as a tongue in cheek joke. That is how the internet works. The :D is called a smiley, so it looks like a circle with face smiling, to mean a joke or like a ribbing. It is hard to convey humor over the net , and if you have not been online long, then I understand any lack of unfamiliarity with internet culture. So I formally apologize to you, man to man. I was mainly referring to your comment about asking your girlfriend for money.
  7. Are you a kept man? Lucky you! Otherwise, man up, get a job and buy whatever you want with your own money. :D
  8. Valken


    Not an original idea but thought of it and did a check and yes, competition has it but... BEAR TRAPS! Was watching X-Files and thought it would be a good addition one day...
  9. Your system can play ARMA 2 and Combined Operations. For ARMA 3, I suggest you increase the RAM to 16 GB if possible because it will use all it can in 64 bit mode. You may run out of RAM during long game sessions and long asset usage in ARMA 3.
  10. Valken


    @EO perhaps you can add some random C4 to the zeds to create boomers like L4D? Just explode based on gas bloating for some of them randomly... would make the zed detector more fun... :D
  11. Is there a working FULLSCREEN NVG mod / patch for ACE, without removing the nightvision PBO? I just want to remove the mask.
  12. @Groove_C Do you have cache latency of Intel 7700K, 7740K, 8700K or 9700K? It would be good to compare to those vs both Ryzen and 5775c for ARMA.
  13. I really like the original Injured AI mod and love ALL of the progress. May I ask for options to turn ON/OFF some of the functions because I am currently using Goko's Ballistics and that mod already does some great helmet damage effects. I want to use BOTH your mod and Goko's at the same time or combined so if this would be perfect. Or you do not have time to make it work together, at least allow us to enable or disable some parts. Thank you for the consideration.
  14. Valken

    General Discussion

    Welcome to survival everyone! We need our own group server to play on. I hope Donnie and Bl2ckdog can pull it off with our community input!
  15. Valken


    Last night I had problems with my connection to Bl2ck's server but he did a really good camp that kept the zombies out. Checkout his server and mission a few posts back. He had AI Survivors shoot out the zombies near the camp. That would be a way to simulate or automate camp defense. I have other ides and will post when I flesh it out. We all should get together for a good run again. PS: Last minute idea --- any body can create a custom patch for us BIS Forum Ravagers? :D
  16. Valken


    I am playing SP Ravage with ACE3. My advice regarding ACE3: Move to another folder the Nightvision PBO from the addons folder... I like the effects but the "shroud" is too big for my taste and there are NO fullscreen night vision mods that I can find to remove the "shroud". If you want effects, use Bad Benson's Enhanced Visual mod like I do. Add a fullscreen NVG mod as well. Enable the particle effects - look in the ACE3 options folder, move the particles.pbo file into the ADDONS folder to enable it. I don't like ACE tracers so left it out. I use either basic ARMA or Blastcore Tracers Standalone. ACE Medical - make sure you set it to BASIC or disable it since the player is not always assigned as a MEDIC or in an MP game. I have it BASIC because I like ACE's bandiging system and don't have a buddy to patch me up. If this was MP, I would push for advanced ONLY if there is a really good ACE Medic player onboard because it is ultra hardcore when you are patched up but only at 10% HP left and you are dragging your team down... You need another player to get you back up. But it makes the game so much more "realistic" and immersive, to me. Enable advanced stamina and add SABRE as they simulate much harder ballistics and their advanced weight modified Stamina is awesome. When you are near naked, you AND the Zombie AI runs super fast. When you are weighed down, you run way slower. It makes it way more hardcore. I have added: ACE3 Placables, ADV Splints, Advanced Interaction and Advanced Ragdolls. Then add in your favorite effects mods like Blastcore, Headgore, Blood Spurts, Bloodgore, Ballistics, and Sound mods. I suggest you load these AFTER you load up CBA, ACE3, RAVAGE and any weapons, gears or units mods. Then add all the ACE compatibilities OR Then add SABER with all the mod compatibilities as it modifies the ballistic impacts as well. All mods are on STEAM WORKSHOP. Do a search for it and subscribe, and load up with ACE3 and Ravage for a super hardcore experience. Makes your pistol shootouts with zombie with faster running or slow walking but loaded up to the gills with guns/gear so much more fun. I have dropped my gear so many times to come back later after a hard battle this way. Way better than any other Zombie experience when you have to choose to run/gun fast or stand your ground mowing down the incoming horde. You two understand my gripes. I don't hate the DayZ or other framework. It's just that at the end of the day, there is nothing MORE to do. Its a huge GRIND for no reward, other than to stay alive. There are better ways to past time or work or survive and it seems "sandbox" is developer codeword for I don't know what else to do after creating art, model, animation and functions for a game engine. Let the users play make believe. This is all good if there was a better framework. DayZ is notorious for this and yes, there is a huge market for it and all the clones out there, but I personally suspect all the money being made is really because the users got bored and are looking for something with more substance... Its like a drug addict, they need a bigger hit to get their next high, so the same user base are buying all those sandbox games, and game companies just keep cranking them out. Look at all the negative feedback for most of those no substance sandbox games. More can be done if the game kept the user coming back with something different, not the same old same old. Also, any good story based game can let the user go INTO sandbox mode. And rightly so, SP only or sandbox only games loses its luster for me once the game ends or becomes "work". It's supposed to be an escape afterall. My best option would be episodic in nature. You can have a game with 3-5 year shelf life. You inject new content over that 5 years to keep the base motivated and growing. You don't need to fix yourself only to one game mode - even ARMA came out with Warlords and bunch of new content free or paid. If DayZ did that - gear DLC, free mission DLC or even new MP mode DLC - go rescue that scientist who claims to have a cure and you need to keep him alive until he gets all the components to develop the cure - say hardcore resource gathering and town defense at the same time , that could keep the user base happy for both bandits, free roam and coop players. Everyone has their objectives - in the same universe... Then drop in the black ops DLC 6 months later as they found out about the scientist and will eliminate everyone in the game universe - players, bandits and zeds... oh boy... 1 month to find the scientist, 2-3 months just to fortify the town and keep him alive, found the cure and now black ops on your 6.... all that work... worth fighting for now instead of grinding away on every tree.
  17. @Mahatma Gandhi You are pulling between 10 to 15+ FPS more than I do at 4.6 GHZ/4GHZ Core/2400CL10 DDR3 RAM with a 1060GTX @ standard... I am unsure if its because you have more cores or the RAM scaling is so good but fantastic system! Edit for reference - only goes to show how GOOD Ryzen really is... my next upgrade system for sure... Intel Haswell i7-4790k CPU ~ 4.5 GHZ, Cache 41x, CPU Multi 46x, 98MHZ bus speed due to OC RAM: G.Skill DDR3-2540 MHZ CL10 OC'ed, 32GB!!! 1.65 volts stock. 1060 3GB GTX Intel Haswell i7-4790k CPU ~4.6 GHZ/ 4.0 GHZ cache / 2400CL10 32GB / 100 MHZ FSB 1060 3GB GTX
  18. @tpwI've been playing with your mod in Ravage and have some ideas: For the Radio chatter, can it do a check to see if a player actually has a radio on them? I love it but would like it more if only the player had a radio or was near a radio. For animals - can we update the mod to detect and use the cows and boars from this mod if loaded: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=495749412 and wild horses from this mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1470493486 It should optional but I though having a better range of animals.
  19. @nikiforos I suggest you do a search for the best timings. There are websites that do tweak and OC RAM such as overclockers.net.
  20. Valken


    Awesome! Does this work with the SHARKS from Feint and B@Co: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1231094504&searchtext=shark https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=911433699&searchtext=shark Would be awesome to capture those as well - finally! :D
  21. Valken


    @MuRaZorWitchKINGI like your ideas and there are already similar type online servers. I think the closes I played to DayZ and Ravage MP was Breaking Point Left Behind Mod (LBM) and the A2Origins remake on ARMA 3. The LBM seems to add a bunch of Ravage type play into Breaking Point. The A2Origins remake was basically Exile (PvE) + Ravage without the tradtional PvE elements or it was toned down since I literally saw squads of survivors playing together. You can find it in A3L and try it. My biggest gripe of DayZ, Breaking Point, Origins, Epoch and etc... was that there was no other objective other than to stay alive. It's a total masochist's psychotic Last Survivor standing game with nothing else to me. Like everybody builds their own bunkers and raid others. How come nobody teams up and take over a full town like Georgetown on Tanoa to be Zombie proof?! Everybody just kills everybody and takes everything. A total break down of society... Hmmm... might be a good graduate thesis paper topic here about online games and mental stability and perception... Even in the Walking Dead TV / Comic series, there were end goals such as trying to find a cure or finding a settlement to rebuild something. I think a Ravage MP or COOP mission framework would get things started. At the least we can tell stories or create different game play. I had posted in the mod request to have: A hunting mode like Hunted Showdown - Mercenaries or Survivors are tasked with hunting down monsters, get an artifact - say their heads or blood samples, and try to escape alive. All the while other hunters, hunting teams and AI are trying to do the same, Team vs Team, and with the AI monsters trying to kill you. Or any team coop survival scenario - look at Resident Evil for a lot of ideas - a bunch of civilians (you) who are immune to the virus, trying to escape. But black ops government forces are trying to capture and kill ALL of you to take your blood samples and to not leak out the epidemic to the rest of the world. There is one rebel network that will rescue you only if you contact them. Or go in and rescue an scientist... man this is tough. To go into game, find an unarmed AI and lead him out... that is very tough ... Or even add more anomalies in the future... Can add Stalker Zombies for example... Not sure will it work but Stalker was an awesome series and welcomed on the ARMA 3 or more modern engine. Many ways to tell the stories but we need a MP framework to allow this. Sorry, I can't code, draw, sing or dance. I can spit out washed up ideas all day. :D
  22. Valken

    Machine learning / AI projects using ArmA?

    @ZackTactical34I am using SmartAI in ARMA2CO thanks to ChrisB but AFAIK there is nothing like this on ARMA 3 and VCOM is pretty close. And in heavy fights with lots of AI, it does bog down the CPU. If there was a mod that used compute (OpenCL) to calculate/model/determine AI behavior - making decisions on the fly based on terrain, enemy type, ammo count, teammate count, then I am all for it. That is one area where I would gladly invest money into such as a low or mid end GPU just dedicated to AI decision making. If you really watch team tactics on MP servers, it is a bunch of "AI" or players feeding information to work together. It is not a bunch of long term decision making but a LOT of short term decision making based weight - chance of success - in a conflict and the end goal to survive while taking out the enemy based on your team's force. I think an OpenCL type accelerator can do that easily or help - AI runs through a bunch of what ifs in real time and decides what do. The great thing about OpenCL is that it is hardware agnostic. It can run on CPU or GPU or any OpenCL compliant device and scale. Imagine a server using the onboard GPU as an OpenCL accelorator just to increase and / or improve AI behavior.
  23. @froggyluv- I have one 960GB SSD only for ARMA 3. But I hate to re-dl as it wears out the SSD... Sigh... looks like 450 GB done... about 150 to go.. maybe 2 more days if my PC does not crash... Sigh... If you remember the solution, let us know. I think I already know and its good old Armaholic and @folders. ;) Good luck brother!