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Everything posted by fn_Quiksilver

  1. fn_Quiksilver

    Make ai repair vehicles

    they will but they wont dismount just to do that. they'll only fix if they're already dismounted
  2. nice post removing the action is preferable due to the CPU-expensive per-frame call-compile of the condition.
  3. fn_Quiksilver

    Make ai repair vehicles

    its kind of a workaround. engineers have logic already to repair vehicles which are under control of their group so temporarily adding the damaged vehicle to their group can plug into that logic
  4. fn_Quiksilver

    Make ai repair vehicles

    The easiest way is something like this: <engineer-group> addVehicle <vehicle-to-repair> once the damage on the vehicle is lower: <engineer-group> leaveVehicle <repaired-vehicle> A group can have up to 3 vehicles under its care https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addVehicle
  5. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    everything cleans up. you can see this with zeus. once all players have left the area they will disappear within a minute or 2. if you notice client fps dropping, check the logs for any issues. also is it dropping to about 10fps and not recovering?
  6. fn_Quiksilver

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    we aim-assist arcade now!
  7. fn_Quiksilver

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    opportunity for new engine function? "setPiPViewDistance" ?
  8. fn_Quiksilver

    Remove falling radial blur?

    the value can change if pp effects are destroyed, when i checked last it was up around 230 or 130, so "130 ppEffectEnable false;" but it increments like addAction index, so it doesnt necessarily stay the same it also is not in bis_fnc_feedback pp effects, i couldnt find where it was stored, perhaps in missionnamespace or UI namespace. some steps for debugging: 0. be in environment that you can respawn in 1. enter freefall (setpos to Z 300m) 2. kill yourself during freefall 3. the pp effect blur will remain after respawn (an arma bug that ive reported several times to feedback tracker) 4. iterate through 100-300 with ppeffectenable until it goes away (you find the index) 5. with the index, scan mission namespace for a variable value which matches the index you found _myIndex = <number of whatever ppeffect worked> { if ((missionnamespace getvariable _x) == _myIndex) then { systemChat str _x; diag_log str _x; }; } forEach (allVariables missionNamespace);
  9. fn_Quiksilver

    You've played to much Arma when:

    Error: myWife undefined variable in expression
  10. fn_Quiksilver

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    KotH should make use of those Turrets released with Jets DLC, they pretty much destroy any aircraft they can lock onto. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkK5tN3AeNA
  11. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    yep, its also important for the AI functionality. they follow their group leader, not necessarily the person who recruited them. so you might recruit and he would run off to regroup with his leader. hence we require that the recruiter also be the group leader.
  12. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    - Got to be within 3m - Got to be leader of a group - Only aircrew can recruit the aircrew AI - Only infantry can recruit the infantry AI Do you get the Recruit scroll interaction?
  13. fn_Quiksilver

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    1:58:44 I_LT_01_AT_F: cannon_ready_light - unknown animation source muzzle_hide_cannon 1:58:44 I_LT_01_AT_F: indicator_com_turret_mfd_driver - unknown animation source obsturret 1:58:44 I_LT_01_AT_F: indicator_com_turret_mfd_gunner - unknown animation source obsturret 1:58:44 unable to connect anim. source "Hit" to hitpoint "HitComTurret" in I_LT_01_AT_F 1:58:44 Error in expression <(ammo1+ammo2)> 1:58:44 Error position: <ammo1+ammo2)> 1:58:44 Error Undefined variable in expression: ammo1 1:58:44 unable to compile MFD condition '(ammo1+ammo2)' 1:58:44 Warning: Convex component representing Track_L not found RC 1.82.144574
  14. fn_Quiksilver

    Tanks - Damage improvements

    KotH players want bang-for-buck shooting. if they hit a tank they will want some benefit, or there will be cries and complaints of “i shot him 6 times but he shot me once and i dead”
  15. are you executing this in the init field of the uav itself or some "logic"? if (local this) then { 0 = [[this],{player disableUAVConnectability [_this select 0,TRUE];}] remoteExec ['call',-2,this]; };
  16. if (local uav_1) then { 0 = [[uav_1],{player disableUAVConnectability [_this select 0,TRUE];}] remoteExec ['call',-2,uav_1]; };
  17. replace <UAV> with the var name of the object, or “this” if its in the uavs init
  18. wherever the uav is spawned
  19. [[<UAV>],{player disableUAVConnectability [_this select 0,TRUE];}] remoteExec ['call',-2,<UAV>];
  20. fn_Quiksilver

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    thank you BIS minions, these issues appear to be fixed in the latest RC build ( 1.82.144574 )
  21. fn_Quiksilver

    Mission Making Discord

    im not a moderator or a backseat moderator, so you wont find me telling you what you can or cant do here ;) the official arma discord is filled with modders and community members discussing things. i just wasnt sure if you were aware there is already a mission making channel. though from what i remember it was filled with the same 10 trolls in there correcting one another and getting nothing done and no missions made! heres an invite link: https://discordapp.com/invite/0aWSevYPq5WJTWRK
  22. fn_Quiksilver

    Mission Making Discord

    there should be a mission making channel on the official arma discord, though it never got much use by mission makers
  23. fn_Quiksilver

    Tanks - Damage improvements

    The main point is that the destruction of nearby vehicles probably should not be killing the crew in the tank while doing no damage to the tank itself, at least in ArmA. At the moment you can be killed by 40mm due to the splash damage