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Everything posted by seamusgod

  1. seamusgod

    Movement speed tweaking

    crouched weaponless movement needs the hands to be lower and back, so it doesn't look like he's a kiddie poacher with his hands fiddling air in front of him. also, some of the stance transitions seem a bit quick, it's like one of those stop motion videos where it's missing frames. rotating character still has lack of leg movement. when you're in weapon ready and you move your aim just a little, maybe 20 degrees, your leg should move a bit more, not just drag on the ground lightly. problems is mitigated by freeaim, but freeaim is either abandon ware or very very early wip.
  2. seamusgod

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    to me, this would be the type of suggestion bis jumps on, so the fact that they aren't too enthusiastic about it(actually they're flat out ignoring it) tells me one thing. well, it was a good effort nord. i guess the focus now should be to make a noise texture that looks good for a variety of terrain types?
  3. seamusgod

    Fertilizer Plant explodes in Texas, many injured!

    a reminder that any one of us can be wiped from the face on the earth for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. imagine if you were in a car just driving past one of those fertilizer tanks on your way somewhere.
  4. seamusgod

    Boston Marathon: 2 bombs blow up near finish line

    oh the irony. ridiculing others for supposedly jumping to conclusions while classifying this as a "racism" case based on thin air.
  5. seamusgod

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    that show sounds stupid already, it would take more effort to build a black powder musket instead of a modern weapon. does it include a time travel subplot?
  6. thecapulet thinks dynamic light has something to do with casting shadows. another victim of valve's forceful marketing techniques, making everyone think that the dynamic shadow casting in their source engine is the only true representation of "dynamic lighting"
  7. seamusgod

    Shooting around corners

    then you showed up for the wrong reasons. what happens when bis decides they don't want to cater to the people who came in from steam and never played a second of either ofp or arma? clearly, moddability and sandbox are not enough to keep the call of duty and bf players interested. they want this game to sacrifice realism and everything that makes it special, and be more like a more tacticool, milquetoast version of those other games. your signature is a perfect encapsulation of this mindset. guess what? i'm glad they slowed down the movement speed.
  8. i like the iranian officer model, no future soldier crap on him i assume?(can't see the back), will be cool to change the texture a little, add a helmet and a vest and replace the regular iranian infantry.
  9. very unlikely. would probably be more realistic to have the mod focused around anti piracy and smuggling operations in the south china sea.
  10. seamusgod

    SweetFX in Arma 3

    since the texture and angle are different, i don't see how that can be an accurate comparison. from what i can tell, sweetfx makes it look more like dusk, while the original(presumably taken using same weather and time setting), looks more like dawn.
  11. seamusgod

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    arma 3 at least has the best thermal visuals
  12. seamusgod

    Post Apocalyptic Units

    are people just going to bestow praise on any and all user created content? there are some serious problems with this model. the square shoulder area for example. it looks he's wearing a cardboard box underneath the robe. wish people would provide actual feedback instead of just glancing over things and screaming "omg best mod evar". you think you're helping modders improve their craft that way? back on topic: there is a lack of slack on the lower back area, unless there's a belt, it shouldn't be that tight. the shoulder bag straps look like it's floating, it should be more flush against the shoulder area. at the bottom of the robe, you might want to add some weigh to the shin so it doesn't jab out like that and looks more natural draped down over the knee. overall, add more undulations to the general shape of the robe. right now there's a lot of straight edges and lines.
  13. seamusgod

    WIP British Infantry

    nice. the arma 2 era models still look pretty good with the new animations.
  14. lmao speed runs is for crap like call of duty
  15. seamusgod

    Ladder Animation and Sound

    actually, the game only has one type of ladder, it just missing the part of the animation where the player moves off, so it ends up looking like he's climbing air.
  16. seamusgod

    SO DayZ gets an ACRE in game but ARMA3 doesnt?

    that last comment makes no sense. selling out to the casuals isn't going to stop people from complaining. unless you're suggesting they're doing this to spite the complainers. besides, people with low standards aren't hard to please. i'd think a company like bis would have more pride in their work than to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
  17. seamusgod

    Shooting around corners

    jumping has extremely low utility in and out of combat, contrary to the false perception created by counter strike, quake, doom, etc. if climbing was a feature back in those days, you can bet no one would give two craps about jumping features now. but since an entire generation has been brainwashed into thinking that that's the optimal method of getting on top or over something in a game, it's become accepted. climbing is plain superior, more congruent, and far more realistic than jumping. it's also harder to implement, which is why the far easier alternative of jumping has survived so long. jumping is a game construct, it never has and never will be a simulacrum of how humans actually move in real life. and i made a mistake earlier, there is no such thing as a "realistic" jump feature. it makes about as much sense as putting the word realistic in front of dual wield. another thing you can do in real life, also occured in combat(read about jason mike's exploits), want it in the game yet?
  18. seamusgod

    Better animations?

    the one where you can aim around with your weapon while in prone and your body reacts realistically. currently you can aim in a rough general direction in prone-lean, if you want to turn around, you will have to spin your body unrealistically, with the system in max payne 3, when you go prone, you're basically stationary, but you can move your upper body around freely. i think combined with the wiggle system in arma 3, it would be very useful, but difficult to implement.
  19. seamusgod

    Better animations?

    for the prone animation, do you think a system like max payne 3 would be good? or would that be too difficult to do on bis's budget or perhaps even be viewed as too arcade?
  20. seamusgod

    Shooting around corners

    i'm just responding in kind. if i was replying to a guy who finished highschool, i would have certainly left out the vitriol.
  21. seamusgod

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    i'm pretty sure being reduced to a screaming mess behind barely adequate cover on the downward slope of a hill facing enemy fire was not the result of carefully calculated decisions. the point isn't that i'd have done better than the guy in the video, it's that people do not make the best decisions when under fire and that is the result of real physiological response to stress that should be modeled.
  22. seamusgod

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    actually, yes. since i'm not under fire or stress and can make logical analytic decisions.
  23. seamusgod

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    regarding the video of the soldier being suppressed by taliban machinegun fire. it actually looked like he lost his will, gave up and stood there for a second waiting for be killed. i think that's actually a powerful argument for why suppression should be modeled. the fact that his movement was very lethargic also indicates that he was in a state of severe stress. i don't know why some of you thought he kept his wits, it looked like he was pushing himself through a panic attack the entire time and making some terrible mistakes due to stress, failing to find cover, tumbling around, etc.
  24. seamusgod

    Wizz !

    heh i thought this was a urination simulator mod at first.
  25. no thanks. doesn't sound anything like a real operation. why would they bomb the base with a satchel when they can sit on a hill somewhere, never alerting the enemy, and lase it for a jdam strike?