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Everything posted by killzone_kid

  1. killzone_kid

    CfgSFX & Sounds

    could you link to the source, it is nonsense of course, so it needs to be edited on wiki if true
  2. killzone_kid

    DEV crashing on enter to garage

    Feedback tracker please https://feedback.bistudio.com/
  3. killzone_kid

    Script Radio online?

    possible via client extension https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/callExtension
  4. killzone_kid

    DEV crashing on enter to garage

    Thanks, but without crash dump files this is not helpful
  5. killzone_kid

    DEV crashing on enter to garage

    I have win7 and all works fine, just checked. You will need to attach crash files.
  6. killzone_kid

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    There are lots of commands to play with https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Command_Group:_Stamina_System also it could be different from mod to mod as these things are configurable
  7. killzone_kid

    DEV crashing on enter to garage

    Could you describe exact steps that lead to the crash?
  8. You can think of weight units as ounces. Then it may start making sense, but in truth these units are just some hypothetical units of weight
  9. killzone_kid

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    there will be another persistent namespace attached to mission and soldier profile
  10. killzone_kid

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    what’s preloaded map and active animations in menu?
  11. killzone_kid

    sunOrMoon not working

    You mean it is broken on arma3diag.exe? In any case I need precise date (date command) to repro. Your original claim was that it was never 0, is this still the case, can you jump in the middle of the night on any build and it will be 1?
  12. killzone_kid

    sunOrMoon not working

    Works for me, could you describe exact repro steps?
  13. killzone_kid

    Keep createDisplay open

    displayAddEventHandler ["keydown" .....] override escape key https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/User_Interface_Event_Handlers#onKeyDown
  14. killzone_kid

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Then it must be the driver. I have ps4 controller that hasnt got suitable scheme so I map it directly and all triggers work fine with default driver provided by windows. Anyway, back to the original question, the command is only relevant when one uses controller scheme.
  15. killzone_kid

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    There is xbox controller scheme in controller configuration, when activated you can see xbox controller button images on buttons in UI, did you activate the scheme?
  16. killzone_kid

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    It is a getter, it will return status of given input thats all. Also, first time I hear that right trigger cannot fire, we are taking right bottom trigger, right?
  17. killzone_kid

    can't delete sideEmpty

    there is no point combining 4 arrays it will be more expensive than run command 4 times on each of the arrays
  18. you make a loop to iterate over interpolation result and draw many lines from point to point, you can set step as you wish for smoothness
  19. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/bezierInterpolation Literally 1st result in google for "bezier interpolation arma 3"
  20. there is https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/connectToServer you could try
  21. killzone_kid

    Help with car noise

    you can turn the engine off, use custom loop for engine noise.
  22. killzone_kid

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

  23. killzone_kid

    Low volume problem

    or simply sound[] = {sounds\planningAttack.ogg,2,1}