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Everything posted by novemberist

  1. novemberist

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Don't know if this is technically possible, but wouldn't it make sense to disable the DLC lock alltogether until release? 1) All of us who already own the DLC could actually provide valuable feedback on the new helos and their full functionality (which is the whole point of releasing it on dev branch prior to release, right?) 2) Those who don't own it yet could get a few days of testing the new assets for free, which might help them to decide whether it's worth purchasing the DLC for them or not. Just a thought. btw. has anyone been able to get into the load master seat of Taru yet? Is there any special action that the load master can take, like releasing the pods?
  2. novemberist

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    Very nice! However, normal cargo seats (co-driver, ifrit back seats etc.) are now broken when remote controlling a unit in ZGM, where you can't move your head anymore (haven't been able to test whether this only affects Zeus or also happens in normal missions)
  3. novemberist

    Arma 3 wound system is ridiculous

    no, look for the appropriate thread and contribute constructive criticism there instead of spamming the forum with yet another useless thread about topics that have already been discussed over and over again elsewhere. you didn't even provide any base for discussion here...no questions, no suggestions...what do you want? a pat on the back?
  4. novemberist

    Arma 3 wound system is ridiculous

    And after more than 1 year since Arma3's release, you think this hasn't already been discussed back and forth in about 20 other threads?
  5. novemberist

    GTX660 any good?

    Certainly not, on high-very high settings you should be able to play Arma 3 without stuttering (mind you, in multiplayer bad fps and lags are not uncommon even with current high end rigs). So if you experience these issues in SP, there surely must be some other cause. Arma3 is very heavy on the CPU rather than the GPU generally speaking, but since you have an i7, this shoudln't be a problem either... I have a 750 Ti, which is not considerably better than your card and it makes Arma 3 run pretty well.
  6. whatever. apparaently you have more insight of russian troop movements than most other observers in this world, including the ukrainians. but i agree, there is no need for such remarks in this place, so let's just keep this kind of discussion out of this thread entirely.
  7. Wow, this looks ridiculously good, I have to say. As others have stated already, the overall level of detail and the vegetation look great and very natural. I have not realized any performance issues so far, although the area is of course pretty small as of right now. Really looking forward to this one. Keep up the good work!
  8. novemberist

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I know and I appreciate that but I don't know how telling us what new helicopters will be in the game ahead of the release would be "promising the moon" since by now they should know what kind of assets will be in the DLC and have the models finished, right? The DLC is already being sold for a couple of months, so at least some bits of information (also regarding the exact release date, again...if it's in September, they should know when?) would be much appreciated...
  9. novemberist

    would you still buy any BI product ?

    Almost 1000 hours of Arma 3 for ~25 bucks was really good value for money, I have to say. However, I've decided to only buy software anymore that supports my main platform, which would be Linux. So unless BI decide to make their future products (and possibly new engine) available for Linux too, I will have to pass next time, since I basically have a whole OS installed on my computer just to play Arma and once i'm done playing Arma 3, it will go away for ever.
  10. novemberist

    Development Blog & Reveals

    So, we're halfway through September, the month that the Helicopters DLC is supposed to be released, now and all we got so far in terms of new assets is a blurry screenshot of the back of what looks like a modernized Chinook. Okay, we know there will be sling loading, the new flight model and possibly shooting from vehicles, but the real seller will surely be the new helos (since we basically get all the other features for free) I wonder why Bohemia doesn't tease us more and doesn't really promote the DLC at all...with the release imminent (and no official statement so far hinting otherwise) shouldn't they start to give us a list of the new assets and at least some screenshots to generate sales? I know they are busy, but I don't really get this policy of BI being so quiet.
  11. novemberist

    How to use steam content from other users?

    I don't think this is the right place to confess piracy of Arma 3 to be honest, even if you really own the game. Why do you expect a cracked version (that has potentially been stripped of any steamworks components) to compatible with steam anyways? I also don't think BI send out stuff to people personally. You might be able to copy the content of your friends already downloaded game to your steam folder and somehow make steam recognize the data, though. I don't think it's impossible at all. The data that is inside ..SteamApps\common\... is basically the same on every installation and doesn't contain any account specific stuff, so if you can make Steam recognize it as the data of the copy of Arma3 linked to your account, it might actually work. I have also copied Arma3 to another computer of mine before and had steam recognize the data even though it was downloaded on another pc.
  12. this and underground structures is what arma 3 is missing the most in terms of terrain. i doubt we will see any work on this soon since Altis and Stratis are pretty much finished (I guess?) and they probably won't put a lot of effort into making unofficial maps compatible. But once there will be a new official terrain at some point, I really hope it will have more variety in this regard...
  13. novemberist

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Couple of Zeus related feedback regarding sling loading: 1. Unhooking the load as a remotely controlled pilot in the official ZGM missions (multiplayer) still crashes the game immeditately. 2. Dragging a unit on a helicopter to sling load it is nice, but can we still get a normal waypoint for AI pilots, that doesn't require Zeus intervention? (don't want to do immersion breaking Zeus magic in front of players all the time) 3. Dragging a unit onto a helicopter that is still on the ground causes the unit to be below the ground not Zeus related: 4. AI pilots have no sense of how high they are flying with their load and will regularily hit trees etc. and crash...
  14. novemberist

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Nice work! However, in Zeus GM the game crashes every time I unhook the load. Also, will there be a possibility to give a "Sling Load" waypoint to the AI as Zeus, so they try to lift the cargo automatically at some point? For people flying in 1st person it would also be nice to have an indicator how far the cargo is from the ground in the Assisant window.
  15. novemberist

    Fatigue indicator poll

    I should really sue Apple. This is blatant :cool:
  16. novemberist

    Fatigue indicator poll

    Well a lot of people do play this for immersion and would actually prefer having all GUI elements removed (i.e. check your magazine manually instead of having an indicator) But thinking about it again, it's 2035 so why not go for a more elaborate solution (that would admittedly also require some work): The wristwatch that afaik hardly anyone ever uses, could be updated into a modern monitoring device for your bodily functions (and others) and include various indicators like pulse, blood pressure, distance walked, walking speed etc. thus replacing the need for any other GUI elements regarding health and fatigue levels. And you would be able to toggle it. And it would look more badass than a simple bar on your screen. Just a thought, though.
  17. novemberist

    New update, new disaster!

    Anyways, nr. 1 priority right now should be fixing all the desync / battleeye / lag / fps issues people are having right now. it's almost impossible to play Arma 3 on multiplayer lately due to constant horrible desyncs and people getting kicked off the server by battleeye. overall performance, i'm afraid, will never really improve...but at least make it work the way it used to, please...
  18. novemberist

    Fatigue indicator poll

    Well, I can't really say that I feel emtying a single mag affects the fatigue that much. I mean it's pretty clear: you carry more stuff, you get fatigued more quickly. you carry less, you can sprint a little longer. what's so confusing about that? just don't worry about the nuances so much and rather develop a general feel for it. (if you play AT/AA soldier or Autorifleman you generally know you are carrying more weight and need to be a little more cautious) and develop a habit of jogging (rather than sprinting) with your weapon lowered when not in battle. keep sprinting to a minimum and time it well (no matter the loadout) that way you will in most cases not have any issues with fatigue at all.
  19. novemberist

    Zeus Feature Request Thread

    Also, we should be able to select the AI we want to control from the list on the left side and not only directly on the map. I don't even know how to control a specific unit within a helicopter or vehicle, since i can only place the "remote control" module over the vehicle itself (which defaults to selecting the driver/pilot)
  20. novemberist

    Fatigue indicator poll

    As I said earlier, there is (among others) a fatigue indicator in the Virtual Armory "Try" session. So why not train it there until you get a feeling for it? It's not like it behaves totally random and different every time you play.
  21. novemberist

    A few questions about Zeus

    2. if you just want to have everything available to players, it shouldn't be much more than a few clicks 1. I think this is intended behaviour, since Zeus should not be able to interfere with players directly (though it might be possible, like with the punishment modules) which is also the reason why 3. it is afaik not possible to move or teleport players as Zeus. tbh...isn't it more immersive anyways to transport them to their AO?
  22. novemberist

    A few questions about Zeus

    1. I think each unit should have an init field when you click on it (not sure if human players do though) Maybe you have to enable Zeus god mode and debug console for it to work. 2. You have to set the number of all items in the box to infinity to have it appear as a Virtual Arsenal, as far as i know 3. You mean the respawn module? You should be able to place as many of them as you want anywhere...or do i misunderstand what you are trying to do?
  23. novemberist

    Fatigue indicator poll

    I'd say by now most regular Arma 3 players will already have found out what stances and walking styles cause more or less fatigue. actually i think it's pretty logical also and not at all surprising. but i agree that there should be some sort of hint for new players, but maybe a regular pop-up hint would do...no need for a permanent indicator imho. btw. if you just want to learn the differences that certain loadouts and stances cause, you can still use the virtual arsenal and try it out there, since you get all the indicators you need
  24. novemberist

    What would you like to see worked on next in ArmA 3?

    Damage model of all vehicles needs to be improved and occurence of explosions be greatly reduced. I really can't bear this anymore!
  25. Currently, there is no mod that I couldn't do without. I only play occasional ZGM sessions on public servers these days, so mods are not really required for my playing experience.