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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. Mooney, I think what you want to do is set a small TAOR at your base and set BLUFOR as an occupation for that TAOR. That way they will spawn in there for you. You can set overrides for a certain amount of BLUFOR to spawn there if you like. Then, set your Military logistics with a level of reinforcements for BLUFOR that you are comfortable with. You can use the Combat support tablet to call in reinforcements from that pool, to garrison those areas that you have cleared out as players. So, as you move across the map clearing areas, you call in troops via Airdrop or Helicopter to hang out in those towns and provide deterrence from Asym OPFOR from retaking those areas. In Asymmetric mode, the OPFOR will start with a small amount of forces in their TAORs (or whole map, if you set no TAORs - remember to blacklist your home base from OPFOR or they will spawn there). That is basically what I did in my Asym campaign before it broke out into open warfare when AIF forces managed to punch through a cordon of local BluFor my JSOC team was advising. Good Luck!
  2. Shay, any update on a release for MCC? Looking at getting a new MCC mission put together on the Diyala map and I'd rather be using the new MCC release.
  3. ski2060

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Won't Diyala need to be Indexed and included in an ALiVE patch for it to work, though? I am looking at Diyala myself and have resigned myself to doing a Zeus/MCC sandbox in the meantime. Accuracy does good work :D
  4. Arrrggg.. This map cannot come fast enough. I am looking for a large, European map for use with Alive. There are really not enough mainland Euro maps to go with A3. Everything is a damn Island. :( I am really looking for something that could be used for Belarus, Ukraine, something along the border with Russia. Hopefully this fits the bill :D
  5. ski2060

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    Phenomenal map! It looks like it will be great for small unit actions and Insurgency style missions. I am really looking forward to it being ALiVE compatible. Until then I think some MCC/Zeus missions are in order for my unit :)
  6. ski2060

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    You need to use the Audio Patch for CAF_aggressors. It's on Armaholic as a Mod of it's own, or, I believe you can load it into the main CAF_AG addons folder.
  7. Stunning map. Look forward to it's release, as it seems like it would be a great European theater map. Any ETA?
  8. So, do you plan do update via Steam Workshop any time soon? I think I see r19 linked in the first post, but if I update and start working I'd like my unit to be able to get it easily.
  9. Hmmm... so will INTEL off dead OpFor work with an Invasion parameter for OpFor OpCOm? Or is that only for Asymmetrical commanders? I guess I'll update the server and see :D
  10. Very interesting. Passing that on to my unit mates to see if they want to test it out some. Looks promising, to say the least.
  11. Nice to see this mod is progressing. I'd like to at least check it out and see if my unit could use it. We happen to use ACE3 extensively though, and it looks like this might not be integrated? If anyone is using this with ACE, can it at least run alongside ACE interaction?
  12. Woot! Can't wait to see the new update. I've been playing around with ALiVE for a while, and MCC has been set aside waiting for a new patch. I look forward to testing some of this new stuff out.
  13. O/T : Pookie, do you have any plans for additional faction pack crossovers with your mod? My unit uses RHS for the most part, and some of the guys refuse to use CUP. I want to use your SAM/AA pack to bring some threat to our stick jockeys, and give ground pounders some legitimate targets that have to be knocked out if they want uncontested CAS. I am totally not averse to using your pack with CUP and just telling some of the guys tough titty, but seeing your stuff expanded to other factions or complete mod packs (like RHS) would be great for the larger community I think. I dunno if that is something that is prohibited by license, or just too much work. On Topic: IceBreaker, your stuff looks amazing. I can't wait to see this map fleshed out more.
  14. Oh, has anyone bothered to index Esseker for ALiVE? I would LOVE to use that map for an upcoming campaign, but I'm not proficient enough to use the new Indexing stuff to do it myself.
  15. Signing in as an Admin should give you those functions regardless of you having an Item on you. I use the alive_tablet, and make sure to have a Combat Support Tablet for when I'm using in game debug from those options.
  16. I'll have to check again, but last night after the BattleEye update I and others in my unit have been getting kicked from my rented dedi server running an Alive mission. I am going to assume it is yet again BE screwing up something. I hope it's fixed asafp.
  17. JFC... Come on BIS! I JUST got my friggin server up and running ALiVE recently for my unit, and I'm still tweaking it to get it where I want the mission. I hope the great ALiVE devs are able to find a fix and/or workaround before the RC is released to GA and completely breaks things again. Shit. I had just managed to get my guys interested in Alive and a persistent game mode...
  18. Is the new Armaholic download the same as the current Steam version? The Steam version is showing as 1.01xxx still in the readme, but it shows to have been released on the 24th/25th which is when I last updated it.
  19. So, Friznit. Might it be possible for you guys to work up a way to have the Admin Save and Exit for persistence automatic on a server reset cycle? I am only asking because I am currently getting HUGE RPT files and would like to cut down on the size of these, as well as help cut down on server performance issues do to normal Arma 3 memory leaks and such. I know, I can turn off RPT's, but then I wouldn't be able to get info about crashes and mod problems. Thanks and keep up the good work.
  20. ski2060

    Ambush setup?

    Has anyone found a way to set up an Ambush by OpFor upon say, a BluFor convoy utilizing Eden only, with no scripting? I have a unit mate that isn't so hot at scripting, and is trying to learn Eden. He would like to put together a simple Convoy ambush for training purposes and wanted to know if this is possible in Eden. Thanks for any help!
  21. ski2060

    Ambush setup?

    Awesome! I'll pass that along to my friend. Thanks for the reply, double thanks for a video!
  22. It sounds silly, but have you put down respawn_ points for either side? If you have no respawn_ points you will not be able to spawn into the mission.
  23. Yay! Looking forward to testing out the full update release later tonight and tomorrow. Server issues appear to be gone, as I ran mine for about 60 hours with no freezing. We ha 6 men on in a nasty fight clearing an Insurgent town with multiple CAS runs, reinforcements, roadblocks, IED's and Civ interaction finding suicide vests. Great work, Gents!
  24. Massi, do you have any plans for an update to the ACE3 optional PBO to fix the issue noted below? My unit uses ACE3 and i am testing the USSOCOM uniforms and weapons pack for inclusion, and the ballistics issue is a no-go for us. I will be working to get them to try the uniforms/vests/etc from the Uni pack though. Thanks!
  25. Need some SAM's to spice that up ;) Got this up and running on a server for some of my unit guys that wanted to try it out. Currently it's running Camp Hunter and I have to say it's a bitch. Getting killed in single shots without ever seeing any enemies. I think we're going to need to do some searching at night so we can sneak around easier.