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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Sorry man, sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees. I think my pilots shall be in some trouble soonish :D
  2. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Awesome update Pookie! So, with the removal of CUP factions as mandatory with RHS etc as variants... does that mean SAM PACK dependencies are only CUP Vehicles and Weapons now? Or are dependencies only CUP Vehicles?
  3. Considering it's left click and drag for the yellow map indicator.. maybe that's the problem?
  4. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Unfortunately I believe RHS completely changes some underlying damage models. Lots of people have issues running RHS vehicles/weapons against other mods or Vanilla damage models. There are several mods out there to help normalize damage and armor models between RHS and other Mods. RuPals armor fix is one http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29900 Also the Real Armor mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24451 You might be able to look at those and find something?
  5. You just all need to get yourselves ready for the jump with the right equipment and do your pre-flight check. Then when ready to go, all click on the JumpMaster to do your jump at the same time. I've tested it with up to 6 people, and we've been able to do the jump simultaneously.
  6. ski2060

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Are you planning on updating the newest version to Steam?
  7. Any chance you can work up some vehicle groups for Syndikat for next patch? Right now using them as a faction is semi-pointless if they have no vehicles available for their use at all.
  8. Can't wait! This opens up all kinds of possible hilarious shenanigans!
  9. ski2060

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    I can't wait to see the official version of Antistasi made for Tanoa. I have run across an edit running Tanoa, but having one made by you would be nice.
  10. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    So, is anyone else noticing a wight problem with the M107? Unit mates are saying that the RHS M107 is showing as .2 LB in game for them. It should be upwards of 30 pounds or so.
  11. Steam, why hast thou forsaken me!! Damn Steam isn't updated yet :( Looking forward to this update so I can begin work on a Tanoa based campaign.
  12. ski2060

    Lightweight PLA mod?

    I'd love to see the VME stuff in Alive also, but you'd have to work up something for vehicles, either combining CUP or RHS for now. And Pook SAMS with them? Damn... if only there was a RHS version of SAMS. My unit are mostly texture snobs and stay away from CUP :(
  13. Thanks. I have it now. Hadn't subbed to the STEAM version yet, we've just been using the manual install version forever. While you are here, do you have any content updates planned for TFAR or will it only be maintenance updates for a while?
  14. By deployed you mean set for download somewhere or on GitHub for testing?
  15. So, I've been trying to test out all of the VQI mods in a simple test mission on Altis, just the VQI mods to check for spawning, Opcenter, HALO etc issues. When doing a HALO, I've noticed that my HellJumper Altimeter watch appears to be broken when in a dedi server environment. The altitude will only show at the level it currently is when I press my show watch keybind. When testing the mission and self hosting, the altimeter functions normally, showing a constant change in altitude while it is on screen (default 20 second setting). Is anyone else noticing the Altimeter being broken at the current time?
  16. So, one of the map/mission builders in my unit was wondering if the new Tanoa EDEN assets are available in the base 1.62 patch if you do NOT own APEX? We have some members that might not own APEX for a little while, and were wondering if we can use APEX assets on older maps? Basically, will someone that does not own APEX have issues on older maps that have APEX items added?
  17. ski2060

    Tanoa Assets included in 1.62 patch?

    I was at work all day trying to get this answered for someone else. Looks like the person without APEX does have access to the new assets in EDEN. I guess we'll find out when we start adding some stuff to old maps :D
  18. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is it only in the RHS Blackhawk? I noticed while flying in the new Blackfish last night that the Pilots helmet distorted my vision just a bit when I was on the ground, maybe a little bit while in the craft in the air.
  19. ForcePool Counter? I didn't see anything about that... I assume it does what it sounds like? Shows the current numbers for each force to see the current enemy and friendly numbers?
  20. Thanks for the info. Would you happen to have the Syndikat faction name for spawning in Alive? I can sub them for now in a Tanoa mission pretty easily.
  21. Is the RHS GREF faction working for ALIVE at this point in time? This looks like a great patch. I've been waiting for Tanoa and several of the other maps that are now indexed. Great work ALiVE team!
  22. That was a BIS bug. They have supposedly fixed that with the 1.62 update.
  23. ski2060

    Seus issue/bug

    Today, after the 1.56 hotfix / Dedicated Server hotfix we are having weird issues. After the client hotfix, we could access Zeus no problem. Today after the 1.56 server hotfix, we cannot enter into Zeus status from a dedicated Zeus slot without respawning first. After that, it appears to function fine. TL;DR, Have to respawn once in server in order to access Zeus slots. EDIT: damn topic title... Zeus issue/bug ... grrr...
  24. Another question regarding factions. I suck at any kind of scripting, modules are more my thing with minimal init scripted files and such. My scripting buddy noticed you put some code in for spawning units after mission generation... how exactly would he go about doing that to mesh with the hard coded factions in the SOCOM module?
  25. Thanks for the insight. My unit usually uses Respawn because we tend to do Zeus or MCC capable ops and have role-players running as HVTs or Intel assets, or sometimes just plot twists. We also tend to run our stuff in a campaign style series of missions instead of just one off. Hmm, I'll see what they think about no-respawn missions, but with up to 16 guys on playing that would get very boring very fast for any casualties. We're very mod heavy, including ACE Advanced Medical with potential one shot kills due to headshots or large caliber weapons. I am assuming I could put together a small base camp somewhere, include the different laptops there that allow Sub or HALO insertion and use those for reinforcements?