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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. I'm at work now, but I'll try to get my VQI testing map up tonight and see if mine is doing the same thing after the latest patch. What is your mod list, if I may ask? and how are your Modules set up? Also, Single player? Or Coop hosted?
  2. DirtySanchez, Like Private Evans above, I was interested in support for the map Beketov. I loaded it up along with OCP and ran the debug script provided. It returned the following in my RPT. I'd love to see Beketov added to the list of maps this is usable on. 23:27:11 """Beketov""" 23:27:11 "[[""Land_HouseV_1L2"",372],[""Land_HouseV_1t"",222],[""Land_HouseV_2I"",225],[""Land_HouseV_2L"",2],[""Land_HouseV_2T1"",204],[""Land_HouseV_2T2"",200],[""Land_HouseV_3I1"",218],[""Land_HouseV_3I2"",214],[""Land_HouseV_3I3"",624],[""Land_HouseV_3I4"",198],[""Land_a_stationhouse"",3],[""Land_SS_hangar"",13],[""Land_Mil_House"",0],[""Land_Mil_Barracks"",0],[""Land_Mil_ControlTower"",0],[""Land_Mil_Guardhouse"",0],[""Land_Mil_Barracks_L"",0]]"
  3. I think you just need to have the server key set on your server, place mission modules, but not run TFAR on the server. My unit has TFAR set like this on our public Zeus server I believe, to let people join without TFAR. I'll see if I can get the exact setup from the guys.
  4. OK.. something is getting lost in translation. I read this "The ones I posted are armed but not disarmable, which might be important if you like living" and get: " These IEDs are armed, but cannot be disarmed, which is good if you want to stay alive in a mission while trying to disarm them, or walking by". Why would an armed IED that cannot be disabled be good for players? I would think that having armed IEDs that CAN be disarmed by an EOD or Engineer would be preferable, so that your team can get rid of the IED? Anyway, thanks to Tupolev for posting the other classnames for Disarmable IEDs.
  5. So, having IEDs that cannot be disarmed is a good thing if you want to stay alive? How so? I think I'm just missing something here.
  6. Did you mean armed BUT Disarmable? Because NOT disarmable makes for frustrated EOD techs...
  7. Reporting a bug I wouldn't consider as spam. My unit is having the same issue. We're running a bunch of other mods, but I'll see if we can get some minimal mods testing to verify this is happening without our usual stuff.
  8. I haven't used LEAP standalone, so I don't know if that might be an issue. I have been using it with CORE to generate the offsite location, or placing the new Site and spawning in there. From there, we suit up, use the JumpMaster, and teleport up to the plane for our jump.
  9. You need to put the MPA-02 bottle inside the rebreather. When you teleport to the plane, use the Shift+L menu, scroll down to turn on Gas. You should get a confirmation. The altimeter will work in Editor, maybe single player or LAN. But on MP server, it's semi-broken. It will read the current level. I use the wrist mounted Altimeter, and just use the Watch keybind to bring it up. You do have all the appropriate modules down, correct?
  10. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Good to know the Zeus placed site spawners should work just as well. I haven't had the opportunity to fully test them because my pilots are a bunch of cry-babies ;) I'll try to wrangle some guys into testing this weekend if possible.
  11. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    F'd Up Directions? Dunno. Also, yes, in the editor you will show a single soldier that is the site spawner. The actual Site vehicles, radars, troops and revetments are spawned in via scripts after the mission INIT. Site assets will spawn within a 200 meter radius of the spawner. Make sure to place in an area that has a lot of clearance. You can also spawn a site via Zeus (but I am pretty sure the special AI doesn't work on Zeus spawned assets- even sites), by placing a site spawner in a live environment.
  12. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Yeah, I'm interested to see what they do with the Jets DLC. If they can incorporate some stuff approximating your work that would be great to have it in engine. I guess we'll see in 5-15 months, whenever they decide to put out Jets.
  13. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    That is definitely you. You should have Site spawners in each faction ( BLU, IND, RED) and pretty sure there are individual vehicles and launchers in those factions also.
  14. I believe you have to wait for the ASYM forces to actually go out and place those IED's after you start the mission. I haven't made an Asym mission in a while, so I am not sure if they are supposed to spawn into the mission with IEDs everywhere. I do know that if you have them enabled the EI will go out and place them.
  15. Which tasks are based on whats going on with the battlefield at the current time in mission? None, that I am aware of. They are all random missions taken from a list of different types. Defend/Attack/Seize/ etc. ALiVE is great in that you can run those tasks as stuff to spice up what's going on for players, or you can totally let players run missions all on their own. Have them scout areas, find groups of enemies, run into ambushes etc. You can set non-virtualized units and assets in EDEN if you want them to run across fixed emplacements, or just have everything be totally random.
  16. So, is this map only for use with Exile/Epoch ? Not usable for general Arma 3 play? I downloaded it, but it does not show up in the editor, even though it is loaded along with JBAD buildings. EDIT: Found the debug code in the readme. I'll try that out.
  17. ski2060

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    No clue Heroes. I haven't used his ISIS stuff in our Alive missions. We moved to doing other than ISIS a while back.
  18. ski2060

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Yeah. The mod is set up to randomize weapons and gear for infantry models to keep their ramshackle appearance and general disorganization.
  19. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Hah.. I watched that happen the other day when I was testing some stuff out. I spawned an AAF OPFOR MIM23 site, and one of the missiles actually targeted the AA soldier and fired on him.
  20. So, I had this issue pop up today when going to edit a mission I have been working on the last week or so. This mission did NOT have ACE Sitting Module placed, and was built AFTER Sitting was moved to ACEX. In the short term I just loaded up ACEX, since I have it. But it just seems weird that the error is popping up with no sitting module having been placed at all.
  21. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Any plans on addressing the weight of the M107? It shows up as one pound, or about half a kilogram in game for my unit. Newest build, consistent for everyone in the game. It makes it useless from a realism standpoint.
  22. ski2060

    ARMA 3 SAMS minus Pook?

    Are there not some SAM props in the CUP vehicles mod? I know there are static Radars in there.
  23. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Feel free to correct me @hcpookie, but from what I remember only the mission placed and maybe the Zeus placed FULL SAM/AA Sites use the enhanced scripting that is provided. This Scripting is what gives you the enhanced targeting range and behavior for the launchers and radars. Single placed units do NOT get the enhanced scripting, whether they are synced to a radar unit or not. Anything placed individually follows the normal Arma 3 targeting procedures (like 2KM or less).
  24. I finally had a chance to throw something together last night. I tried both the old and new TOC's (placing the new one way out in the ocean) and things seemed to work OK. I did have issues with sub infil from the old TOC, but that might have been because I was trying it on Lingor 3.66, which has shallow water all over. Issue I noticed with the new TOC: Couple AI spawning in the floor. Not a big deal, and can probably be fixed by placing the TOC on land instead of over water by users. I didn't have a lot of time to test last night, so I'll try to do some more today. Thanks for all the hard work!