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Everything posted by serjames

  1. serjames

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Weapon sounds not playing for other people is normally down to miss-aligned mods I.e. You or your fellow players are not runnin the same mods. They overwrite configs incorrectly. Make sure bisigns are required by the server and all should be well :-)
  2. I've not been motivated to play for some time due to this issue. Joined a unit OP on Sunday for the first time in months and boom. Crashed out with normal 3fps bug after 30-40 mins of play. For me this has been an issue since 1.60. Frustrating as the game has improved in so many other ways.
  3. Great to see this continuing to develop and I'm stoked that Jbad was included. Good to see it will he supported so to speak.
  4. serjames

    Tanoa Trains

    Wow. Impressed
  5. serjames

    EDEN - Questions

    So how do I move the camera around.. I use Arrow keys to move, not WASD - works fine for ZEUS, but doesn't seem to work in EDEN - can I set the controls somewhere ?
  6. serjames

    The Bushlurker Monument

    Really nice piece. Lovely thought.
  7. Goodson is studying at the moment... I'm sure he'll be back once he takes a break.
  8. Not possible as far as I know as the source files were lost.
  9. serjames

    AM Studios - Conversion Mod

    Just so there is no misunderstanding. Adams approached 3CB a couple of months ago when he was known as Mullen. We discussed ideas, asked Mullen what his plans were and whether a joint collaboration would be beneficial. Meeting was cordial, but it was clear that he had access to stalkers models and was basically wanting to just re-use these with our MTP texture. We tossed around the concept of joining forces, but it was clear he wasn't comfortable with our approach - not really able to bring needed skills to our group, and therefore we left it like that. I'm slightly frustrated that there seems to have been an identity change and then some statements made about how we're unwilling to work with mod teams. That's not true. We wish the AM team the best of luck, but to be clear we're unwilling to just hand over all the assets ( many of which we would not have permission to share anyway ) just to be re-released again for no obvious benefit for the community. A sensible approach would be to work on different assets. Something similar to an informal agreement we have with Byrnes. That way the community, including us :-) all benefit.
  10. serjames

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    ? I must admit I thought Zeus placed was not working ? Brilliant if it does
  11. How do we use these luts ? Is there a way to change on the fly ? Hi by the way :-)
  12. Any update on when this might get fixed to Main Branch.. ? We had a cracking mission ruined tonight by 75% of players getting FPS reduced basically to 2-3FPS rendering the entire troop combat ineffective.... :-(
  13. Are you saying we can assign multiple frequencies using a TFAR module ? Forgive the naive question it's been so long since we set it all up. Sj
  14. serjames


    I noticed tonight we had a player teleported to join his group BUT as he was already in a helicoper the entire Helicoper and ALL the other players in it were also teleported mistakenly and of course killed when the helicopter smashed into the gound where the player group was. I think that Ares blocked this somehow, could you bring it back or teleport the player from the vehcile BEFORE teleporting him to the ultimate destination. link to video showing the ensuing carnage... https://youtu.be/wegis2LooO8?t=25m32s
  15. serjames

    Raptors, Zombies and more!

    Yeah sorry this was recorded before the latest release.
  16. serjames

    Raptors, Zombies and more!

    You want screaming ? Ashamed to say... that's me screaming like a girl !
  17. And 3CB weapons also take advantage of the excellent laxemannn sounds :-)
  18. Good news on the package download. Should help those that struggled with the older install. J
  19. serjames

    Raptors, Zombies and more!

    Well done BB ! :-)
  20. Check the last month or so of dev blogs. They have released notes on the lighting on the wiki. Might help.
  21. The mission is complex with over 40 mods. Not something you want to be testing with. I will try and port it to something more simple. Bear with me
  22. Hi Dedmen, sorry just to be clear that code is already in the init.sqf... ?
  23. Hi :-) I've noticed that all our pre-configured radio frequencies have been broken with the last TFAR update. Currently our code in the Init looks like: // Task Force Radio Settings #include "\task_force_radio\functions\common.sqf"; _settingsSwWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateSwSettings; _settingsSwWest set [2, ["31.1","31.2","31.3","32.1","32.2","32.3","33.1","33.2"]]; tf_freq_west = _settingsSwWest; _settingsLrWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateLrSettings; _settingsLrWest set [2, ["31","32","33","40","50","51"]]; tf_freq_west_lr = _settingsLrWest; Could anyone kindly tell me what it should be now with the new version ? Cheers SJ