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Everything posted by oukej

  1. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Relates to disabling of automatic switching of AI into combat when in danger https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/150500-development-branch-captains-ai-log/page-5#entry2968995. There's now a way to make the AI strictly follow the waypoint behavior via the setWaypointForceBehaviour command https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/150500-development-branch-captains-ai-log/page-5#entry2916956 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24792
  2. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

  3. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    They should usually have quite a high suppression when jumping out right after taking hits. (suppression should be calculated also for crew even though it doesn't have any effect inside the vehicle (except of FFV positions)) AI doesn't care about radio items. They always have a radio and the mission designers shouldn't remove it from them ;) Sorry about that. Handling no-radio comms would be a huge task (+ solving backwards compatibility). If you need it in your mission you can simply ungroup units that don't have a radio and are far away from the leader.
  4. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    It makes sense to me that when the AI didn't see the death it will still learn about it after some delay. People in squad do communicate and should recognize when one of them goes silent.
  5. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Could you please send me a scenario where this happens?
  6. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yes, the FSM option has always been available in Arma 3. Oh, yes, you can. The Formation (behavior - aka bounding overwatch and cover routines) FSM that is currently in vanilla used uses native functions. But you can simply replace the whole Formation FSM with a scripted one :) Danger FSM is scripted even in vanilla.
  7. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    AI (soldier/vehicle) should find the path faster (when close to or on road) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16450 Disables automatic switching to combat mode, unit will respect behaviour as set by player / waypoint. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableAI
  8. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    CombatFormationSoft is now set to false by default. Player is no longer able to make some of the fellow AI take a detour with him/her just because he/she is higher in the formation. If you - as a dirty subordinate - leave your comrades and go lone-wolf the AI will still stick to the leader and will just keep a nice warm spot for you in their formation. Groups should generally move faster in combat. Happy weekend AI commanding!
  9. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

  10. Strange. We tried to fix this couple of months ago by making the AI not react on dead bodies that were killed by a script. (in relation to this FT ticket and this thread) Could you please make sure you're running the latest Arma 3 version and add some repro steps to situation where AI reacts to dead body inadequately? Thanks a lot
  11. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I'm sorry to say it's better not to expect expect scenes like this one to work safely with AI in A3. I'd say when creating a mission it's better to avoid having infantry and armor move at the same time close next to each other and avoid possible accidents.
  12. You can utilize some of the already existing ones - e.g. landing gear or hardpoints and make it just a "virtual TGP" without touching the actual model.
  13. Btw - have you tried using the pilotCamera class for TGPs? Even though some functionality is missing (stabilization, animations, lasing) it provides a simple way to have an additional sensor feed for the pilot. An example is available in the samples. You can also check a simple implementation here.
  14. Can be. It's still a compromise, a different one, a combination of two worlds. Question is whether the benefits of not having the rot. point offset when stationary (no movement when only turning, more precise positioning) outweigh the problems (more collisions when turning).
  15. It doesn't. The AI sub-skills don't change over the course of a mission. In this case the aimingAccuracy governs how quickly the AI will recover from the hit and whether it will still be able to steady aim after the injury. So e.g. AI w/ skill 0.2, prone stance, is able to steady its aim after a hit in ~4 seconds. If the damage is higher than ~0.15 it will never be able to steady the aim completely again. AI w/ skill 1.0, prone stance, is able to steady its aim after a hit in less than a second. It will never be able to steady the aim completely only if it has taken more than ~0.5 damage. And this is how injured AI looks when aiming. (AI's otherwise fully rested)
  16. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Sometimes the AI would aim left/right, there and back, in a snappy fashion, for several seconds, being stuck in the cover. This should no longer happen, the AI should look normally when engaging or tracking a target from a cover. It should also behave reasonably when entering or leaving the cover. (the visible behavior of AI in a cover is typically side-stepping and leaning). The AI still takes more time in the cover than it should (this fix does not remove their occasional reluctance to move). Please look out for potential adverse effects and bugs and report them in the AI Discussion (these could include various new problems with AI and cover positions, inability to aim at a target from the cover, etc...) Thanks a lot and a happy weekend AI hunting ;)
  17. oukej

    1.54 Fatigue is too Unrealistic

    U sure about that? :ph34r: People allocated to stamina/fatigue weren't the ones that are responsible for the AI. Nevertheless, mentioning that, one of the new stamina benefits is that AI is once again able to maintain formations without loosing members behind (outside of combat). Fyi - an adjustment of AI to the prev. fatigue wouldn't be feasible. I strongly believe the new mechanic provides stronger foundation and causes less issues.
  18. The crosshair may not always purrfectly represent the actual aimpoint. AI is not affected by camera shake at all, but there are are other systems that make the AIs aim go fubar after taking damage.
  19. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Follow-up to the 2nd entry in prev. post (AI & fire modes) WIP fix of commanding of AI vehicle crew in MP env.
  20. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    AI's Toyota War-worthiness epic feat unlocked Previously the AI would sometimes select e.g. a "manual" fire mode, which is intended for player only and is configured with values that should prevent AI from using it. The typical result was AI firing with single shots and long gaps between them. More improvements are inbound to cover other situations where this can occur. Leaders were exchanged for less handsome ones so the soldiers focus more on their targets.
  21. As a reaction to this older post and http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21189I've created a simple test scenario with slightly different behavior of the collective for digital input (linear with bigger increments). Try it out here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=532066985
  22. oukej

    AI discussion [Any Branch]

    There's been one rather important fix deployed recently regarding the AI hearing - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23345
  23. oukej

    AI discussion [Any Branch]

    c'mon, don't be secretive, how much? ;)
  24. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    So if I'm getting it right - nothing has changed in the Vanilla game, but the update may have screwed up something in GL5, right? Will try to get in contact with the author to see if we can find some more details. Thank you for the info and sharing details! Two points about the repros - I see you still use some mods - even if they are not labeled "AI", they can still alter the AI behavior a lot (by config properties of various weapons, vehicles, characters or even a different AI FSM assigned to a character class). Second - please use Youtube for sharing videos. Thanks a lot! Contrary to the popular belief breaking mods isn't our favorite pastime when doing the game updates ;). Please, keep informing us if you notice that mod has got broken just because of the game update. Of course the best approach still is to contact the author of the mod and he or she then should get in touch with us and give us more details about what exact script or functionality got altered by the update.