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Everything posted by Flying-Coyotus

  1. Flying-Coyotus

    EricJ Release thread

    I found the problem: I just have updated nvidia driver... Now it's back to normal :)
  2. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    Hi, Is there a way to replace opfor ennemies units by the CAF Aggressor or MEC ? I see that in UnitPools.sqf and init.sqf there are many factions, but how to activate one of them ? Thanks
  3. Flying-Coyotus

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Hello, yes, and the asdg_jr, both last version EDIT: I just run it with only RH mods, CBA and ASDG_JR > it works fine So there is an uncompatibility with another mod Thanks ;)
  4. Flying-Coyotus

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Hello, I noticed that if I put a ammobox "RH M4/M16 camo box" on ground in the editor, when I launch, it fails with the "no entry .modelOptics" Any idea ? Thanks
  5. Flying-Coyotus

    EricJ Release thread

    Hello, There is a bug with XM109, parts of the weapon are "flying" around it:
  6. Hello, First thanks for this F18, and complete service menu ! In the editor/preview no problem, but when it runs on Dedicated Servers, I dont have the red square, so i can't lock target. Thanks
  7. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    Thanks a lot, yes we are going to set it to 10 or 20 meters ;)
  8. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    Hello, Is there a way to spawn ennemy unit when we approach with helicopter and below 100m (for example). Actually ennemy units spawn after helicopter has landed. Thanks :)
  9. Hi, Tanks for your reply, I replace "Military Placement (Mil. Obj)" by "Military Placement (Cust. Obj": - I have no more the previous message saying "logcom is still setting up" But: - on local pc (map editor): it works with heli insertion, not air drop > stay at 'stand by' - on DS: the "player combat logistics" in ALiVE menu stays grey and unavailable No problem with Player Combat Support (Helico & arty)
  10. Hello, I didnt use Alive since many months, I noticed big changes with names, links, ... I have no more "player combat logistics", when I call reinforcement, it says that Logcom is still setting up. Any idea ? Thanks My mission test:
  11. Flying-Coyotus

    [SP] 360 Degree Training Course

    Hello, Thanks for this usefull training mission ! Is there a way to add flying ennemy helico ? I added this: player addaction [("<t color=""#559999"">" + "Add Helico Target" + "</t>"), "fnc_create_target.sqf", ["O_Heli_Light_02_F", true, false], 0, false, false]; but the helico is empty (and so on the ground). Thanks :)
  12. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    Hello, I made different test with/without mods. I noticed that's the @Alive Server mod which poses problem. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23684 So for people who use @Alive server for other missions, don't forget to disable it ;)
  13. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    Hello, I noticed too that on DS with Altis map, that MHQ_1 to MHQ_3 are renamed to "vehicle_15" 16 and 21. I checked the editor, they are correctly name to MHQ_1 to 3.
  14. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    Hello, Thanks a lot for the job! It's a great and very complete ! :) Do you know how to see all classname in the Virtual Arsenal ? It seems I dont see some weapons. :rolleyes:
  15. Flying-Coyotus

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Hello, Since last version, I have no more ammo for "M4A1 magpul green" and "Vltor SBR Tan".
  16. Hello, Is it possible to make air drop at lower altitude ? Thanks
  17. Hello, Is there full and good complete mission generator in COOP as Tac OPS or Patrol OPS ? TacOps: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22591 Patrol OPS: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168315-A3-Patrol-Operations-Official-Thread Thanks a lot :)
  18. Hello, Problems since last update from Arma 3. I have the last FSF Server, FSF launcher, and CBA... The server doesn't see players trying to connect, black screen in arma 3. An idea ? Thanks
  19. Hi, I have checked, there is a new one from August 18th, but still double menu Thanks,
  20. Hello, First, thanks for these amazings mods ! I just discovered it, and followed the different tutorials, there is a big potential ! In the editor, for the moment, no problems. On dedicated server, i have two problems: - player ressuply: unit calls doesnt join the player group (player who call, only one player for the moment) - the menu displays functions twice, see screenshot https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1159x652q90/538/EWXOd4.jpg (156 kB) Thanks a lot, Regards
  21. Hello, I have updated with last CBA Mods, it works fine now :) Thanks
  22. Hello, Today I can't connect with FSF Server, it works with TADST. An idea what happens ? Thanks
  23. Flying-Coyotus

    Chortles' LHD for Arma 3

    Hello, nice but how to get on board of the ship ? thanks
  24. Flying-Coyotus

    A-164 Wiepout sound mod

    Hello, Sounds were better before this new update :/ And now there is only full automatic fire for the gattling.
  25. Flying-Coyotus

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Hello, In dedicated server mode, still the same problem, and it's getting worse: impossible to drop ammocrates: Multiple lift even in the air: Impossible to drop ammocrates: