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Everything posted by j0nes

  1. Heres the info for addAction, it should be: (the last couple parameters can be omitted because theyre optional & default, but you've decreased the radius down to 5, so everything up until then has to be included) this addAction [ "Teleport", //Action Name { _caller setPosAtl (teleportVariableName getRelPos [5, random 360]); //Code }, nil, //Arguments 5, //priority true, //showWindow true, //hide On Use "", //shortcut "true", //condition 5 //radius ];
  2. hmmmm not sure exactly what you mean by this. Can you tell us more generally what this script is going to do? like what part of the mission its for? (e.g. A plane drops a radioactive bomb and as long as the bomb is alive, anyone in that radius takes damage)
  3. rgr, where is _proxyThis first defined, I dont see in the code above. also im not sure whats happening in the blue code: 0 = [this,"DELAY=",180,"START=",10,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger6,"INIT=","[_proxyThis,'1','SAFE','COLUMN','LIMITED','ONROAD'] execVM'scripts\UPSMON.sqf'"] ; //making an array? does this go anywhere? (group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true] spawn jebus_fnc_main; // doesnt this need a lot more arguments? or to be something like: [(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]] spawn jebus_fnc_main;
  4. j0nes

    "Quest hub" help!

    If i have to be knit picky, the LHD doesnt have catapults, use the USS Freedom from A3 instead 👓 I'll also take this chance to shamelessly plug and thank the CAP guys for continuing to update the LHD after the standalone version broke. this looks really cool! cant wait to see the full mission!
  5. Ok I have more questions. do you want to simulate a bomb blast that radiates outwards very quickly? or do you just want to increase the radius every 4 seconds? if its just every 4 seconds (untested) do this: nul = [_myObject, _attach] spawn { params ["_myObject","_attach"]; waitUntil{!alive _attach}; deletevehicle _attach; _myObject setDamage 1; [getPos _myObject]spawn { params["_center"]; _radius = 100; //end radius _inc = 25; //how much to increase the radius by each loop _delta = 4; //how much time to wait between each loop _totalLoops = ceil(_radius/_inc); for "_i" from 1 to _totalLoops do { _currRad = (_inc*_i) min _radius; _nearSoldiers = nearestObjects [_center,["man"],_currRad]; { _x setDamage 1; }forEach _nearSoldiers; sleep _delta; }; }; };
  6. if thats what the error truly says, then it looks like you just forgot the space between group and _proxyThis. but in the code you pasted above in this post you didnt? idk maybe check that first.
  7. addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", { params ["_entity"]; _validEntity = _entity isKindOf "CAManBase" || _entity in vehicles; if(!dynamicSimulationEnabled _entity && _validEntity)then { if(!isNull (group _entity))then{_entity = group _entity}; _entity enableDynamicSimulation true; }; }]; I heard "strong filter" so of course i have to try to 1up the guy with 7200 posts
  8. check out the syntax for https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setTaskState. It looks like youre not giving it the arguments it wants. in your case it would be something like _taskName taskSetState "COMPLETED"; Im not sure what you're doing with that array you're passing: [_taskName, _villageName] doesnt mean anything in this context. Also consider using https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Task_Framework. its much cleaner than the simple task stuff for most applications
  9. 2 questions, because now it sounds like youre using both the EH 'EntityCreated' && "GroupCreated" which will result in a lot of calls. 1. are you only spawning vehicles in Zeus or with another script also? 2. if the vehicles are spawned with another script, are they available to edit via Zeus after theyve spawned in?
  10. Im a little confused on what youre asking. You want to check what _myObject is every 4 seconds?
  11. couple scenarios: 1. if youre only spawning using Zeus: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#CuratorObjectPlaced 2. If youre using Zeus and another script: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Mission_Event_Handlers#EntityCreated. Although the preferred way is to just add the appropriate commands to the script itself, otherwise this has the potential to fire A LOT one thing that got me at the beginning when i was working with DS, was if youre adding it for a NON-UNIT object, you'll add it for the single object. If you add it for a UNIT, you need to enable simulation for the GROUP, not the unit itself. SO dont run it for every unit, just skip over the units who's group is already being handled.
  12. j0nes

    "Quest hub" help!

    its looking great! For testing, for the floating object animation take a look at the following functions: BIS_fnc_VRSpawnSelector BIS_fnc_BounceIn OR BounceOut OR BounceInOut creating a 'wiggle' will probably be more difficult than you'd like, it might be easier to just rotate it or something (which is shown in fnc_VRSpawnSelector). Theres probably a way to make the animation only fire when the player is looking at the unit but I cant think of a good one off the top of my head other than constantly scanning for a cursorObject.
  13. hiding objects probably wont give you the fps increase you're looking for. View distance already does that, so cranking that down is probably the simplest answer. if you want to go a little deeper with mission settings or scripting I'd recommending checking out: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Dynamic_Simulation. This is a good engine solution to most issues
  14. j0nes

    Simulation for balls

    you'd need to run the mousebuttondown code on every client if im reading it correctly. use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/remoteExec and looking at example 2 on that biki page, you could do it like this: "message" remoteExec ["hint", -2]; // sends a hint message to everybody but the server (also not hosted server)
  15. man this brings back memories. messed with this alot in A2. Couple suggestions. 1. if its not super immersion breaking, you may consider just playing the sound of a heli-crash behind a black screen. AI is generally bad at landing extremely damaged helis before fuel leaks out. and even if they do, sometimes it'll be upside-down or some other weird position, that will cause it to look very 'video-gamey' 2. If you do need the helicopter crash to be a visual thing, killing the engine entirely should be enough, this way the rotors keep turning freely so it can autorotate to the ground. Check which heli youre using, they may have multiple engines you need to kill 3. take a look at the biki for https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isTouchingGround. Depending on where your helicopter is going down, it may not be reliable enough to eject everyone when theyre on the ground, because it may never touch. It could land on top of a building or something. have fun!
  16. also, unless you need to set 'x' from outside the script, you can do this instead _myObject = this; _attach = nearestObject [_myObject, "B_Plane_CAS_01_F"]; nul = [_myObject, _attach] spawn { params ["_myObject","_attach"]; waitUntil{!alive _attach}; deletevehicle _attach; _myObject setDamage 1; };
  17. youve defined _attach outside of the spawns scope so it doesnt know what it is. needs to be passed as an argument Without testing... you might need to pass 'this' on the same way. I cant remember _attach = nearestObject [this, "B_Plane_CAS_01_F"]; x= true; nul = _attach spawn { while {x} do { sleep 1; if (!alive _this) then { deletevehicle _this; this setDamage 1; }; }; }; now any time '_this' is listed after spawn it represents all the arguments given to the 'spawn' command. Since youre ONLY passing '_attach'. it means _this == _attach.
  18. you're on the right track! BIS has a function to help with this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_transformVectorDirAndUp
  19. The eventhandler type in the first line needs to be "EntityKilled" not just "Killed" I THINK thatll solve it
  20. j0nes

    Zeus gets deleted

    maybe re-sync the player using a respawn eventhandler and https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/synchronizeObjectsAdd?
  21. ACTUALLY, this might work better for your purposes. should only have to add this to the server (if someone could check me on this, my MP coding has never been great) addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", { params ["_killed", "_killer", "_instigator"]; if (isNull _instigator) then { _instigator = UAVControl vehicle _killer select 0 }; // UAV/UGV player operated road kill if (isNull _instigator) then { _instigator = _killer }; // player driven vehicle road kill //ADD THE MONEY ITEMS (IDK IF ITS $1 = 1 MONEY ITEM, SO ADJUST ACCORDINGLY) for "_i" from 1 to _rewardAmount do { if(!canAdd "moneyItem")exitWith{}; //NOT ENOUGH SPACE, CANT ADD _instigator addItem "moneyItem"; }; _hintStr = format["Congrats murderer... heres $%1",_rewardAmount]; //SHOW A HINT WITH THE AMOUNT THEYVE EARNED [_hintStr] remoteExec ["hint",local _instigator]; }];
  22. Untested but you'd need to add a "Killed" eventHandler to every AI you want to reward them for. (I dont think you'll need the MPKilled eventhandler for this scenario, just the regular one) AIunit addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; _rewardAmount = round(random [50,70,100]) //REWARD SOMEWHERE BETWEEN $50 & $100 //ADD THE MONEY ITEMS (IDK IF ITS $1 = 1 MONEY ITEM, SO ADJUST ACCORDINGLY) for "_i" from 1 to _rewardAmount do { if(!canAdd "moneyItem")exitWith{}; //NOT ENOUGH SPACE, CANT ADD _killer addItem "moneyItem"; }; _hintStr = format["Congrats murderer... heres $%1",_rewardAmount]; //SHOW A HINT WITH THE AMOUNT THEYVE EARNED [_hintStr] remoteExec ["hint",local _killer]; }];
  23. Ah I see. looks like youre using a modded module. my code was for vanilla. sorry about that! Not sure what you'll need to make that one work
  24. best bet is https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_findSafePos
  25. Heres how I had mine setup for testing https://imgur.com/a/chYtlrx