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Everything posted by dragonsyr

  1. we speak about fun, or about simulation? btw , its all about how as everyone sees it... :)
  2. do you think that if we had slingshots would not be boring ??
  3. its autoshoot .... this is real life optics........ do you think that cheat?? tell this to the army that allready have this optic ... its real and must live with that and at the end of the year you can expect bullets that write your name (rc bullets) :) this is the new generation, and i think that arma3 point to 2035 ?? what you expect in real life on 2035 ???? I do not think it said cheat...
  4. dragonsyr

    Buldozer not start

    ok bushlurker, the names of dll file for manualy copy to the p drive??
  5. dragonsyr

    Quick Terrain Builder Tutorial

    some tutorial for how to import arma2 island project, to arma3 terrain builder ?? i have an island in visitor3 for A2 (finished). so far.... From terrain builder FILE/IMPORT/terrains , i get empty my island (i hope, because i have a problem with buldozer and i cant see nothing 3d) From FILE/IMPORT/MAPS , i choose my wrp file and then the program ask for project georeferenciation.... on Source attributes is empty, on Projection properties i think that i underdand what i choose, Under this is the Localisation Options and is 0.0 by default.... if i leave it as it is , i get a warning for easting/northing has to be between 165000 - 835000 (what is this ???? ), i choose 165000 both and the program start assempling and loading objects about 4 minutes.... then ask for this "Do you want to import also imagery data?", i choose yes and then on template libraries now i have three lists. island_wrp_circ (39) island_wrp_rect (544) island_wrp_roads(0) if i choose my pew file then i get island_wrp_circ (38) island_wrp_rect (628) island_wrp_roads(90) in the lists i see all arma2 objects with an orange X that means fail to locate (i think this is normal because of arma2 objects) in map i see my island with all objects as masked zones from far , and on zoom as red dots i see also my elevation contours. i think that my island is here as terrain. how to replace arma2 objects to arma3 objects?? (some tool/script for replace ??? in visitor you can run scripts for many jobs) how to set satelite maps and masks. from File/Import/satellite images i choose my sat image and i see it on left lower corner.... i found the way... how the roads , trees , now when i press Tools/Connect to buldozer , i get error message and the buldozer not start (i have a threat allready for this , no luck for solution at the moment, )
  6. dragonsyr

    Buldozer not start

    thank you Jakerod... i ll try asap.....
  7. multiplayer campaign????
  8. dragonsyr

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Tracking point optics for arma3 ?? hi to all!! can someone with knowledge make this ??? http://tracking-point.com/ see demo , and here
  9. ok , thank you all for your reply's ...
  10. i thing that the only thing i made was the update of my gpu driver (335.23) hmm..... someone else with 335.23 version ????
  11. i have a problem , when i try to make new multi server (play/multiplayer/new/ lan or internet...) i get crash on desktop and i get error the mdmp is 10 mb file and the bidmp is 18kb i thing that is related with last update (stable) because i have not change anything of my mods or files..... and the last successful attempt was 5 days ago...i think everything else is working fine (editor and join servers)
  12. i dont know where to post this (if not the right place , please move it to the proper threat) the problem is the satchels and mines... why if you place mines or satchels then you cant pick up again? arm dissarm is missing why this option removed????
  13. i think that is bis weather related problem. if you see a few posts back , i have a similar problem with rain.... somone told me that i must check the manual rain option (i cant find this option anywere.....btw) i read also that bis on previous update remove this option for some reasons and on next update (1.14) they improve the weather system . i m waiting for the update to see the differences ...
  14. i have "Arma 2 US Helicopters import" from there http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24845 . i can order those helis for cas support (s&d , bombing run , gun run etc) but i get no support . the only thing that working for support is the a3 uav and the litllebird.. is something from mcc , or is from the heli mod???
  15. an option for no rain at all . we need full overcast without rain.... its no so dificult
  16. is it possible , on weather tab to have an option NO RAIN AT ALL? because i need full overcast / no rain (rain=0) but when i set full overcast and zero rain , after seconds , the rain start... i see that below 50% overcast , the rain remain off .
  17. Is it possible in A3 to make a map 700kmX700km? anyone knows the limits for the map?
  18. dragonsyr

    Map limits for A3?

    for me , if you want to simulate only infantry in a small place , then you can do it but its only for 10-50 hours of playing. if you have a large map to simulate everything at once , artillery / airforces / ships , then you can play with this for many months ... very simple.... :)
  19. i confirm that i have a similar problem ,not crash but when i start first time the mission (dedi server) , when i press the continue button , the server loading the mission and after that kick s me back to the lobby instead of the map screen. after that if i press the continue button again ,then i can join the game ...... i dont know if the mission or the game is the problem .....
  20. i have this code that works for that im doing, _vehPlayer = vehicle player; _player = player; _vehRole = assignedVehicleRole player select 0; while {vehicle player isKindOf "Air";} do {if(_vehrole == "driver") then {_action = _player addAction ["Call myscript", "myAction.sqf", [], -1, false, false, ""] else {hint"no driver";sleep 2;};}; while {blah blah....}; hint"init running";sleep 5; //debug _player removeaction _action; execVM "Init.sqf"; but with this i get too many actions . when i add waitUntil {!_vehplayer == "driver"; like this while {vehicle player isKindOf "Air";} do {if(_vehrole == "driver") then {_action = _player addAction ["Call myscript", "myAction.sqf", [], -1, false, false, ""];waitUntil {!_vehplayer == "driver";};} else {hint"no driver";sleep 2;};}; i get this "Error in expression <", [], -1, false, false, ""];waitUntil {!_vehplayer == "driver";};} else {hint"n> Error position: <!_vehplayer == "driver";};} else {hint"n> Error !: Type Object, expected Bool" what can i do as solution ? i need when the pilot get out of the heli/airplane , then the script continues on next line of code
  21. i hope that we will see the new radio systems with video feedbacks !!! Please tell something :)
  22. i confirm that with vanilla , the problem - main weapon missing after respawn- is still there.....