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Everything posted by Jastreb

  1. Jastreb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Congratualtions to everyone inolved in the making and I hope players will enjoy as much as we did making it.
  2. Jastreb

    SBP X-MAS Special (Arma 3)

    Since Steam is down how do we... will it work in offline mode? https://www.issteamdown.com/ Seems like its back now.
  3. Jastreb

    SBP X-MAS Special (Arma 3)

    Sign me up too. Pozdrav.
  4. I just tried this and getting about 30 fps in EndGame EU#03 official server, however I also have this in the log: 15:40:47: Init 15:40:47: Config: User is admin: No UseLargePages: Yes SeLockMemoryPrivilege: Yes SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege: Yes ForceMaxWorkingSet: Yes HoldMemory: No PreAllocBytes: 0.000 LockPages: No 15:40:47: Ext0SetPrivileges: 46, Error: 1300 15:40:47: MinimumWorkingSetSize: 4096.000 mb 15:40:47: Ext0SetWorkingSet: 0, Error: 0 15:40:47: Using normal pages 15:40:47: Init done 16:26:12: Exit... 16:26:12: ...ok. This is my ini [Default] # DebugBreak: # Only for debugging purpose. DebugBreak = 0 # UseLargePages: # If you set this to '1', xtbbmalloc will try to allocate large pages (2MiB) # instead of normal pages (4KiB) UseLargePages = 1 # ForceMaxWorkingSet: # Set this to '1' to force a working set size of 4GiB # This is experimental ForceMaxWorkingSet = 1 # SeLockMemoryPrivilege: # Set this to '1' if you set UseLargePages to '1' SeLockMemoryPrivilege = 1 # SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege: # Set this to '1' if you set ForceMaxWorkingSet to '1' SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege = 1 # HoldMemory: # Dont release free memory # Can improve performance in some cases HoldMemory = 0 # PreAllocBytes: # Pre allocate X bytes on startup. This can take a while... # This is experimental. You should keep it '0' PreAllocBytes = 0 # LockPages: # Locks the allocated pages into physical memory. # Cannot be used with UseLargePages # >>Could<< improve performance LockPages = 0 I am an admin on my PC but I dont run Steam/Arma3 as admin, I tend to avoid doing that as Ive heard it does not need elevated permissions. If I am wrong please do tell.. Running Phenom II X4 955BE, 8GB RAM, HD6950 all drivers latest available. Note that this CPU does not support AVX or any pre Buldozer CPU. I dont know if this allocator utilizes it but it sure is not required since I loaded it. I believe that there is no change in performance at all. Will try again and update. Edit: Running Steam and Arma3 as admin now gives this 16:38:02: Init 16:38:02: Config: User is admin: Yes UseLargePages: Yes SeLockMemoryPrivilege: Yes SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege: Yes ForceMaxWorkingSet: Yes HoldMemory: No PreAllocBytes: 0.000 LockPages: No 16:38:02: Ext0SetPrivileges: 46, Error: 1300 16:38:02: MinimumWorkingSetSize: 4096.000 mb 16:38:02: Ext0SetWorkingSet: 0, Error: 0 16:38:02: Using normal pages 16:38:02: Init done What is the error about, I cant seem to get it working? Its using normal pages. Also note that I dont know anything about any custom exe, I run stock stable 1.62.
  5. That requires model editing, so not happening probably.
  6. Jastreb

    Line Drawing

    Great. Now we only need an option to animate it so it can wiggle. On a serious note I dont think we would need an option to disable it. Just disable it in the mission trough this. For more friendly environemnt perhaps a server.cfg value or server.profile setting?
  7. Jastreb

    1.60 RC candidate CTD

    I see you run windows 7. Try this. right click on my computer go to properties click on advanced system settings under performance, click settings click the Data Execution Prevention tab, and then click Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select. click Add, browse to the executable file for the program and add it. Read more about DEP https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc738483(WS.10).aspx Its a quick fix so you can play but if this persists it cant be a good thing.
  8. Insurgency 3 is in closed alpha testing! To Insurgency lovers and newcomers, here is something the lovers awaited, and newcomers are about to experience. From the maker of Insurgency for Armed Assault Pogoman over his port of this excellent mission to Arma2 working version and across Fireball's and Kol9yn's excellent effort to keep it alive and up to date, along with ACE2 support which brought new experience to it, comes a complete, new and fresh revival ( or complete rewrite )l of this excellent mission, brought up to its feet and ready to be battle tested. I guess patience is a virtue, and eventually it pays off if you are patient enough. Thanks to Outlawz7 ( Project Reality BF2 ) and Ruthberg ( CSE, ACE3 ) mission is breathing new air, totally rewritten from ground up, although lacking some functionality which previous versions had, which will not even be possible in A3 in current state, and those being primarily ambient civilians. ( yep BI Ambient Civilians! ) We got the base code running, showing excellent results, and as such mission is qualified for some alpha testing. Anyone interested with large enough player base ( ~30 and up ) please contact me for details and files. Files are not YET public, but will be once we finish alpha testing of the core, and make sure there are no any nasty bugs or performance issues. Once that is done, mission will be hosted God damn forum ate 3/4 of my post....urghhh!!!
  9. Jastreb

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Awesome, almost just as I suggested. Thanks for reading my posts and doing it. :D Also interested when will it be available.
  10. Jastreb

    Mod Repo

    Any web hosting will do. If you have a website, do it form there. It must have ftp enabled. Buying VPS or dedi just for repo is a bit overkill. And I wont advertize anyone.
  11. lib_core\eventhandlers\config.cpp class LIB_tank_base: Tank { class EventHandlers { init = "if(isNil'SLX_XEH_MACHINE')then{call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers '\x\cba\addons\xeh\init_pre.sqf'};_this call SLX_XEH_EH_Init"; fired = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_Fired"; animChanged = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_AnimChanged"; animStateChanged = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_AnimStateChanged"; animDone = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_AnimDone"; dammaged = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_Dammaged"; engine = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_Engine"; firedNear = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_FiredNear"; fuel = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_Fuel"; gear = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_Gear"; getIn = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_GetIn"; getOut = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_GetOut"; hit = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_Hit"; incomingMissile = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_IncomingMissile"; killed = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_Killed"; landedTouchDown = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_LandedTouchDown"; landedStopped = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_LandedStopped"; respawn = "_this call SLX_XEH_EH_Respawn"; }; }; CBA? Also from the post above if (isNil "RE") then {[] execVM "\ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\MPframework.sqf"}; Are you sure this is from A3 mod? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/remoteExec
  12. Jastreb

    MOD Key Extraction

    About which keys are you exactly talking about? The server keys - files with a .bikey extension? If so, ask a mod developer for a server key. These are not extracted they are created by the developer of the mod using DS utils from Arma3 Tools. If you cant obtain a key from a developer you can sign the pbo yourself and use on your own server ( do not redistibute publicly! )
  13. That is part of the config and should not be in the server.arma3profile. Here is the example difficulty = "Custom"; class DifficultyPresets { class CustomDifficulty { class Options { groupIndicators=0; friendlyTags=0; enemyTags=0; detectedMines=0; commands=0; waypoints=0; weaponInfo=1; stanceIndicator=0; reducedDamage=0; staminaBar=0; weaponCrosshair=0; visionAid=0; thirdPersonView=0; cameraShake=1; scoreTable=0; deathMessages=0; vonID=0; mapContent=0; autoReport=0; multipleSaves=0; }; aiLevelPreset=0; }; class CustomAILevel { skillAI=0.98; precisionAI=0.255; }; }; Explained here. Use those values in your profile along with this and problem "fixed" for now. Use on dedicated server only, not on clients. ( no need ) Note that values in config of the mod linked are altered to suit my needs and do not work like default ones.
  14. Jastreb

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Have you actually tested this? Because config default is Regular, so Im thinking it defaults to regular ignoring server.arma3profile now. More likely but I might be wrong. Proposed fix is to force server to read server.arma3profile and to implement back default=Value; or add new defaultForced=Value; which would effectively grayout game options or difficutly options in mission selection/setup screen, and make it display in read only fashion the current server forced values, with no ability to change it, or ad as option for only logged in admin to be able to overide it, but not the voted one. This is the cleanest fix as it can get, since config doesnt have to be touched, no modding required to achieve what you want, and players have the freedom to do whatever they want to, on their own machines. On my own server Im setting the rules. Optionally a mission description.ext value wouldnt hurt, to allow mission makers to make the call how is mission played. Hierarchy going like this: Game config first, Voted admin or logged in admin second, Mission description.ext value third, server.arma3profile fourth and the top value which overides them all. At very least should be restored as it was before the overhaul in the server profile part.
  15. Jastreb

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Default is Custom. All presets are equal only weaponInfo is on, everything else is turned off except the shared values like myArmorCoef , groupArmorCoef, which are left on default. Dont want to kidnap a thread here, so if you have any further questions please use Steam Workshop page from now on.
  16. Jastreb

    Difficulty Overhaul

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=673895121 Server side addon, try that should force custom difficulty. No need to run on clients. Until we get a fix this is only solution, which hopefully works. Feedback on Steam Workshop page if possible.
  17. Jastreb

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Good question. But in a nutshell, should be: AI spawned on a server is using server profile. AI spawned on a client machine with its own preset will use the local machine values. So it depends on a mission. In case AI is all spawned on a server, its own values are used, but if mission design is such that it spawns AI on a client machine, it can get messy... I might be wrong, should be somewhat easy to test this.
  18. Jastreb

    Difficulty Overhaul

    ^ Yes please. Edit: Just wanted to make it clear. Forced difficulty not selectable, so if difficulty is forced by server users would not be able to change it, and thus may be greyed out. And any preset should be allowed to be forced not just custom, resulting all connecting players to be switched automatically to server forced preset.
  19. Anyone interested 1.58 dump here. Used Map Builder dll only in A3 root and the rest as per instructions. Works OK. PS: Someone verify if its complete?
  20. Closed Alpha test is over. Updates will be continued in the release topic once its done. Lock please.
  21. Good stuff. I needed this badly. Can we get Armaholic or similar sites to mirror these under tools or misc? Thanks. PS: Thanks for the script too. PPS: +1 to sticky this Edit: Looks like someone updated these on DH its available there in the repo.
  22. Sure, no problem. Most of the things are found as in bugs and stuff, but here I will send you via PM so you can feel it. Make sure you read trough the topic about known issues. Havent tested it lately after the 1.54 update, there might be new issues. If so report them please. PM sent..
  23. No, we are just busy with RL things and other mods and missions and our communities, websites and server management, and once we sort that out we will continue. Please dont bump this topic if you dont have mission or code related question. Thanks.
  24. Hello. Let me frist start by explaining what I want to achieve. There are some armies in the world, using rifle grenades. Ours is one of them. The way this functions with old types of grenades is: Remove the muzzle top from the rifle Attach a new muzzle attachment which will serve to mount rifle grenades Bring up the rifle grenade sight on the rifle Arm the grenade and mount it on the attachment we previously placed on the rifle Insert a special ammo ( blank type of ammo with higher gunpowder filling ) Aim and fire Transfered to the game, this will be way to comlicated to achieve if not mostly impossible, so I figured to shorten it and create few things first, such as: Modelling the muzzle attachement ( done ) Modelling the actual rifle grenades ( in the works no problem there ) Configuring the rifle grenades as UGL ammo with some adjustments ( already done needs tweaking ) Configuring the muzzle attachment as a weapon, which will be used to fire these greandes ( PROBLEM! ) The way I figured it to work is, once you mount the attachment to the muzzle it should bring the rifle grenade sight up, and switch the rifle to Rifle Grenade firing mode. But I have tried to configure the muzzle attachment as a weapon with no success. If I inherit from Inventory_Item_Base it will simply do nothing, so either I am missing some steps, or this is the wrong way of doing it. This way would be perfect for operation, to bring it as close to the real thing, but it is very hard especially with lack of documentation and BI config which is a bit erratic. First things first, is how do I create a weapon if possible to be in the muzzle slot and be able to fire my magazines? Second thing is how do I create a fire mode in the rifle so when I mount the muzzle attachment it switches to the new fire mode and bring the sight up? Third is how do I make actual models of rifle grenades show up in the place of the muzzle attachment and dissapear once fired? ( Fired EH comes to mind ) So far I have made ammo, magazines, rifle is done ( model, textures and config except the rifle grenade thing ) including rifle grenade sight, rifle grenades ar ein the works and it will be fine, muzzle attachment model is made, so how do I proceed with this? I know some communities have this working, by a configuring the rifle grenade to be actual muzzle attachment, but that might work for me with the new type of grenades where aiming sight is on the actual grenade, but not for the old type as described above. Any ideas or pointers, working examples are much appreciated.
  25. The first thing is way to hacky and probably wont work, because I already tried few things and it is not showing any progress towards what I want with it. For the second one, there is this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/weaponAccessories, so I should run this to check for accessories and if "rifle_grenade_acc" ( my new attachment ) is not present on the rifle then I should remove the mags out of the UGL to disable firing, and perhaps add a notification which is going to be displayed only in recruit and regular game modes, that he is missing that attachement. Once the attachment is present, magazines are available and weapon can be fired. Problem is this recuires a script to run in loops which is not very good for performance. That and configuring UGL to do what I want it to do once selected. Merging it into the weapon is a good path to take. I guess it cant be configured as attachement in this case and will show on the weapon once UGL fire mode is selected. That can be problematic with rifles. It is used for launchers, but with rifles it might bugout. I will try it though. Yeah I have seen the R3F solution, but with it, you cant add magazines into the inventory since rifle greandes are configured as attachments, and since there is no configured weapon for them the magazines simply dont show up. In VA that is. I might be able to add them via script to players inventory, and for each firing, player has to open inventory and move the rifle grenade to attachment slot. Some might say this is realistic, I say it is hacky. But it works... Ok. Thank for bursting my bubble lads. :D This not going as I wanted so I will try to mix and steer until I get what I wanted. No doubt, it will require scripting along with proper configuration. Shame, I wanted to make it purely on the config level without hacks and scripting loops.