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Everything posted by Nemanjic

  1. Nemanjic

    Check vehicle inventory

    Ohh finaly I find thread younger then 4 months and to fit topic about my problem. Please if anyone can tell me how to check PLAYER inventory which will fire a trigger but when player is in the VEHICLE. I figure out how to check when player walk in trigger area but how to check if player have desired item (for example-in backpack) but he is at driver seat of vehicle. Situation: There is guarded gate and when unit aproach to gate it opens if player have card in inventory. condition: player in thisList && ("herl_o_card_red" in items player); on act: hint "welcome officer" ; gate animate ["Door_1_move", 1] ; on deact: gate animate ["Door_1_move", 0] ; There is no point to exit vehicle to "show up" card in trriger area because when player enter vehicle again to move accros opened gate, the gate is closing again. (player kicked from trigg because he is in the vehicle again) So my question is: Is there a way to force trigger to check through items of player who sitting in vehicle or maybe even better to DELAY animate closing the gate for some time while player come back to vehicle and cross the opened gate while it is still open. That is more realistic (player get out, go to post and show identifications to guard soldiers, come back to vehicle and have about 10 seconds to move in base area) and after that gate will close automaticly again- on deact: gate animate ["Door_1_move", 0] ; Thanks in advance and sorry on my English i was try my best. I was tried on deact: {sleep 0.5; gate animate ["Door_1_move", 0] ;}; but gate now does not closing at all. Trigger was finished I know that because I was try to re-enter area and hint message "wlcm officer" showed again, gate opens but not closing behind me when I left area.
  2. Nemanjic

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

    It greatly fits special forces needs in deep points on enemy terrain. Thanks! Big addition to gameplay
  3. "My favorite faction is incompatible with ALiVE, can I fix this with the Orbat Creator? 1.Yes! You can create a faction override for all or part of the faction, which includes groups compatible with ALiVE. 2.In the Faction Editor, check the group tree to see if the ALiVE Detecteron™ has detected any incompatible groups. 3.Open any incompatible groups in the Group Editor and change their details so they are categorised correctly. 4.If no groups exist in a category, you can build a new group using existing units from the list on the left. 5.When you are satisfied that the group tree in the Faction Editor is looking good, go to the Group Editor and Generate Config code. This code can either be pasted into the description.ext of your mission or packed as a pbo to run as an addon override." My question is how to export to description.ext? What exatly to paste, because there is: faction, units, groups, full faction, full faction to file and Cfg patches to export? I already tried to paste every of this "clipboards" to des.ext, go to my placement units modules and try every possibble combination. (used generated className of faction from ORBAT creator) but without succes. Second question is what to put in txt from whom I will make .pbo? (i will try this alternative way). Thanks in advance *Putting this on hold for now (founded some useful text on aliveWiki)
  4. First, I am sorry if this is not right place or way to start a new topic. Sorry Fox and others if I mistake just delete this or put me in right direction. This is the proposal for new addon/script. It would be nice (and realistic) to add ability to hide in soft grounds like mud or sand just like Feint's function to hide boats in similar surfaces. Just imagine how impact that will have on tactical aspect in solo stealth reacon or diversion missions and like every other addon for our lovely arma, would be a part of new magic with all the possibilities that could have. (items to use for digging, time to perform the action, visibility of character to enemies, safe distance, influence of day time, weather, etc.) Thank you for your attention and sorry on my English.
  5. Nemanjic

    Dig in hide self

    Wonderful detail I was missed totaly when I investigate VQI_scout addon. I have some problems with sample mission there so I stay focused on explosives (fuse) and frogs. It is incredible thing that riches the magic of endless Arma possibilities because of guys like you and yours generous habits. Will do my best to make mission one day enough interesting to you who explore so much and know so much and try to thank you on that way for kindly help me always. Thank you sir!
  6. Nemanjic

    Dig in hide self

    Okay now I am learned that and I am ready to not mistake anymore. But now its a new problem Von Quest answer me up in the post in this thread and now I want to answer him but it will look like countinue to write in this (wrong) thread so what I need to do now? I must answer him. Thanks -I answered and thats it. I will not write here anymore. Good day sir.
  7. Okay I going to check and report but I supose that I only need to "request intel" with FROGS menu to show them up again. O yes sir. The report intel back them on screen temporary and surprisingly it fits perfectly in nature of mission (temporary show) so I will take a better look at script to use it in future actions. (Object to show markers using eventHandler or something like that). Thank you sir very much!
  8. It is my missing threads day today sorry friend.
  9. Hello sir. Is there a way to avoid deleting myself placed markers in editor when your script finishes? I have placed markers normaly and preview the mission etc.. Once the vonquest finishes the feeds (hint of reports) my markers disapearance. It was not problem with older frog module it is just started now when I set up a new one 0.3.1beta. I repack .pbo and try to change init.sqf in something else and to call it manualy through debug console but then there is no dive functions at all. Please, any advice? "So sorry. Unfortunately not. At least not right now. I'll be looking into this at some point in the future. All Markers are still there, just invisible. You can still see your pre-placed Markers with the Intel and/or Dive Menu AO Report at any time. I'm hoping to fix this soon. Maybe as a hotfix, I can add a user option to just leave ALL Markers on the Map. The markers are created dynamically, so to hide them its grabbing all markers and putting them into a layer that's invisible." -Von Quest
  10. Oh I understand. So markers are there but invisible (located in invisible layer) but you say at some point there is a way to see them through "intel or dive menu". I am not familiar with that at all, so please if you have some time just put me in the right direction what is that mean. Thank you again for support and quick answer sir
  11. This is the proposal for new addon/script. It would be nice (and realistic) to add ability to hide in soft grounds like mud or sand just like Feint's function to hide boats in similar surfaces. Just imagine how impact that will have on tactical aspect in solo stealth reacon or diversion missions and like every other addon for our lovely arma, would be a part of new magic with all the possibilities that could have. (items to use for digging, time to perform the action, visibility of character to enemies, safe distance, influence of day time, weather, etc.) Thank you for your attention and sorry on my English.
  12. Nemanjic

    Dig in hide self

    #toModerators please delete topic I see link above in Grumpy Old Man's post I will post there.
  13. (posted here too, so maybe someone alse have the same issue) Hello sir. Is there a way to avoid deleting myself placed markers in editor when your script finishes? I have placed markers normaly and preview the mission etc.. Once the vonquest finishes the feeds (hint of reports) my markers disapearance. It was not problem with older frog module it is just started now when I set up a new one 0.3.1beta. I repack .pbo and try to change init.sqf in something else and to call it manualy through debug console but then there is no dive functions at all. Please, any advice?
  14. Nemanjic

    Dig in hide self

    Yes I am familiar with efficiency of camouflage in vanilla arma 3 and effects of movements, sounds dependings and similar staff. I was testing it on simple way and have written the results somewhere by myself. But my question was involved in values IF the unit is dig into ground /not regular conditions. I apologize and post anyway becouse i maybe hit the right place but for just in case, I make back up of myself, so please if this is not a right place, send me there or something like that. I will write everything again if needed. Thanks on patience, sir . **Very useful videos anyway!
  15. Nemanjic

    Move marker and trigger

    KC Grimes, thank you a lot!
  16. Nemanjic

    Move marker and trigger

    I need help with continiuously activated trigger. So, I have trigger who "playMove" for example push ups but animation normaly stops whent finished. I need that the trigger play it again continiously (check trigger conditions again and play command on activation) all the time the trigger conditions are met. For example: one player1 activates the trigger - I want the trigger play anything what it normaly play for all the time player1 is in the triger area. Please, any help?
  17. Ten hours ago when I try to make mod working I was less confused than now. I was read scripting guide you give me and it make me interested, also I find some logic ways in all this staff so I still "learning fishing". The problem is I still cant make this work and I am very nervous about that because its look simple and I still cant make a move from start point. Maybe I am not smart enought. In scripts you give me, there is very nice explanations of how things works under the hood and already make some simple scripts myself but I cant figured out this with SATCOM. Actually I can, but cant implement it in the game and I dont know why. Now I know more then before reading guides you gave me but still every way I tried-didnt work. I think if you tell me where to put variables and this about "pxs_switcher" I will see where I am wrong and it will help me a lot. It will help me not just for satellite mod but also for straight way in learning further. By the way, tutorials are in English and I constantly battling myself with translations of some parts there what ruins my concetration which I need for understanding scripting methotds. I do not cry, just said that I need upper hand (help) on this. Also there is new problem: http://www90.zippyshare.com/v/ySzPOzZw/file.html This is not happening yesterday when I was started with this about satellite.!? (i checked description.ext everything is written exactly the same as manual says.)
  18. It was up to "Napf Island map" . Your post was directed me to think about "exile and epoch" things and I remembered that this zombie-killing guys use this map for homeland. I have it loaded before when I was create a mission and use some objects from there-water tower. Thank you again you help me, you are from those guys who save your life in battlefield! Thanks bro SOLVED
  19. ..and you feed him for a lifetime ;) Thank you for good intensions friend. I am downloaded the pdf.s and now reading them. This guy is very generous: "If this manages to help at least one person then I’ll be happy. Regards Mikie J [FOCK] – BIS forums Mikie boy" So, let's do him a back favour ;)
  20. I was never using those two addons nor downloading them. But I'll try to follow suggestion. Maybe somehow it is there
  21. I have this issue and can't open mission in editor. What addon is this exatlcy? (I have no upgrading versions and not delete anything since last time that this mission loads normaly). Its look like this happened for itself. http://www11.zippyshare.com/v/r8Pf7na4/file.html http://www11.zippyshare.com/v/SXuPpSgq/file.html Please guys, any advice?
  22. I I do that. And checked twice. No typing mistakes. And what then? Where to put// [unit name, activeStatus] call PXS_switcher ? How to activate satcom system?
  23. Do everything and checked twice. (init.sqf, description.ext and copy folder to place.) Then I found this: It finally show up red "SATCOM" in action menu but my luck not last for long. Error says: 'call I#I PXS startsatellite;' Error Undifined variable in expression: pxs_startsatellite I persume that is something you guys know about so please help :)
  24. Nemanjic


    http://www62.zippyshare.com/v/vnSSPxxp/file.html . this happens when I put code in init of some vehicle (radar).. It works!!!!! I made mistake in init.sqf because I have tons of useless scripts there for the mission in which I testing. Very much thank you friend!!! Tons of thank you!