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Everything posted by Nemanjic

  1. Nemanjic


    Multiple names of the same position in an array will give you control over the spawning chance. Something like this: _nameLocal = selectRandom [position1, position1, position1, position2]; -75% chance for position 1 vs position2
  2. I am not using eden wp's, that's why I have no problems or interfering GAIA with anything else. Or at least, that's the reason I have not encountered one yet.
  3. Hello guys Obviously a simple thing but I can't make it work for hours now. What I need to put in trigger condition to work if activation is: onAct {_x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnopWnopDnop_exercisePushup"} forEach thisList; ? How to refer all units in the trigger area to do exercises? The trigger is activated with a radio command. I know how to refer to specific units in the trigger area but how to do it for all units no matter if dead, alive or with a cold, no matter of side or anything else. Just condition to be inside the area? Thanks in advance
  4. Yes, it was a typo, my mistake. Managed to make it work both your scripted and pierremgi trigger way. Now I tried to do a similar thing and for some reason, it does not work but no script errors no typos or anything. Please take a look when you have time... It is a big field kitchen in the marker (mehana) area and I want all units to get to satiate: .sqf: _tim = allUnits inAreaArray "mehana"; { _x setVariable ["acex_field_rations_hunger", 0]; } forEach _tim; systemChat "ручак завршен."; Variable works normally on a single unit but if I try like in pushUps case in upper posts, it does not. Solved, sorry. Typo again. 🤦‍♂️
  5. Succeeded in the third case { _x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup"; } forEach thisList; only, when units of side are present. But how to make it work on radio activation? I tried: this and thisTrigger both don't work. Also I tried activate a simulation from outside: type: radio Alpha cond: this onAct: nul=[]execVM "sklekovi.sqf" sklekovi.sqf: { _x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup"; } forEach inArea trig1; This script method would be the best if I make it work because it is an easier way to run simulation continuously with "while true"... edited: SOLVED I make a statement first in .sqf: _regruti = allUnits inAreaArray trig1; { _x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup"; } forEach _regruti; Thanks @pierremgi @Harzach ! Pro like always!
  6. Units are still lazy. I even changed the activation type from radio to [side - present] just to be sure and all works (system chat is activated) except units do not start the animation. Weird? trig1 type: radio Alpha cond: thisTrigger onAct: {_x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnopWnopDnop_exercise Pushup"} count (allUnits select {_x inArea thisTrigger}); systemChat "works"; trig2 type: opfor present cond: this onAct: {_x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnopWnopDnop_exercise Pushup"} count (allUnits select {_x inArea thisTrigger}); systemChat "works"; @pierremgiI can't understand this part also: Here playMoveNow returns nothing edited: this also works only systemChat but still exercise not: type: opfor present cond: this onAct: { _x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup"; } forEach units thisList; systemChat "works2"...
  7. Nemanjic


    sleep most simple but there are many ways.
  8. As far as I know, exec is happening only at the moment it is called while handlers are tracking the game waiting for conditions to be fulfilled and that time interval is under the survivance of handlers which is the reason for more performance usage. I am not sure about this someone will know for sure.
  9. I use this mod on an everyday basis with zero problems across all versions of the game and the mod itself. It is almost the skeleton of my SP and MP arma life.
  10. Why? Heli arrives at wp (completed) and does the operation with the crate and chute above the ghost leader...
  11. Yea something like this. Not tested yet: _wp1 = transportGRP addWaypoint [(position (leader ghost)), 30]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; [transportGRP, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; [transportGRP, 1] setWaypointStatements ["true", " _acrate = 'Land_WoodenCrate_01_F' createVehicle [5123.63,4869.14,0]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_30Rnd_545x39_AK_plum_green', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhssaf_mag_brd_m83_green', 2]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_mag_rgd5', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm_polymer_tracer', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_45Rnd_545X39_AK_Green', 20]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_VOG25', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N14', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ACE_10Rnd_762x54_Tracer_mag', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_20rnd_9x39mm_SP6', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_5Rnd_338lapua_t5000', 10]; _acrate addBackpackCargoGlobal ['B_Kitbag_rgr', 3]; _acrate addItemCargoGlobal ['ACE_salineIV_500', 10]; _acrate addItemCargoGlobal ['ACE_personalAidKit', 2]; _chute = 'B_Parachute_02_F' createVehicle position _acrate; _acrate attachTo [_chute, [0,0,-2]]; "];
  12. The same thing happens with a guy from my team who is testing right now. test edited: My script still works fine, try to implement it inside your _wp statement just change the type of cargo in crate and spawn pos
  13. What is the transportGRP referring to? Pilot's group?
  14. Hmm wierd. Need to test it but I can't right now. Try to set the simulation to true of both crate and chute but separately first. That's all I can think of right now in raw thoughts without testing.. After this line: _chute = 'B_Parachute_02_F' createVehicle position _acrate; _chute enableSimulation true; or _chute setMass 2000;
  15. Module ingame called supply drop. Also, u can script it similarly to creating a crate in the upper post and set a waypoint after attaching the crate to the flying vehicle (especially now in 2.14 version where flyInHeight forced is working as it should.) excmpl video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_gt6jM4dTk also some useful writing: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/190896-supply-drop/
  16. Have no time to test yr script now so I pasted my similar one, maybe it will give you some idea. //ДОПУНА КАРАУЛА ИСТОК systemChat "Припрема испуштања допунског материјала..."; sleep 30; private _source = playSound "helicopter"; _source spawn { waitUntil { isNull _this }; }; sleep 20; //PADOBRAN supp = createVehicle ["O_Parachute_02_F", [0,0,500]], [], 0, "FLY"; supp setPos [getPos player select 0, getPos player select 1, (getPos player select 2) +500]; systemChat "Пакет испуштен"; //KUTIJA supk = "O_supplyCrate_F" createVehicle [0,0,50]; supk attachTo [supp, [0, 0, -1.3]]; //OPREMA clearWeaponCargo supk; clearMagazineCargo supk; clearItemCargo supk; clearBackpackCargo supk; supk addMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag",4]; supk addMagazineCargo ["rhs_10Rnd_762x39mm_tracer",2]; supk addItemCargo ["rvg_rustyCan", 1]; supk addItemCargo ["rvg_money", 1]; supk addItemCargo ["rvg_plasticBottle", 1]; supk addItemCargo ["ACE_bloodIV_250", 2]; supk addItemCargo ["ACE_fieldDressing", 4]; supk addItemCargo ["ACE_splint", 1]; sleep 80; //DIM _signal = "SmokeShellYellow" createVehicle position supk; _signal attachTo [supk, [0, 0, 0.4]]; sleep 70; _signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position supk; _signal attachTo [supk, [0, 0, 0.4]]; I used two smokes because the time of crate is in the air is too long sometimes as the wind is strong, so the first smoke is gone before it touches the ground and in the night it is hard to find it without a smoke signal, especially in rough terrains.
  17. place same-sized trigger, for example triggEOS on marker with command: triggEOS setPos getMarkerPos "markerEOS"; trigger setting: enemy side not present trigger onAct: "markerEOS" setMarkerColor "colorGreen";
  18. Nemanjic

    Arma 3 Trainer and Enhancer 2.0

    As you said this will help new players. Just wanted to thank you for such an effort to make it and explain how it works.
  19. Nemanjic

    ARMA will not open

    Close all apps for recording or screenshooting before launching Arma
  20. Nemanjic

    Condition OR

    Guys please, how to combine trigger conditions? Example: cond: triggerActivated tg1 || triggerActivated tg2 || triggerActivated tg3 || triggerActivated tg4 || triggerActivated tg5 , but only 3 of them to be enough to satisfy trigger cond and fire it? For example if tg3, tg1 and tg4 are triggered?
  21. Nemanjic

    Stopping a script

    With "the same thing as normal flyInHeight" I mean the same problem if use flyInHeightASL, but thanks anyway. Still have not fixed this, no time for the next 2 weeks during the vacation. Will text when back home.
  22. Nemanjic

    Stopping a script

    Will try this tonight and report back. wonderful news! I just wonder where you find this info? Here is nothing about it. Same thing as normal flyInHeight no matter on group/unit/pilot behaviour.
  23. Nemanjic

    Stopping a script

    I see this just now. Scripts are: ("LET" original name on Serbian) I wrote in English "FLIGHT" which is the same file name, sorry for confusing you. So originals are: let0.sqf letHandle = [] spawn { while {true} do { sleep .4; systemChat "аутолет"; avi_03 flyInHeight 5; sleep 1; avi_03 flyInHeight 50; }; }; let1.sqf terminate letHandle; sleep .5; avi_03 flyInHeight 55; systemChat "аутолет обустављен"; I use it because AI pilots are flying weirdly when multiple groups are in a helicopter (old problem with flying straight to huge altitudes and then taking on wp from there). This way I make a loop so pilots fly at normal altitudes. avi_03 is a helicopter. I need to say that this was working properly until yesterday. Those are original files so please if you can understand what's going on? Why is letHandle lost control over let0.sqf and how to gain it again? I hope I am writing more clearly now and thank you for your time friend!
  24. Nemanjic

    Stopping a script

    Ok trying now... edited: I do all of it. 0 = [] spawn {while {isNil "vlavla"} do { uisleep 0.1; hint str round diag_tickTime }}; gives number in hint. After that, I clear that hint with "". Then I run vlavla = true; Old script is still running (systemChat still shows new message every 1.4 second as let0.sqf is telling it to do). I know it because I run another system chat "check" it is shown and right after "autopilot ON" again and again. I put vlavla instead blabla on purpose - in case blabla is used by game now during previous testings.
  25. Nemanjic

    Stopping a script

    Please mate, break this down again because I barely understand. This is clear ok: But this: All I need to do is to stop flight0.sqf. For some reason, flight1.sqf where the handler is triggered, does not stops the flight0.sqf anymore. So if I understand you well, I need to make a new condition (to hook flight0 to it) so I can use it cond to manipulate code? If so, please tell me step by step. tried in debug cons and guess what - doesn't work: While {isNil "blabla"} do {letHandle}; blabla = true; (let1.sqf still works, I know that because system chat is continuously showing "autopilot ON") While {isNil "blabla"} do {terminate letHandle}; blabla = true; While {isNil "blabla"} do {skripte\flight0.sqf}; blabla = true;