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Everything posted by SuicideCommando

  1. SuicideCommando

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    No need to be condescending, I've apologized profusely. Again, sorry if anything I've posted here rubbed you the wrong way, including the "hopeless battle" bit. Does come off as sounding aloof or something so I can see why you're peeved about it. And I did mean well by wishing the CUP team continued success with the mod.
  2. SuicideCommando

    Fifty Shades of MP7 - Release

    Just got a chance to test the new pack. Didn't get any weird arm stretching or any texture errors either. These things are gorgeous though, especially the camoed versions. Noticed the known issue elements besides the missing p3d error, maybe you fixed that. Damage definitely could be better, though it is only 4.3x30mm round. Some cool data on the various rounds on HK's website though, might help you out some. http://www.heckler-koch.com/en/products/military/submachine-guns/mp7a1/mp7a1/overview.html Also hope you can get a foregrip on there for the NSW version. For now I'll just have to pretend there's a small stubby vert grip like Magpul's MLOK MVG or something. :D Great work though, these are gonna be perfect once the little kinks are worked out. They'll go with road runner's JPC MP7 chest rigs perfectly.
  3. SuicideCommando

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Ok, thanks for the suggestion Chairborne. That would be my luck that it'll be screwed up.
  4. SuicideCommando

    Fifty Shades of MP7 - Release

    Oh sweet baby jesus that looks messed up. zeealex, I haven't used this yet but from what I read you only get the foregrip on the NSW variant with the RHS config? Would it be possible to make a forgripped one for those who don't have or use RHS? (oh the blasphemy)
  5. SuicideCommando

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Sigh, like I said I didn't mean to offend you or any of your team. I know you offer a lot of options for download. I was merely stating a hope for an option that added a means of resuming a download. As to whether I have unreasonable expectations, well I don't think it's too unreasonable to ask for another download medium for such large files. I was hardly demanding one. Well I'm sorry if my internet connection suck. It's Hughesnet Satellite internet, the only kind of broadband I can get in my locality. I never said it was a good connection, I hate it as a matter of fact. When did I ever say that creating a torrent for downloading would be for me alone? Sorry if your assumptions of my statements here have made you angry or felt slighted in any way, that was not my intent. It was merely only a suggestion. If it came off another way to you then I apologize. I shall try Steam and see how that goes. That was the one medium I didn't try simply because the download size is larger than the others. Again, I meant you and your team no ill will and apologize again if that was due to what I wrote.
  6. SuicideCommando

    Fifty Shades of MP7 - Release

    Ahh hell yeah! Guess I didn't have to wait long for it at all. Thanks so much zeealex, this is a real treat. As for colors I'd have to suggest AOR-2 since you already have it expertly camoed in AOR-1, in addition to there being a NSW version.
  7. SuicideCommando

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    It seems to me that STEAM doesn't compress files at all. At any rate I appreciate your time and replies. I'll try some of the mediums for download again and hopefully I'll get lucky. I' pretty sure I can get terrains without too much of an issue, it's core that's going to be a pain.
  8. SuicideCommando

    War Plan Blue (W.P.B)

    Wow, that is an impressively detailed model. Hats off to those involved.
  9. SuicideCommando

    [WIP] The Commando - American APC

    You are the man cleggy. Thanks for taking a look at it. It fits perfectly with the 3CB mods so it'd be awesome to use them together. As of right now the Ridgeback is basically a thin skinned heavy truck. I posted about the problems I had with it in its own thread a bit ago but no one responded. Again, so stoked you're going to look at these issues. Maybe it's just a mod conflict on my end but I doubt it. And good luck on finishing the Commando as well. Looks great so far.
  10. SuicideCommando

    Cheytac M200

    That's a damn shame. Like I said the model looks excellent and it seems more than half way done since it's all modeled, partially animated and partially config'd. I know those 3CB guys have a hefty workload with their mods but I hope they see the potential in what they were given.
  11. SuicideCommando

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Yeah but they don't compress the files either, making the download twice as large. Sorry for pestering about this. Just wanna use those mods is all.
  12. SuicideCommando

    Zee Identity Pack

    OT but that MP7 in AOR-1 is sweet. And an A1 no less. Hope that gets released one day.
  13. SuicideCommando

    Cheytac M200

    Hopefully 3CB can get it in-game. Great piece of work you made, would be a shame to see it all go to waste.
  14. SuicideCommando

    [WIP] The Commando - American APC

    Nice looking vehicle cleggy. Is there any way that you could update your Ridgeback? I know it's off topic but it would be nice to use it. As of right now the M2 doesn't fire and I get shot through the glass with small arms fire.
  15. SuicideCommando

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    I know it's not, just showing you an example of a mod that has many options for different types of download. Was not comparing CUP to RHS either, two very different mods. Hope you didn't take offense. Tried that, got to 13.4% and then stopped downloading. Plus it was real slow. Anyway, I guess this is a losing battle. Good luck with your mods.
  16. SuicideCommando

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    The problem doesn't stem from my inability to download the files, it's that all the download links die out after time with no ability to resume once that happens. One innovative way to get files is via torrent, one of the fastest and most prevalent. I'm just saying that that might be something to do in the future with such a large mod. I know RHS offers that option on their site and all three of their mods are still smaller in size than CUP Core and Terrains. I also know a lot of people have the same problem as I do, files not completing due to download failure.
  17. SuicideCommando

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Well I don't have a laptop to do so. Guess I'm kinda screwed then.
  18. SuicideCommando

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Hello CUP team, I have a question and was not sure if I should post it here or not. It's in regards to Cup Terrains and CUP Core. I have very limited bandwidth to download mods. Roughly 50 GB for one month. I tried downloading the Terrains mod via all the download links besides STEAM and they all cut off prematurely. Is there any way that a torrent could be created to download these two sets of files? That way I can resume them and not have to worry about the download failing. Would be a big help for me. Thanks for your time.
  19. SuicideCommando

    Afghan National Army Add-on

    Great job fingolfin. These looked real nice in the pictures thread. Glad you released them.
  20. SuicideCommando

    Fingolfin's Retextures

    Nice work fingolfin. Especially like the retextured CIRAS.
  21. SuicideCommando

    Project Infinite v1.0

    Animations look great Bnae. I especially like the reciprocating bolt, a very nice touch.
  22. SuicideCommando

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That is one gorgeous rifle and scope.
  23. SuicideCommando

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Well have a safe trip once you do go Adacas. We'll still be here waiting for more eye candy. :D
  24. SuicideCommando

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Great looking material ladies and gentlemen. Looking forward to when these are all released.
  25. SuicideCommando

    3CB BAF Units

    I'll reiterate my thanks for these great mods in here as well then. Thanks to all those involved.