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Everything posted by sarogahtyp

  1. I use same method as @gc8 but with the local version of hideObject and without setting the damage to 1. I delete many thousand of map objects on malden this way to increase map performance and had no issues so far. But maybe I did not test enough to get an issue...
  2. it sets the variable TAG_rotate to value true in namespace of the object this. it's like marking an object. read the wiki entry of setVariable for further information
  3. its the same as before but the params line is spread over multiple lines now. just change this: // declaring parameters, check parameter types and set default values params [ to this: // declaring parameters, check parameter types and set default values (_this # 3) params [ where _this # 3 is the same as _this select 3
  4. the syntax of ur createUnit command is wrong read the wiki and use one of both syntaxes and don't mix it. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit
  5. sarogahtyp

    How to get AA to shoot at missiles

    @Grumpy Old Mandid an ambient aa script which could help:
  6. a script handle is unique for each script instance. this means u need a different script handle variable (or better an array) for each started script instance... terminate is not weird. it just does what you order ...
  7. a mission is present on each player's client. if you put something in a mission then every player has it. no need to install anything
  8. sarogahtyp

    Spawning two civilians with name

    ask your questions and u ll get an answer. we are helpers not teachers. anyways you should read a bit and try something and if you get stuck then u should just ask...
  9. sarogahtyp

    Spawning two civilians with name

    use createUnit for spawning and u ll get the created unit as return value. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit
  10. sarogahtyp

    from from to looping help

    it would be much easier to help if you would explain the whole thing you want to do.
  11. from disableCollisionWith wiki entry:
  12. just put it in a sqf file in your missions root folder and execVM it: _d = execVM "YOURSQFFILENAME.SQF";
  13. sarogahtyp

    Mission.sqm just question marks

    do you have any .pbo file of ur mission somewhere. maybe you exported your mission? In that case u could just unpack that .pbo file...
  14. sarogahtyp

    Mission.sqm just question marks

    I re-read the OP . Now I think idk if it was binary ore none-binary but all he has now are question marks 😉
  15. it's a weird forum bug with copying code from forum...
  16. sarogahtyp

    Mission.sqm just question marks

    It seems that he only has a binary mission.sqm. So there is no way to do that.
  17. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/terminate
  18. you could create a chat command for admins to be able to store a new steam uid in a database (if u use one) or in servers mission namespace. this way you avoid editing the mission file or unlocking file patching
  19. any errors in .rpt file?
  20. no, more like this: { _x hideObjectGlobal true; }count [object_1, object_2];
  21. { _x hideObjectGlobal _state; }count _yourArray; setting state true will hide all objects in _yourArray. setting it to false will show em.
  22. sarogahtyp

    Server and Headless Client setup

    its exactly the same as installing a dedicated server but using the startup parameters mentioned above. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client
  23. sarogahtyp

    Server and Headless Client setup

    1. Yes. HC needs this statup parameters at minimum: -client -connect=<IPADRESSofServer> 2. should be the case mostly/always 3. You could have one HC for each AI group theoreticaly. Why HC's? HCs are mainly thought to offload the work of AI-calculations to other cores of the same machine. Surly you are also able to connect other machines and use them as HCs but you loose the advantage of nearly unlimited bandwidth between server an HCs. Therefore I recommend to use HCs also on your Laptop until it's cpu cores are fully in use (but not overloaded).
  24. what about measuring the time the sound needs and activating the second trigger after that amount of time?
  25. it's also in the wiki entry of playableUnits. somewhat hidden but it is: A HC is part of sideLogic