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Everything posted by sarogahtyp

  1. sarogahtyp

    Banned by Game Developer

    https://support.bohemia.net/arma-3/ban/17 Edit: Seems to be chanceless. From Battleeyes page:
  2. sarogahtyp

    Remove Weapon from Vehicle

    @WarhammerActual I worked some hours to get this solved but sadly after all it seems to not be possible. There is no AnimationSources entry for hiding the turrets using animateSource. Other vehicles like the UGV have such an entry. Therefore it will not work with animations. I also tried the way with setObjectTexture but there are only 2 hiddenSelectionsTextures wich can be reset and they are not covering the miniguns. Also tried to remove magazines (removeMagazinesTurret) and weapons (removeWeaponTurret) but it removes the ability to shoot only and not the model of the miniguns. I crawled the config viewer for the most of the time but there seems to be nothing helpful in there for the ghost hawk... I would say it is impossible but Im not knowing all bout scripting.
  3. search for the keword "allowed" in the .rpt. If this brings a result then show from some lines above to some lines below of it...
  4. sarogahtyp

    Switchmove skips

    this is the important information... You are using a suspension method (sleep in this case) in an unscheduled environment. This is not allowed as you can read in the biki entry of Scheduler. Therefore you have to ensure that your code runs scheduled. You can achieve that with a simple spawn: private _dummy = [] spawn { shooter switchMove "Acts_Executioner_Kill"; shooty switchMove "Acts_ExecutionVictim_Kill"; sleep 1.733; shooty switchMove "Acts_ExecutionVictim_Kill_End"; sleep 2.7; shooty switchMove "Acts_ExecutionVictim_KillTerminal"; };
  5. there is a chance that this is not a bug. Could you show a .rpt file of the server of a session where this happend? @jgaz-uk
  6. sarogahtyp

    +7-10 FPS on Livonia/+15 on Tanoa

    Dont use hideObjectGlobal. U create giant network traffic with it and maybe massive server lags when new players connect. you could also consider to use my mod linked above. It runs fine afaik... Edit: Here the link to the mod again https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2523320712
  7. As @NunesSergio stated try setShotParents on your _shell object right after creating it.
  8. I guess you cant add kills to a player by script but you could add score: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addRating You would need to apply a killed EH on all units which could get killed by your fire supporters: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Killed If the supporters killed the specific unit then you could add points to the caller player.
  9. I guess this happens because you did use createVehicle instead of createMine as @pierremgi mentioned. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createMine
  10. Use the function library regardless of that tiny amount of RAM which is used by compiling never used scripts! The advantages of the library are much more important as those wasted RAM usage. There is no way to tell the client to not compile a function. If it is very very important for you to not have a function compiled on clients but compiled on server then you have to create a server side mod which adds functions to servers CfgFunctions only. But in nearly all cases this is not needed.
  11. This is tested and working: initPlayerLocal.sqf private [ "_dummy", "_mission_display" ]; //wait for mission display (46) waitUntil { _mission_display = findDisplay 46; not isNull _mission_display }; //code which is executed if a key gets pressed private _code = { params [ "", "_key" ]; if (_key in actionKeys "User1") then { playSound3D [ getMissionPath "sfx\give_me_ammo.ogg", player ]; }; false }; //event handler for detecting a key down _mission_display displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", _code]; between the "if" statement and the "false" just insert a line like this to get another sound played on another key press: if (_key in actionKeys "User2") then { playSound3D [ getMissionPath "sfx\revive_me.ogg", player ]; }; The 20 custom Action Keys have a string representation from "User1" to "User20".
  12. enableSimulation should not change the state of mineActive because its not thought for disabeling/enabeling mines but to disable the simulation for an object. If simulation is disabled for a mine then it will not explode because no simulation calculations will be done for this object. It can not trigger nor explode but its not defused it is just a not working mine as long as simulation is disabled.
  13. You did not test. I wrote IF you deactivate it BY disabeling the simulation THEN you can activate it BY enabeling simulation. This means not that it is defused or rearmed by that command. It is just a workaround because there is no command for it.
  14. first parameter of BIS_fnc_findSafePos has to be a position but you delivered a String. I guess Respawn_Zone is a marker name. If this is the case then this should work: _pos = [ (getMarkerPos "Respawn_Zone"), 50, 500, 5, 0, 45, 0, ["NO_1", "NO_2", "NO_3", "NO_4"]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
  15. There is no command for activating and deactivating mines by script or let's say almost no command 😉 If you deactivate the mine by disabeling its simulation then you can simple reactivate it by enabeling simulation. TBH not my idea but KK's:
  16. sarogahtyp

    Auto Restart AI Only Mission

    Yes. At least I did something similar some years ago. The bad thing is that you need a server.cfg file to get it work:
  17. sarogahtyp


    You could look this thread and also follow the link which @Gunter Severloh posted there: You said you did repair the ms c++ versions but on the link gunter posted it is mentioned to completely uninstall, reboot and reinstall it. Just take a look at it.
  18. sarogahtyp

    Switchmove skips

    Show the complete error message copy/pasted from .rpt file! Edit: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Crash_Files#Location But I guess there could be an invisible character on the position of the hashtag (or maybe the < sign) in the error message.
  19. sarogahtyp

    Auto Restart AI Only Mission

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/serverCommand Use #restart
  20. sarogahtyp

    VCOM AI Driving Mod

    There is a discord link in the other thread. Maybe you get your answer there...
  21. sarogahtyp

    VCOM AI Driving Mod

    @Totem974 Afaik this mod is part of the vcom ai mod which is available here:
  22. sarogahtyp

    lockInventory issue.

    looks good for me. Should work. No need to detect if there is something in the queue.
  23. @Young Un there is no reason for it to not work anymore. Just follow the instructions of @Grumpy Old Man. He told where to put what code.