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Everything posted by pitn

  1. This .rpt matches the system restart at 23:55. (random restart) 1/22/2019 11:55:43 PM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding)
  2. I've been having an issue lately with our Arma 3 servers and I could use some help. I have two servers running on a dedi box (Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard) that are restarting randomly. This is what I find in the activity log: Does anyone know what this means? "Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding)". 1/22/2019 12:01:08 AM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 12:35:02 AM Restart PITN ***.***.***.*** Control Panel 1/22/2019 12:36:47 AM Restart PITN ***.***.***.*** Control Panel 1/22/2019 2:22:56 AM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 2:33:50 AM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 6:22:47 AM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 6:22:20 PM Stop PITN ***.***.***.*** Control Panel 1/22/2019 7:45:49 PM Start PITN ***.***.***.*** Control Panel 1/22/2019 8:07:15 PM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 8:08:39 PM Stop PITN ***.***.***.*** Control Panel 1/22/2019 8:10:56 PM Start PITN ***.***.***.*** Control Panel 1/22/2019 8:21:39 PM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 8:52:21 PM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 9:08:05 PM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 9:18:47 PM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 10:52:46 PM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 11:03:29 PM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 11:34:40 PM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 11:35:55 PM Stop PITN ***.***.***.*** Control Panel 1/22/2019 11:45:00 PM Start PITN ***.***.***.*** Control Panel 1/22/2019 11:55:43 PM Restart SYSTEM Monitoring (query not responding) 1/22/2019 11:56:55 PM Stop PITN ***.***.***.*** Control Panel As you can see the server is restarting quite frequently. What I have done so far. Regardless of mission, custom or BI, server will restart with or without players present. No errors in .rpt. Update and validate game through steamcmd. Manually updated BE dll in the BattlEye directory. Verified ports are defined and open. Servers are 100+ ports apart. Defined all paths with startup line. Went line by line through config file with no errors or changes. I have run the server with the cfg set for BattlEye on and off. Still resets. Note: Both arma 3 servers have been running fine for the last few years. This problem started in the last few weeks.
  3. I'm having an issue with the AI spawns. I believe the" Max AI per square" rule is causing some issues. -If you move fast enough you can get ahead of them. This is not ideal and in combination with max AI you can outrun the spawns. -If some players saturate an area with AI a different group of players can clear the other side of the map because max AI count has been reached and no new AI can spawn. A2 Insurgency counted buildings to place AI. AI spawn and despawn within 200 from each player (think 200m circle around each player). The max AI per player was 4 (when parameter set at 100%). New AI could spawn within 50 meters of a player but no closer (I think that's how it was.). i.e. If a player killed one or a second player entered the area the closest and AI could spawn was 50m from a player. Your default parameters currently are: Max enemy per player = 12 Max enemy per grid = 4 Max total enemy = 120 Min spawn radius = 2 (this being set at 2 meters sometimes causes the AI to spawn instantly in the same spot of the AI you just killed.) Max spawn radius = 500 Max despawn radius = 600 What I would like to do is change how the "Max enemy per grid" is used as I think it's the biggest issue atm. The may need to be max enemy per building per player (example is 1 AI per bldg. per player and a max of 4 AI per player at any given time). The "man" within 3 meter rule should prevent the building from filling up with 34 AI (full player compliment in one location). Max AI per player at 4 multiplied by 34 players = 136 AI (approximately) on the map at any given time with my suggestion. The goal is to allow the players to go anywhere they want, in separate direction from one another, and not reach an AI cap that is triggered by a different group of players. I'd like to change the defaults to: Max enemy per player = 4 Max AI per building per player = 1 (instead of "Max enemy per grid = 4") Max total enemy = 150 Min spawn radius = 50 (current parameters are fine just make 30m or 50m default if not seen by player) Max spawn radius = 200 (Have spawn/despawn radius parameter start at 100 and be in multiples of 100.) Max despawn radius = 200 Otherwise it's very good so far. We have tons of suggestions but I think this one of the biggest issues we've spotted. p.s. Having the Min spawn radius so close (i.e. 2 meters) can be some serious fun for advanced players. You need some serious teamwork to clear a square and makes for one hell of an Alamo scenario.
  4. Awesome. I was looking thinking of something similar but with modular restrictions. Modular suggestions that can be used in a mission parameter: Return dynamic list of vehicles by armed/unarmed. Say I wanted WEST players to have WEST helicopters but only the ones without guns. Same for cars. Ifrits without guns etc. Could that be even defined further and say I wanted a specific weapons system? The reason I suggest this dynamically is that when a mission is changed or vehicles are renamed/added the mission maker doesn't have to redefine/edit the missions 'allowed vehicles' array. Permission to use some of these concepts for a similar support call system and edit(massage) in order to work with an older mission? Also a delete vehicle button to remove unwanted vehicles that were inadvertently created. (nvm, I can see you are removing/replacing them. But I suppose a 'clear' button would work too) BUG: Spawn a MH-49 then spawn a Ifrit and watch the boom. Needs a delay after removing the previous vehicle.
  5. I can add a weapon to a vest with... player addItemToVest "hgun_ACPC2_F"; But I cannot remove a weapon from the vest with... player removeItemFromVest "hgun_ACPC2_F";
  6. Does anyone have a working example since alpha? I'm frying my brain here. I've referenced the following http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?157626-Support-showcase-how-to-add-custom-support-requests http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Communication_Menu http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/showCommandingMenu I can't seem to make the connection between the custom entry in the description.ext and the BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication. I'm trying to execute an sqf thru the menu. Here is one example I tried. class CfgCommunicationMenu { class Default; class Bravo: Default { text = "MH9 Little Bird"; expression = "player execVM [""spawnHelo.sqf""];;"; //expression = "BIS_bravoGo = TRUE;"; icon = "\a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\CommunicationMenu\call_ca.paa"; removeAfterExpressionCall = 1; }; }; But I know the above is completely incorrect. I was frustrated and just trying crazy stuff. But the GUI (which I'd like to keep/mimic) looks nice when I add the menu item with: _supportHeli = [player,"Bravo"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; What is the correct code to the example in the first post? And how do I enable submenus correctly? Any links or example missions released recently would be appreciated. Like the first post is it possible to use the Custom menu instead of support? One more question. Where can I find the function/code BIS_SUPP_request? It's avoiding me in the editor.
  7. Just don't stop on a sandy beach or sandy hill. It will get stuck.
  8. Trawler and more. http://imgur.com/a/6zhky#0
  9. Please do not nerf the Hatchback Sport. You have the regular one that grandma can drive. This thing is hilariously fun! I can't wait to make some rally races or see it in life missions as a supped up getaway car. If anything buff the Offroads as they seem to have been nerfed some. Even better how about an Offroad Sport? Now that would make for some fun times. Heck, how about sport version of every civ car? As for content in general I like the content. I wish we could drive the trawler and I was hoping to see a small fishing boat. I saw the skins in the alpha cfgs.
  10. How about creating an instance? I would like to have the two islands (maps) connected to one mission. Where a player can easily move from one server (Stratis) to another (Altis). And as a mission maker if I wanted an open water map in between these two maps... I think some of you can see the possibilities. This can probably be done now thru a persistent database and simply changing servers. But what if this can be done quickly (not MMORPG/PS2/SWTOR quickly) but have the infrastructure already included in the engine. I know BIS has thought about it. They have discussed it for their other project that uses a similar engine. Imagine what a mission maker can do if he can take his mission and spread it over several instanced servers. All of these servers with there own unique island (map). Islands, continents, buildings, static ships, open water, and dungeons. Do you see the possibilities?
  11. You just need to edit the menus and buy sqf and not the gui/rsc/hpp. Here is how I did it for version 0.3.4. It should give you a hint on how to do it for yourself. I also tossed in a treat. Good luck. p.s. Use the CODE tags to post sqf so we all don't go blind trying to read it. :cool: helibuy.sqf _vehinit = "_veh = this;_veh lock true;clearWeaponCargo _veh;clearMagazineCargo _veh;clearItemCargo _veh;clearBackpackCargo _veh;"; getmymoney = player getVariable "mymoney"; if (player in list Airfield_Spawn) then { carspawn = getMarkerPos "civchopperspawn"; }; if (player in list Cop_base) then { carspawn = getMarkerPos "copchopperspawn"; }; if (player in list terrorbase) then { carspawn = getMarkerPos "terrorcarspawn"; }; if((player getVariable "airlicense") >= 1) then { if(side player == west) then { if((lbCurSel 11127) == 0) then { displayname = "Little Bird"; thisprice = 40000; vehname = "B_MH9_F"; if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then { closeDialog 0; player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice]; hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')]; _veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn); _veh setVehicleInit _vehinit; processInitCommands; vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4']; } else { Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)]; }; }; if((lbCurSel 11127) == 1) then { displayname = "KA60"; thisprice = 60000; vehname = "O_Ka60_Unarmed_F"; if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then { closeDialog 0; player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice]; hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')]; _veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn); _veh setVehicleInit _vehinit; processInitCommands; vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4']; } else { Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)]; }; }; }; if((side player == civilian) and (player in list terrorbase)) then { if((lbCurSel 11127) == 0) then { displayname = "Little Bird"; thisprice = 125000; vehname = "B_MH9_F"; if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then { closeDialog 0; player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice]; hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')]; _veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn); _veh setObjectTexture [0, "\A3\Air_F\Mh9\Data\heli_light01_ext_indp_co.paa"]; //independent _veh setVehicleInit _vehinit; processInitCommands; vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4']; } else { Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)]; }; }; if((lbCurSel 11127) == 1) then { displayname = "KA60"; thisprice = 150000; vehname = "O_Ka60_Unarmed_F"; if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then { closeDialog 0; player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice]; hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')]; _veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn); _veh setObjectTexture [0, "A3\Air_F\Ka60\Data\ka60_ext_indp_co.paa"]; //independent _veh setVehicleInit _vehinit; processInitCommands; vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4']; } else { Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)]; }; }; if((lbCurSel 11127) == 2) then { displayname = "AH9 Independent"; thisprice = 250000; vehname = "B_AH9_F"; if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then { closeDialog 0; player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice]; hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')]; _veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn); _veh setObjectTexture [0, "\A3\Air_F\Mh9\Data\heli_light01_ext_indp_co.paa"]; //independent _veh setVehicleInit _vehinit; processInitCommands; vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4']; } else { Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)]; }; }; if((lbCurSel 11127) == 3) then { displayname = "KA60 Armed Independent"; thisprice = 300000; vehname = "O_Ka60_F"; if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then { closeDialog 0; player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice]; hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')]; _veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn); _veh setObjectTexture [0, "A3\Air_F\Ka60\Data\ka60_ext_indp_co.paa"]; //independent _veh setVehicleInit _vehinit; processInitCommands; vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4']; } else { Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)]; }; }; }; if(side player == civilian) then { if((lbCurSel 11127) == 0) then { displayname = "Little Bird"; thisprice = 125000; vehname = "B_MH9_F"; if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then { closeDialog 0; player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice]; hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')]; _veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn); _veh setVehicleInit _vehinit; processInitCommands; vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4']; } else { Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)]; }; }; if((lbCurSel 11127) == 1) then { displayname = "KA60"; thisprice = 150000; vehname = "O_Ka60_Unarmed_F"; if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then { closeDialog 0; player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice]; hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')]; _veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn); _veh setVehicleInit _vehinit; processInitCommands; vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4']; } else { Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)]; }; }; }; }else { hint "You need a Pilot license to purchase a aircraft"; }; helimenu.sqf createDialog "HeliMenu"; ctrlSetText[11126,format["Money: %1",(player getVariable "mymoney")]]; if(side player == west) then { lbAdd[11127,"Little Bird : 40000"]; lbAdd[11127,"KA60 : 60000"]; }; if((side player == civilian) and (player in list terrorbase)) then { lbAdd[11127,"MH9 Independent: 125000"]; lbAdd[11127,"KA60 Independent : 150000"]; lbAdd[11127,"AH9 Independent : 250000"]; lbAdd[11127,"KA60-A Independent : 300000"]; else exitwith{}; }; if(side player == civilian) then { if(player in list terrorbase) exitwith {}; lbAdd[11127,"Little Bird : 125000"]; lbAdd[11127,"KA60 : 150000"]; };
  12. Tried ver. 3.3.4 and had stuttering occurring every second or so. I started troubleshooting the inits and found that if I remmed out buildingprot.sqf the stutter would cease. I also noted an excessive amount of the use of loops in other sqfs. It's an ambitious project and I wish you luck.
  13. pitn


    The missions is going into debug. Somewhere a script broke and it's enabling a debug script to make a player invincible. What is weird is that it's not enabling the other debug scripts. The temp solution is to restart the mission. The temp fix would be to comment out the invincibility part. The correct answer is to find where the mission is breaking. But the only error has to do with the vehicle loop breaking which is usually what happens when the mission breaks somewhere else. My .rpt file nor -showscripterrors is giving me any clue as to where the problem is.
  14. I like it so far. Can the camera just have a single position instead of 3 moves and stop? Example: Zoom out, zoom in. Focus weapon, focus backpack, focus LBV, Focus uniform front/back etc? Or maybe View player from static positions. Front/back/left/right. Elevated front/back/left/right.
  15. pitn

    Arma 3 Dedicated server

    I would like to ask for some clarifications. With the purchase of the full game can we install a "dedicated server version or binary" on a seperate computer not associated with the steam account? Can I place more than one dedi-server instance on the same machine? Do I have to purchase more than one key per dedicated instance? Is an active steam account needed to run a dedicated server instance or can they be run without steam? If the steam requirement is 'true' to run a server instance do I need a second steam account to run a dedicated server on a computer other than the client? I ask because currently I run A2OA as a dedicated server on a seperate computer through the LAN to test MP missions before moving the mission to the true dedicated server host.
  16. pitn


    I am curious why this thread was moved from the user mission thread (which it is) to the editing room?
  17. pitn


    This happens when you change something and forgot to define it. Most likely you didn't define the UNIT you added. It can be a spelling error or an omission. I edit the mission in stages that way when I make some changes then test the mission I know ehn I screwed up. When I see this and I can't figure out my boo boo I revert to an earlier edit of the mission and try again.
  18. pitn

    Insurgency Chernarus Completed

    It is not locking up. There are insane load times due to the requirements in the mission. In the mission.sqm the game is loading not only Chernarus but Zargabad and Takistan aswell. Also, the start position for everything should be off the map in the big green emptiness. Everything currently spawns in the trees and then moves to it's location. Some items are detroyed or disabled before the move. Others (vehicles) are being moved to forests and are 'trapped' and cannot move. I love the port. :cool: It just needs some tweaks. Currently the server becomes bogged down within 3 hours. We are running a new high end server and get 50 fps almost constantly even with 30 players. After about 2-3 hours the fps is dropping below 10. My curent theory is that most of the ai vehicles are being wrecked on spawn and it builds until the server can't handle it anymore.
  19. pitn

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Well, now I understand why they kept them seperate. Thanks for the clarification.
  20. pitn

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I liked the ACR DLC. Especially the Saboteur. My favorite vehicles are the PANDUR 2 and the L159. The PANDUR is the best wheeled apc in the game atm and the engine sounds from the L159 ALCA are awesome. The DINGO 2 needs a buff. For an MRAP it is the weakest and slowest of all of the vehicles. Tires puncture to easily and one satchel/rpg (satchel @ 2-3m) will destroy it while the uparmored HMMWV survives the same attack quite well. Why would I drive the Dingo when the HMMWV is faster and better protected? Of course there are several bugs and most of them have already been addressed on DevHeaven. The biggest problem so far has been the ACR MP compatability patch. I have the new ACR ported to Insurgency but I have to beg players to install the patch in order to play it. I only hope that with 1.63 the ACR lite content is included instead of as a seperate option. The LOD issues I have aswell. I am not sure if it was the 1.62 patch or the ACR DLC I purchased but the LOD switching looks horrid. I'm running max settings on a high end rig and while I am only 30 meters from vehicles the low poly uglyness flashes in and out constantly.
  21. pitn

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Good question. Can I run ACR LITE on the server or do i need to purchase the DLC for the dedi?
  22. pitn

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I am d/l the pre-order but I understood that there was going to be a seperate LITE version d/l for everyone else. Do we have any word on it's release? I'm preparing my Insurgency ACR mission but it will suck if I can't populate the server due to some clients missing necessary files. For you mission makers, a list of the ACR weapons found in the CZ crate. ACR Weapons/Ammo Class List "M4A1", "M4A3_CCO_EP1", "M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1", "Sa58P_EP1", "Sa58V_EP1", "Sa58V_RCO_EP1", "Sa58V_CCO_EP1", "M60A4_EP1", "MAAWS", "SVD_des_EP1", "m107","Sa61_EP1", "RPG7V", "CZ_75_P_07_DUTY", "CZ_75_D_COMPACT", "CZ_75_SP_01_PHANTOM", "CZ_75_SP_01_PHANTOM_SD", "Evo_ACR", "Evo_mrad_ACR", "evo_sd_ACR", "UK59_ACR", "SVD", "Igla", "M249_m145_EP1", "CZ_750_S1_ACR", "CZ805_A1_ACR", "CZ805_A1_GL_ACR", "CZ805_A2_ACR", "CZ805_A2_SD_ACR", "CZ805_B_GL_ACR", "LRTV_ACR"], "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "100Rnd_762x51_M240", "30Rnd_762x39_SA58", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "HandGrenade_West", "SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShellGreen", "SmokeShellYellow", "SmokeShell", "MAAWS_HEAT", "MAAWS_HEDP", "10Rnd_762x54_SVD", "30Rnd_556x45_G36SD", "30Rnd_556x45_G36", "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "10Rnd_127x99_m107", "PG7V","PG7VR", "Igla","1Rnd_Smoke_M203", "1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203", "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203", "1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203", "FlareWhite_M203", "FlareGreen_M203", "FlareRed_M203", "FlareYellow_M203", "20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR", "20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR", "100Rnd_556x45_M249", "100Rnd_762x54_PK", "18Rnd_9x19_Phantom", "18Rnd_9x19_PhantomSD", "15Rnd_9x19_M9", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "10Rnd_9x19_Compact", "20Rnd_9x19_EVOSD", "20Rnd_9x19_EVO", "10Rnd_762x51_CZ750", "20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball", "10Rnd_B_765x17_Ball", "200Rnd_556x45_M249", "Laserbatteries",
  23. pitn

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Hopefully this does not count as a spoiler.... But I have a partial list of the ACR vehicles. I"m not sure where to look for the weapons yet. IMO this DLC is worth it. Just the soldier skins and weapons alone are great. Especially the Woodland SF Demolitions guy and the new SMG. I am still looking for the weapons classnames and the ammo classname for the EVO III. ACR Vehicle Classnames