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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Everyone will hate me for what I say, but .... Please do not add too many things or this project will turn into another FFUR SLX ... :j: :oops: EDIT: On the other hand, ignore what I just said, kenoxite. I believe you will make a great mod
  2. I like the new multicam variant more, it blends better in woodland in my humble opinion. EDIT: I am sorry for criticism, but camouflage is not about looking good is it? The main purpose is blending with environment. Please take a look at this screenshot taken form far away: The second line of soldiers is shown in the lowest detail LOD (5.202). What is the most visible body part? Legs? This is the problem with all ww4mod soldiers to be honest. I opened one of your soldier model with ODOL Explorier and found the problem: As you can see from the front camouflage on the pants is stretched and doesn't do a good job at hiding a soldier. This is one of the reasons why spotting someone in OFP at long distances is easy. Luckily there is solution! Open your soldiers with O2 editor open the lowest detail LOD, and change the Gizmo mapping (Surfaces > Gizmo Mapping) of legs. Here is an example with resistance soldier form ww4mod: Change the Gizmo Mapping to Cylindric (X,distance). If the legs appear to bright you can lower their brightness by reversing the faces (Faces > Reverse). Result, leg on the right side is fixed: What are your thoughts?
  3. Icarus

    Ironsight mod (for handguns only)

    I fixed missing wounded soldier textures issue. Now wounded soldiers will have bloody textures. Download link is in upper and first posts. P.S. I am still working on ww4mod25 + IronSight united mod. :j: P.S.S. wikiupload is the worst file host ever!
  4. Good looking picture, kenoxite! I have one question however. Do the pilots actually wore the same camouflage clothing as regular infantry? I recall watching a video of former US airforce pilot. He claimed that pilots did not use same camouflage as regular infantry because they were not supposed to do same tasks as infantry. In short the camouflage pattern of original OFP pilots should be a good example.
  5. Icarus

    WW4 Modpack 2.5

    You are the best!!!
  6. Icarus

    WW4 Modpack 2.5

    Thank you for reply, Sanctuary. Actually in ww4 modders resource Nr.4 (WW4ressource45.rar) there are a number of weapons missing that are in mod and some are a little different from what is in latest mod version. For exmaple Groza assault rifle has no mechanical sights in modders resource pack 4, while in mod the sights are present. Could you please add MLODs of these weapons in WW4modders resource pack? List: Take care :bounce3:
  7. Icarus

    WW4 Modpack 2.5

    Sanctuary, Thank you again for this great mod :notworthy: Could you tell me why are some weapons (FAMAS, AUG, ...) missing in ww4 modders resource weapon pack? Is it because you did not get permission to share them?
  8. Icarus

    Eurogamer retrospective

    Good article. Sadly enough that page is riddled with Codemasters OFP2 comertials and there are no links for Arma:Cold War Assault :( At least I did not notice.
  9. Great work, kenoxite! What do you think about uniting WW4 EXTENTED and IronSight mods toghether? It is technically easy and would not cause any conflicts :bounce3: I am currently working on ww4mod25+IronSight united mod, so I thought this would be a good idea... What are your thoughts? :butbut:
  10. Icarus

    Ironsight mod (for handguns only)

    The download link was removed, so I re-uploaded mod files. http://wikisend.com/download/153320/@IronSight hotfixed.zip Torrent file :) @IronSight hotfixed.zip.torrent
  11. Great Script pack, kenoxite! Is kINFOSHARE script based on the one used in ECP mod?
  12. Icarus

    TacOps Server

    Hello Anguis, I unfortunatelly cannot see your CWA TacOps WGL server :( Neither through OFPMonitor, neither through ingame multiplayer browser.
  13. I am afraid, Cold War Assault is still bugged after various fixes were published. :(
  14. Icarus

    OFPr.info / ofp.gamepark.cz

    Thank you for keeping up ofpr.info! :notworthy: Maybe a silly question, but does the news posting work again?
  15. Icarus

    Ironsight mod (for handguns only)

    I am working on ww4mod compatible files. I have done ECP_IronSight config. I have uploaded hotfixed version with ECP configs in the first post.
  16. Icarus

    Ironsight mod (for handguns only)

    Thank you for reply =SappeR=, Of course its possible to remove that weird crosshair with corners, and I will certainly do so in next update. :) UPDATE: I have removed the annoying crosshairs from handguns, added a Mod launcher file (.bat). I also added Bonus config file for @IronSight + @ECP mod. Download link in the first post
  17. Icarus

    M88a2 (arv)

    Great addon! Does it also feature suspension script for singleplayer as BREM did?
  18. Icarus

    Ironsight mod (for handguns only)

    I am sorry for bumping up the Thread. I was wondering... Do you guys prefer to have option to use old 2D Ironsights on handguns or is having only 3D sights on pistols ok? :confused: P.S. I am working on ECP compatible configuration.
  19. Icarus

    Ironsight mod (for handguns only)

    @Laukhan I am going to release a config for IronSight and ECP mods to be used toghether. I plan do the same with ww4mod25 IronSight mod could be made compatible with @ww4mod, however all ww4mod25 soldiers must be edited because of the way IronSight mod works. In addition WGL mod could only be used with Ironsight mod if player (you) would choose to use edited ww4mod soldier models and used a single config file that I have to create at first. Take care, Icarus P.S. If you have spotted any bugs, please inform me.
  20. Icarus

    Modern War(fare) Crisis

    Congratulations on new release! :bounce3: Edit: All download links seem to be broken... :j:
  21. Its really odd to see people creating forum accounts just to thank the creator of the "patch"... :rolleyes:
  22. _XeteX_, I do not want to be blaming you blindly. Sorry about that, but I am having trouble in trusting you, since you removed the download link. You may have done that because of forum rules, or because of other reasons. I don't know. Maybe after enough people will have reported your patch as "clean" I will give it a shot. Until then I wish you all the best, seriously.
  23. I really wonder why did you disabled comments on your youtube video? Are you afraid of criticism?
  24. Icarus

    Guerrilla Pack

    Thank you for this amazing mod, Dan! :bounce3: I have a question. Does the aggressive behavior of your bots is the result of some scripts you used or is it because of some clever config tweaking?
  25. I wonder why is nobody responding. Does this patch work? And why has this post been reported? :confused: Can someone tell me what is going on?