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About SwordfishBR

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    Private First Class
  1. Sorry for bad English, more'll try to help you, it is possible to declare the server.cfg remote clients to connect your mission, you configure a computer to run a client session and connect to the server HC In server.cfg add the IP of the client HC Example: headlessClients [] = {"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", "xxx.xxx.xxx.xx", "xxx.xxx.xxx.xx"} (put the HC IP Client) On the computer HC install Arma 3 Server and create BAT files with the following command line: start "" /wait "C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -client -connect=Server IP -port=2302 -password=***** -enableSteamLogs -debug_steamapi -name=HC -profile=HC "-mod=@alive;@cba_a3"
  2. New Release of SquadSync: http://www.combatetatico.com.br/downloads/squadsync/ VERSION SquadSync Client 2.1.6 SquadSync Server 2.1.5​
  3. I`ll wait for your feedback to go launching new features !
  4. SQUADSYNC Launcher and Addons Synchronization software for ArmA Powered by Centurion Games and Combate Tatico Brasil DESCRIPTION SquadSync Server/Client are applications developed by CCT (Comunidade de Combate Tático) to manage dedicated servers for Arma 3 as well as the user version of your ArmA 3. (It also works with ArmA 2) It is the most TIME SAVER app of all time for your ArmA 3 Community. It basically works like this: You put the IP of the server you want to be synced with, everytime it updates you will get a message, click on Update and you're in Sync with your community/clan's server until there is another one. Then you just press launch ArmA to connect automatically to the Server(with password) and you're ready to Get Some PRESETS SYSTEM Choose automatically only the mods you're gonna use for your campaing or mission, no need to nitpick which mods you're gonna need your server does that for you, just Choose the presets your Clan is using that night . What more do you want? REALLY THIS IS AWESOME! ARSENAL Be in sync with your server all the time, your SquadSync will download your mods for you through the arsenal and everyime there is an update, you will get the message when you launch it. FEATURES - Extremely Friendly User interface (No more headaches from users who can't download for #!@#) - PRESETS SYSTEM!!! - ArmA 2 and 3 support - MP and SP compatible - Easy connection to multiple Servers - Arsenal - Extreme time save INSTALLATION AND MANUAL http://www.combatetatico.com.br/downloads/squadsync/ TERMS OF USE This program is free for use, but please notify me if you found a bug or if you have some suggestion. The author of this program is not responsible for any damage or data loss. It is not allowed to sell this program for money, it has to be free to get. VERSION SquadSync Client 2.1.6 SquadSync Server 2.1.5
  5. Sorry for the bad english, apparent persistence is working properly all the data is sent to WarRoom, but when I need to save the server to update it never ends, I noticed some errors in AliveServer.log referring to arma2net put down like this in the log . alive.log 3/31/2015 5:58:45 PM: Starting up ALiVE Plugin 3/31/2015 5:58:45 PM: Reading config file: Username: qi3icyxyhu9oto4yve4y5o6e4ydeqi2u, Group: ZONA DE COMBATE 3/31/2015 5:58:45 PM: Getting your IP: 3/31/2015 5:58:46 PM: War Room Authorisation: "true" 3/31/2015 5:58:46 PM: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}} AliveServer.log 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info Arma2NET running on CLR 4.0.30319.34014 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info Loaded into process arma3server 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info Loading addins 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Error Failed to create addin application domain ALiVEPlugIn for C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@AliveServer\AddIns\ALiVEPlugIn\ALiVEPlugIn.dll 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Warn Falling back to the main application domain 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Error Failed to create addin application domain DateTimePlugin for C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@AliveServer\AddIns\DateTimePlugin\DateTimePlugin.dll 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Warn Falling back to the main application domain 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info Domain Name Version Publisher Description 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain SendxRTML Tupolov Sends data to an xRTML service 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain GetBulkJSON Tupolov Gets record from bulk data stack 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain StartALiVE Tupolov Returns the startup data 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain SendJSON Tupolov Send data as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain ServerLocation Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server geo location. 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain ServerAddress Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server IP address. 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain GetWeatherLocation Tupolov Gets Weather Location - accepts location (country/city) string returns json string 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain SendBulkJSON Tupolov Sends bulk data as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain SendJSONToFile Tupolov Send data asynchronously as JSON to a File, accepts module, data returns string 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain ServerName Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server name. 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain ServerHostName Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server host name as seen in the MP play list. 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain SendJSONAsync Tupolov Send data asynchronously as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain GroupName Tupolov Returns the group ID specified in ALiVE.cfg. 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain GetWeather Tupolov Gets Weather data - accepts year,month,day,hour and location (string city or lon/lat) returns json string 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info DefaultDomain DateTime Scott_NZ Returns the current date and time. 03/30/2015 22:37:44 Info Arma2NET initialized in 00:00:00.2240803 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info Arma2NET running on CLR 4.0.30319.34014 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info Loaded into process arma3server 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info Loading addins 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Error Failed to create addin application domain ALiVEPlugIn for C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@AliveServer\AddIns\ALiVEPlugIn\ALiVEPlugIn.dll 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Warn Falling back to the main application domain 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Error Failed to create addin application domain DateTimePlugin for C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@AliveServer\AddIns\DateTimePlugin\DateTimePlugin.dll 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Warn Falling back to the main application domain 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info Domain Name Version Publisher Description 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain SendxRTML Tupolov Sends data to an xRTML service 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain GetBulkJSON Tupolov Gets record from bulk data stack 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain StartALiVE Tupolov Returns the startup data 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain SendJSON Tupolov Send data as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain ServerLocation Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server geo location. 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain ServerAddress Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server IP address. 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain GetWeatherLocation Tupolov Gets Weather Location - accepts location (country/city) string returns json string 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain SendBulkJSON Tupolov Sends bulk data as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain SendJSONToFile Tupolov Send data asynchronously as JSON to a File, accepts module, data returns string 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain ServerName Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server name. 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain ServerHostName Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server host name as seen in the MP play list. 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain SendJSONAsync Tupolov Send data asynchronously as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain GroupName Tupolov Returns the group ID specified in ALiVE.cfg. 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain GetWeather Tupolov Gets Weather data - accepts year,month,day,hour and location (string city or lon/lat) returns json string 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info DefaultDomain DateTime Scott_NZ Returns the current date and time. 03/30/2015 23:35:08 Info Arma2NET initialized in 00:00:00.6089607 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info Arma2NET running on CLR 4.0.30319.34014 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info Loaded into process arma3server 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info Loading addins 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Error Failed to create addin application domain ALiVEPlugIn for C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@AliveServer\AddIns\ALiVEPlugIn\ALiVEPlugIn.dll 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Warn Falling back to the main application domain 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Error Failed to create addin application domain DateTimePlugin for C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@AliveServer\AddIns\DateTimePlugin\DateTimePlugin.dll 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Warn Falling back to the main application domain 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info Domain Name Version Publisher Description 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain SendxRTML Tupolov Sends data to an xRTML service 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain GetBulkJSON Tupolov Gets record from bulk data stack 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain StartALiVE Tupolov Returns the startup data 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain SendJSON Tupolov Send data as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain ServerLocation Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server geo location. 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain ServerAddress Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server IP address. 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain GetWeatherLocation Tupolov Gets Weather Location - accepts location (country/city) string returns json string 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain SendBulkJSON Tupolov Sends bulk data as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain SendJSONToFile Tupolov Send data asynchronously as JSON to a File, accepts module, data returns string 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain ServerName Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server name. 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain ServerHostName Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server host name as seen in the MP play list. 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain SendJSONAsync Tupolov Send data asynchronously as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain GroupName Tupolov Returns the group ID specified in ALiVE.cfg. 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain GetWeather Tupolov Gets Weather data - accepts year,month,day,hour and location (string city or lon/lat) returns json string 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info DefaultDomain DateTime Scott_NZ Returns the current date and time. 03/30/2015 23:56:00 Info Arma2NET initialized in 00:00:00.2605017 I wonder if the firewall can block that already he is giving full access to arma3.exe
  6. Sorry for the bad english, I have the server with the settings placed just below, and would like to make the most of it, I wonder if anyone has any similar configuration, playing missions using the AliveMod get a result of 22 FPS with 20 Players but my CPS this too low between 1 and 2 CPS I thank you settings
  7. Congratulations to alivemod team, I would like to acknowledge the work and now this addon is of great importance for Community Combat Tactical Brazil, we are always following the progress of work and always eager for news, apologize for bad English
  8. When running the server with the @AliveServer causing the server crash with the following error: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: arma3server.exe Problem Signature 02: Problem Signature 03: 54bd423f Problem Signature 04: Arma2Net.Unmanaged Problem Signature 05: Problem Signature 06: 50360e12 Problem Signature 07: 6 Problem Signature 08: 14 Problem Signature 09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Read our privacy statement online: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=104288&clcid=0x0409 If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt use the windows 2008 RC2 as Administrator with all permissions given the DLL's of @AliveServer
  9. I made a new mission it works perfectly without AliveServer, but when I run the server with AliveServer cause crash
  10. After update I have problems starting AliveServer causing server crash, someone with the same problem?
  11. SwordfishBR

    Tip of integration

    sorry for my bad English because I am Brazilian, I see more than those who are faithful customers of Bohemia Interactive would like the two products that really Arma 2 and TOH were 100% integrated, some community members have the TOH but not all simple because of no a total integration of islands not only units modules etc. .. as if fully integrated 100% of the community would acquire, would be great to have in Arma 2 part rotating simulated aerial
  12. the editor is more easy and visual:
  13. SwordfishBR

    Clafghan Map 20x20 Beta Release

    I can not create the Key Server a solution for this?
  14. SwordfishBR

    Clafghan Map 20x20 Beta Release

    Map impressive, I wonder about subscriptions because I could not create them because signatures did not come