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Everything posted by pettka

  1. The black versions of Taru helicopters isn't available directly from the Editor (as it would clutter the selection with all eight variants), but there is a script available to make the helicopter properly black, described in the Features field on Community Wiki How to use it: Insert the helicopter in the Editor and put this into init field (example for standard Taru without any pod) null = [this] execVM "\a3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Scripts\Heli_Transport_04_basic_black.sqf"
  2. pettka

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    Yep, as I have said before, we have come to the conclusion that having just the ramps isn't such a performance hit. Still, having fifty Mohawks colliding with each other isn't a good idea for steady FPS rate :icon_twisted: For some further explanation, the PhysX lod of model must be as simple as possible, adding more parts to produce a hollow mesh causes some rather nasty performance hit I was describing. And yes, it was 17 % FPS down with just the ramp solution, not any other doors working in PhysX :icon_evil:
  3. pettka

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    We have done several tests regarding the doors, there are some functional issues, but the main problem is performance - properly prepared model has up to 17 % performance loss in some extreme conditions (tens of such models colliding). So it's not just about us being lazy to address every possible issue that appear with adding open-able doors (we would not test it in the firs place if we had been so lazy :icon_twisted:), we have made some decisions based on proper testing that are in progress, but I cannot promise anything to happen as there are technical difficulties to be expected :icon_twisted:
  4. Van is a civilian truck, it's called like that in data and I have used wrong transcription :icon_evil:
  5. 16-10-2014 Size: ~1 MB Publisher Fixed: Publisher had a wrong appID while run directly from Steam
  6. I have some bad news for You as characters in Arma 3 aren't PhysX entities on their own and are affected by PhysX only in certain moments (being hit or killed, as far as I remember, maybe some other case) :icon_evil:
  7. pettka

    Turrets (Proxy?)

    This is a bit more difficult than it seems as there are no proxy models done yet, all the turrets on current vehicles are part of the respective models. That would mean You need to create Your own models for the proxies, and have proxies for all sides as changing textures doesn't work on proxies. If You still want to do that, I would recommend creating just the "head" of the turret as a proxy as it is not possible to animate anything in the proxy itself, just the whole proxy. I hope this helps, even if it's possibly not the answer You were looking for :icon_twisted:
  8. pettka

    Skip intro.....Permenant?

    It seems like You don't have any world called Utes available, the game loads empty island instead :icon_twisted:
  9. pettka

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    There is no need to use any scripting commands, I don't know where this urban myth came from, but giving it a proper try is always a way to go :icon_twisted:
  10. 14-10-2014 Size: ~3 MB Development branch has been updated to be on par with main branch, see TECHREP for more details. Publisher Fixed: Maximized window is slightly cropped by screen boundaries Fixed: Maximized main window overlaps system taskbar Added: Updated placement & look of caption buttons in windows Fixed: Publisher crashed when adding a PBO file via the browse button Changed: Description instead of change notes in summary window Added: Better PBO loading handling (parse exception thrown if loading fails) Arma3Tools.exe Changed: Reference to the licenseMgr.dll Added: New application parameter to mount P on startup (Preferences >> Mount P drive on startup) Fixed: Deletion of the text clipboard while mounting P Drive Fixed: Application parameters were not correctly set/read on startup GameUpdater Changed: Updated dependencies licenseMgr.dll Changed: Now uses .NEt Framework 4.5.1 Changed: Key check improved ImageToPAA Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies WAVToLIP Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies WAVToWSS Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies WSSDecoder Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies Samples Updated: Sample of helicopter with Firing from Vehicles functionality
  11. And more than that - AI is now able and willing to land their chopper even in urban areas, Dr. Hladik has shown another of his magic tricks :icon_twisted:
  12. Long story short, there is a technology that works for AI as obscuring soldiers in grass :icon_twisted: To elaborate more, AI isn't affected directly by grass clutter, but each clutter type appears according to surface under it and that surface affects "size" of anyone on that surface (with some additional influences like stance, uniform and so on). Shooting the weapon affects this a lot (lets say 10 times), which means that AI sees soldier in grass being two meters tall instead for some short time. Just to note, bushes work in some other way :icon_twisted:
  13. The paths to sounds contained some typo, it should not affect any gameplay feature :icon_twisted:
  14. Well, that's strange as this works fine for me (doesn't display any texture as I obviously don't have Your texture): class cfgVehicles { class C_Hatchback_01_sport_F; class KBS_Hatchback_polizei: C_Hatchback_01_sport_F { displayName = "Ford Fiesta RS WRC Polizei"; author = "original by BI; modified by KBS"; maxSpeed = 279; fuelCapacity = 3.5; fuelConsumptionRate = 22; maxOmega = 722.57; enginePower = 340; peakTorque = 400; idleRpm = 900; redRpm = 6900; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\KBS\Texturen\Cops\cop_hatchback.paa"}; class eventHandlers { init = ""; }; }; }; I have just removed vehicleClass as I don't have it defined, but should not affect anything.
  15. It's actually rather easy, just define class eventHandlers with empty init like this: class eventHandlers { init = ""; }; Hope it helps :icon_twisted:
  16. Long story short: You were able to move from rearmost position in HEMTT, Zamak and Tempest directly into the drivers position, which is kind of strange given the distance and separated back part from the front. It is properly no longer possible, more changes inbounce tomorrow :icon_twisted:
  17. I have heard the promises that there's going to be some documentation for it on BIKI soonTM :icon_twisted: /// Edit: Sooner than expected: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client
  18. 03-10-2014 Size: ~4 MB Addon Builder Changed: Variety of visual tweaks related to the font update (new Purista font has different metrics then the old one) Fixed: P3D move via fixing temp path Fixed: Exclude LST in packing Game Updater Added: Copies Arma3GU.exe to the installation directory Added: Control method for installed or updated copy of Arma 3 Changed: A log per day instead of a log per start-up Changed: Usage of log4net instead of common.dll Fixed: An irrelevant additional log file was created Fixed: In some cases, Game Updater was unable to finish the installation process after the download Publisher Added: Publisher now has descriptive log dump Changed: Variety of visual tweaks related to the font update (new Purista font has different metrics then the old one) Fixed: Texts sent and received from Steam service are corrupted Arma3Tools.exe Added: NativeMethods.dll to improve security and compatibility Changed: Mount P-Drive method (bypassing UAC) (no change to mapDisk) Fixed: Cannot find registry.xml on installation Fixed: Tools log file size warning was incorrect (digits after the comma) Starter Changed: Improved base code Documentation Added: Folder Added: Shortcuts to online documentation Added: Folder Manuals with links to online manuals Added: License of "protobuf-net" Changed: License file names for consistency Changed: Cleaned folders (licenses) Fixed: GDAT license was incorrect Arma3GU.exe (part of Game Updater) Added: Now uses the current directory if it contains Arma3.exe Added: Detection method of the Arma 3 installation to start Added: Log file (Arma3GU.log, in Arma3GU.exe directory) Changed: Improved detection method of the GU installation directory Changed: Extended output in the GUI Changed: Relevant data have been added to the read me (Arma3GU.txt) Changed: Improved closing methods Changed: Order of detection methods Use the current directory if Arma3.exe exists Use last installation path from Game Updater if Arma3.exe is missing from the current directory [*]Fixed: The application does not close after a fatal error [*]Fixed: False positive "Unable to determine Arma 3 GU path" error Samples Added: Sample plant Install script Added: Firewall rule for Publisher Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (Development branch, RC 2) Steam configuration Fixed: Starting "Arma 3 Tools" directly from Steam with additional parameters (e.g. -config=server.cfg) may cause some of them to have an error on start-up
  19. 03-10-2014 EXE rev. 127551 (game) No new launcher Size: ~165 MB DATA Added: New winch destruction particle effects Updated: HUD for Blackfoot and Kajman with RTD components Added: Class HeadlessClient_F to add Headless Client into scenarios Added: New MP friendly function added for deleting crew in vehicles (deleteVehicleCrew) Added: BIS_fnc_MP now supports scripting commands, not only functions Examples: [nil,"saveGame",false] call bis_fnc_mp; ["Hello World","hint"] call bis_fnc_mp; [[myObject,42],"setDir",myObject] call bis_fnc_mp; [*]Added: Proper unarmed variants for FFV positions [*]Fixed: Proper compartments for FFV positions in all trucks [*]Fixed: Soldiers are now able to board Zamak on the seventh cargo slot Possible Campaign spoilers: ENGINE Changed: Better Sling Loading AI / commands Changed: Adjusted network stats to count data of disconnected players Fixed: End of the ATGear FSM, which was waiting for gear to be closed Added: Enable new Headless Client implementation (see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client for more details) Fixed: Limit banking only for AI while Sling Loading Fixed: Blinking editing zones in Zeus Added: New features to diagnose rendering + cleanup to optimize it Fixed: unassign destroyed vehicles from groups Fixed: switchMove command clears external move Fixed: Issue with assignAsCargo from editor Compiled by pettka while Master Lord Joris is about to collect more peanut butter to improve work productivity.
  20. It has been explained several times, Task Force Launcher is working on that. We felt that delivering at least possibility to use Steam Workshop first makes sense and that people in here may possibly be able to read the explanation every now and then. Just to add it, you are able to use local mods the same way as before by setting the mod parameter in Parameters part of launcher :icon_twisted:
  21. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    You are actually messing the terms of "causality" and "correlation" - You may or may not believe me, but sling loading was not planned before we started the DLC :icon_twisted:
  22. There are two parameters that are coefficient of radius of unharmed wheel. The first one should make damaged wheel a bit "deflated" and the second should be set to match the size of destroyed wheel. I hope this helps :icon_twisted: wheelDamageRadiusCoef = 0.95; wheelDestroyRadiusCoef = 0.45;
  23. pettka

    Arma 3 Helicopters DLC Discussion (dev branch)

    It took me just a nick of time to create a mod for that: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=315102096 - actually, it takes me longer to write this than to create the mod :icon_twisted: When I said it's simple, I meant this simple: class CfgPatches { class A3_Flares_F { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]={"A3_Weapons_F"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class SmokeLauncher; class CMFlareLauncher: SmokeLauncher { modes[] += {Single}; }; }; As for the decision, it is based mostly on the real life use of the flares - they are fired autonomously to prevent human mistake, and are fired in burst. The same way as in the real life, Arma 3 simulates probability of spoofing the missiles, which is some 60 % per pair of flares, as far as I remember. The systems won't let the pilot use less flares than certain number required to spoof the missiles nearly every time. This mechanics is a bit harder to grab and explain, that is why we decided to leave just the burst for vanilla content :icon_twisted: As for the silly remarks of balancing, I would call it nonsense in the thread dedicated to helicopters. There are distinctive helos for BLUFOR for each role, while OPFOR has flying tanks and poor AAF has just some transport choppers. The way we use the word "balancing" it means "ensuring that AI is able to use the technology".
  24. pettka

    Arma 3 Helicopters DLC Discussion (dev branch)

    It is just a matter of a design decision, as stated on the Feedback Tracker, but I don't see any change in this in the near future :icon_twisted: Exactly, the possibility still exists in the engine (and I think the fire mode may be even configured, just not added to the list of available fire modes), there are several reasons why vanilla content doesn't use it, but modders may add it easily :icon_twisted:
  25. pettka

    Arma 3 Helicopters DLC Discussion (dev branch)

    You are right, the possibility to set different fire modes for countermeasures in configs exists, it just isn't utilized by the standard aerial vehicles on purpose. Modding this is as easy as it seems, or maybe even easier than it seems :icon_twisted: