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Everything posted by dragon01

  1. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I agree wholeheartedly. For a team of that size, a "PR guy" mostly responsible for replying on the forum could be useful. A quote from the forum rules, please. "Requests for information" were not forbidden last time I checked. This wasn't asking for progress, BTW.
  2. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I should note that there is no actual rule against requests. Some pages back it was stated quite clearly by the moderators. The "no request" policy is something RHS team can only ask the community to abide by (a request, if you will :) ). There's no rule to skirt, and I think that also asking to refrain from questions about unreleased/hypothetical content is asking a bit too much. I don't know about others, but English is also not my first language (though I use it without any difficulty unless I have to speak), but I'm capable of simply ignoring things I don't want to answer to. I only reply to posts which are worth replying to. :)
  3. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I don't remember exactly, but someone said he was working on it at one point. Of course, that might have been the same guy who later turned out to be offering you a stolen model. Either way, it was some time ago, I don't remember exactly. Also, are you sure you're speaking for the team? Considering Redphoenix posted, a few posts above yours, an unambiguous confirmation that Stryker isn't currently being worked on (not to mention all confirmed WIPs)... :)
  4. Just FIY, the latest adjustment to CCIP didn't help. Xi'an rockets and bombs still hit nowhere near the reticle. Tested with pilot-operated weapons, dunno about the gunner.
  5. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    This isn't a request. He asked whether they are working on something, not asked them to work on something. I'd rather not see the definition of a "request" expanded to cover "any question whatsoever about content that isn't in the current release". IIRC, Stryker was even in the works at some point (though I'm pretty sure it isn't now).
  6. dragon01

    PRACS: SLA Faction 2017

    Not only landmines, but any type of AT weapon, including RPGs. The blast of a HEAT charge is actually much less deadly than the molten metal jet, so if the vehicle is nailed with an RPG you're more likely to survive if you're sitting on top. It's also an advantage if you come under attack, you can dismount rapidly, have a good FOV and freedom to fire your weapon, which the interior doesn't provide (the firing ports are of little use most of the time). Riding inside is pretty much only for when you're dealing with extreme weather, NBC conditions or driving at maximum speed (that is, on a road through an uncontested zone).
  7. dragon01

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    Just had a thought, would that be possible to get a van configured as a minibus? Two rows of seats, with an aisle in the middle (or three rows, with an offset, one seat wide aisle). Pretty sure I've seen similar vans configured like that IRL. This would be useful on Malden, which supposedly has a bus network, but no actual buses are anywhere to be seen.
  8. It'd be great if you looked into it for TacOps DLC, or failing that, ArmA4. Rainbow Six had this thing where terrorists would randomly surrender upon facing you, instead of shooting. You could then handcuff them and they'd be out of the fight. We would probably need a more complex system (for example, AI has no way to retreat in good cover, is vastly outmatched and is alone or has lost most of the group it started with), but this is something to think about. Likewise, if Revive gets expanded to have full AI support, it could be an interesting mechanic to allow you to revive and capture enemy units. Enemy medical vehicles would also pose an interesting question and would encourage the player(s) not to be too trigger-happy.
  9. dragon01

    Laws of War DLC Mines

    I really think that it should be required to somehow equip the mine detector for it to work. IRL, you can't detect mines and shoot at the same time, or at least not reliably. You should have to take the detector out instead of the gun. Failing that, at least make it a GPS/Terminal slot item (you temporarily lose navigation in exchange for demining ability). The range is more or less fine (remember, we're not talking about detecting buried mines), though it could probably be a bit less. Also, I'd suggest that the mine detector react to other things (spent steel magazines, junk, pieces of gear, etc.) to make it a bit more of a challenge to use.
  10. Is the camera shake feature something like @laxemann's Immerse? Basically, a shake whenever there's a powerful explosion nearby (or, in case of really powerful stuff, some distance away).
  11. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yeah, it finally got a proper designation. I believe that the operational bird won't be much different externally from the prototype.
  12. dragon01

    29 Palms Revamp

    Ah, good old 29 stumps. :) The version for A2 was great, it effectively allowed you to take the good (training areas) without the bad (remoteness, the smell, temperatures, drought, soul-crushing misery...). :)
  13. dragon01

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    Would that also be possible to add, for example, dud artillery and mortar shells? Possibly also regular air-dropped bombs. Cluster warheads are notorious due to the sheer amount of submunitions that they carry, but unitary warheads can also fail to detonate. While missiles typically either get pulverized if the detonator fails (not to mention that at those speeds, the impact has a good chance of setting off the charge regardless) or fly off into the wild blue yonder, bombs and artillery shells fall near the target zone and continue to pose danger if they do not explode. This would add serious difficulty in case such kinds of UXO are present - a buried cluster bomblet will take your leg off if you trip on it, but a 155mm artillery shell can take out your whole crew. Using the drone would also be tricky around those things.
  14. I'm talking about what you hear when, for example, you assemble the UAV and hover it right next to you. While controlling it you should hear what is going on around your character. It would be useful to have some awareness of what is going on around you while flying the UAV around.
  15. Laws of physics don't change. It's not the motors making that noise, it's the air being pushed down by the rotors. Same problem as with making "stealth" helicopters. You can make them hard to see or detect on radar, but cancel out the noise? Forget it. You can reduce the noise somewhat, but most of those ways won't work on a quadcopter anyway. All you can do there is fiddle with the rotor blade shape, which can only get you so far. Of course, if you fly high enough, the noise won't be audible from the ground. Still, if you're close, a drone is a very noisy machine.
  16. The new Darter sound is actually much too quiet. I've been around these things (my father flies drones as a hobby, including quadcopters), and they're loud. Those rotors spin at high RPM and make quite a racket even if the drone is relatively light.
  17. Actually, I think that Merlin does exist in Armaverse. EH302 is the civilian version of it, while the Mohawk is the AAF version, or even just a name like CH-149 Cormorant and VF-71 Kestrel IRL (Canadian and US names for the Merlin, respectively). I believe it's been mentioned somewhere that AAF uses UK hand-me-downs.
  18. dragon01

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    I see two types of cluster bombs for NATO, what's the difference between them? Also, the APERS mine dispenser requires DLC purchase even when equipped in Arsenal. This is not consistent with everything else (and frankly, makes testing difficult).
  19. OK, tried out the showcase. The new content is really cool. One thing I noticed is that the showcase is not supposed to be premium content, which is nice, but don't give the player a premium piece of gear by default if that's so. Especially since the backpack is completely unnecessary here. BTW, I appreciate the primer on humanitarian laws and all, but harping on about protecting women while there only woman in game is an invisible announcer from the showcase will open you up to all kinds of snark. :) Part of the message may kind of fall flat because of this. Especially since female characters in the middle of a warzone were actually done extremely well in ArmA2. I know it'd probably be a whole lot of work, but you could perhaps work with @zeealex in a similar way you worked with B01. Overall, I like the humanitarian theme. The previous games had the civilian aspect developed better, glad to see finally it's coming back to the series.
  20. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Isn't 1.70 the version that's available on the "legacy" branch? That'd make it allright, I suppose some people might have a legitimate reason for running that. EDIT: Nope, looks like I'm out of touch. :) It only lets you go back to 1.72 now.
  21. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I was rather thinking of introducing the 3CB features (or developing similar ones) to RHS. Not merely compatibility, but rather introducing some of those features directly into RHS. Alternatively, we can hope that BIS will take interest in 3CB functionality and replicate it in the engine, just like they did with RHS tank sights and rangefinders.
  22. Really can't wait to see it. :) The original mod was great, it's wonderful to see it working again. I might even try making a campaign centered around it once it's out (whether it'll be any good is another matter :) ).
  23. dragon01

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Actually, it's lack of "memory" that's the problem. AI backs up, then it doesn't remember that there was a problem in a particular spot, so it plots the route using the same principles as it originally did - and arrives at the same conclusion. If it took the "stuck point" into account while re-planning the route, it would have a better chance at getting it right.
  24. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I've got to try it, then. Is that in any released "3CB" mods? RHS could definitely use something like that. Not only GPMGs, but the Russian Metis launcher can also be fired from hand. It would be difficult to actually hit something with it (it uses SACLOS guidance, which means it'd be very affected by sway), but it should be an option. Having to carry ammo separately (and being able to pick how much to take) would also be an interesting addition.
  25. The point is, if you want the F-35B, you're not getting it from either Aegis or any other BIS-made content. It's a rather though request, because F-35C is actually rather different from F-35B, not only missing the VTOL system and having a tailhook, but also larger, differently shaped wings with folding hinges.