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Everything posted by RozekPoland

  1. (Picture created by RozekPoland, edited by RozekPoland, remixed by RozekPoland) Within a few days we are going to celebrate 12th anniversary of DXDLL 1.0 release that took place on 12th of July, 2004. I decided to share with you all the information I've found on BIForum and discovered myself about this amazing tool created by Kegetys and Feer. I am not going to repeat the information that is available in the readme and the configurator. Using DXDLL on modern OS (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10) It is a known problem that DXDLL do not like the modern OS. It crashes the game at the startup or while ALT+TABing. The solution is: Set ColdWarAssault.exe in Compatibility Mode with Windows XP (Service Pack 3). DXDLL is conflicting with other overlay(s) DXDLL is an overlay itself that is why it is not possible to run DXDLL with Steam Overlay, Overwolf or TeamSpeak Overlay at the same time. It even seems that it is not possible to run CWA with DXDLL through Steam with or without Steam Overlay. However, it is possible to run DXDLL and FRAPS together. GENERAL Use Trilinear Filtering Enabling this feature on a computer with modern graphic card lowers quality and sharpness of textures on farther distance. It is because Trilinear Filtering is obsolete and was replaced by Anisotropic Filtering which is turned on by default (in graphic card's control panel). Remove night pixelshader effect Removes black&white night shader effect. Highly usable feature. DISABLED | ENABLED Handle printscreen key The output format of the printscreen is TGA. Its final size is huge and taking a photo stutters a game for a second. There are better alternatives for taking photos ingame (FRAPS). Stage 0 mipmap LODbias Sets normal texture mipmap level of detail, range -1.0(sharp) to 1.0(blurry). http://imgur.com/a/BeTsg Stage 1 mipmap LODbias Sets multitexture texture mipmap level of detail, range -1.0(sharp) to 1.0(blurry). http://imgur.com/a/G3KZq POSTPROCESSING Enable postprocessing Enabling this feature disables AntiAliasing (not available in the game itself) turned on in the graphic card's control panel. Use special NV Goggles effect Works only with vanilla OFP/CWA nightvision texture and FDF mod. DXDLL does checksum (CRC32) for 25% (1/4) of nightvision texture (size). DISABLED | ENABLED Hard Light effect Allows to change RGB channels. The best thing of DXDLL next to water reflections. If you don't like the original values you may want to try Kegetys' personal settings (0.5, 0.5, 0.9). DISABLED | ENABLED Desaturate effect ARMA2-Chernarus-like feature. Not really usable in regular playing but a nice effect for a specific screenshots/screenarts. If you don't like the original values you may want to try Kegetys' personal settings (0.2, 0.4, 0.2). DISABLED | ENABLED Glare Blur, Bloom or whatever you call it. Eveything shines around you. Not useful for regular playing but (as above) a nice effect for screenshots/screenarts. If you don't like the original values you may want to try Kegetys' personal settings (Strength 0.4, Size 4). DISABLED | ENABLED Darken sky Darkens the sky by 15% and the fog color by 10%. All these just to avoid overbrightness caused by Glare effect. Possible to be enabled without Glare effect set to ON. DISABLED | ENABLED Use fading Useless because of making lighting show on your screen. Every bright source of light will stay on the screen for as long as another bright source will not show up to take place of the previous one(s) (explosions, searchlights etc.). REFLECTIONS Enable reflections This feature requires setting Landscape textures resolution (by ColdWarPreferences.exe) to at least 512x512. Works with vanilla OFP/CWA water textures only. DXDLL does checksum (CRC32) for 25% (1/4) of each water texture (size). Water reflections may not work for unbinarised models (MLODs). It is possible to manually set water reflections resolution (Configurator.exe limit is 1024x1024) by opening config.cfg (in dxdll folder), finding and changing sizeX and sizeY values. DISABLED | ENABLED Use exponential fog on water Introduces the specific fog on water that hides the irregularities of OFP/CWA water shorelines. Use lighting on reflections Introduces wider amount of colors on water reflections. Bumpmap strength Strength of bumpmap water reflections. 0 | 10 HIDDEN Requires manual change in config.cfg (in dxdll folder). Use Notepad to open the file. EnhancedTracers Enhances tracers to make them more visible. Less laser guns, more like the real ones. Disabled by default. LODbias Sets reflection texture mipmap level of detail, range -1.0(sharp) to 1.0(blurry).
  2. RozekPoland

    OFP.info 2.0

    Today, on 22nd of June, 2018, we celebrate the 17th anniversary of OFP/CWA release. On behalf of [PFC] Polish Flashpoint Community, I would like to announce the revival project of the legendary OFP/CWA community website - OFP.info (that was closed down on 2nd of June, 2018) - on a modern website engine. This project is patronised and accepted by the OFP.info creator - @cervomix. The website is still work-in-progress so I will keep you posted. OFP.info 2.0 consists of: all the original news all the original community-made content catalogued in separate subpages all the original pictures all the original files that were hosted: on a website server on a separate ftp search function http://ofpr.info.paradoxstudio.uk
  3. d3d8to9 I have done some testing to find out if there is any performance boost using D3D8TO9. For this purpose I used OFPMark 2 by @toadlife (DIRECT LINK) which is the most reliable benchmark in terms of performance. The tests were repeated a number of times to make sure the results are reliable. To maximize the outcome of the test, the benchmark was launched with V-sync (vertical synchronization) disabled. Tested on ACWA (1.99) with no add-ons or mods and with no change in any of the game settings. VANILLA | D3D8TO9 V-sync: OFF (5152.36) : (7641.14) The performance boost is noticeable. Performance was boosted at approximately 48%! Worth noting the difference in Test Four and Test Five which are the most demanding. Keep in mind the results may differ depending on machine and its settings. I would like to ask you to do the tests on your machines and share your results here in this thread to find out if d3d8to9 is the ultimate performance booster.
  4. A 2n update on HUD Evolution that is part of (total overhaul of OFP/ACWA Heads-up display) Black background for HUD elements (UnitInfo-related displays, GroupDir, Radio Chat, Commanding Bar, Action Menu, Radio Menu) Vertical position of Action Menu dependant on display of Commanding Bar Introduction of Action Menu symbols The symbols are ASCII Characters which OFP/ACWA engine displays as text. Available actions were grouped and appointed a unique symbol. The purpose of the symbols is to make recognition of available actions easier & faster for player. The feature has beneficial effects for regular gameplay and proves priceless for in-game life-death situations where time is crucial. Introduction of Dark Mode for Map Screen which reduces eye-strain OFP/ACWA map theme and its components are solid white what causes eye-strain during longer gameplay (or while playing at night). To mitigate the issue the map background, the instruments (Notepad, GPS, Radio Menu) and some of the icons were re-textured & re-configured for dark theme. Introduction of Safe-Zone Indicator for Map Screen The black square contour close to the edges of the Map is to indicate the area which is safe from auto-scrolling of the Map.
  5. BIForums personal (highlights) Gun light flash - how to remove or decrease 15th anniversary of OFP/CWA DXDLL - advanced tweaking (and 12th anniversary) 14th anniversary of OFP:CWC transitionsSimple making trees disappear when destroyed PRIMARY in config.cpp (regarding weapons)? Exclude face class(es) Berghoff's nature packs alignment fix ButtonFullSave Proxy driver/cargo - action relation DXDLL source code bn880's Tracers 1.25 Grades in CfgWeapons Discover and Identify IncomingMissile EventHandler [FIX] Workaround for faulty texture sorting (units visible through smoke, etc) Island Map in a Dialog MiniMap script This thread (highlights) Sniper crouch (animation) test 'Forest experiment' 'Building destruction experiment' (01) coop @c2 papier - intro Bike horn test (cut) JAM Smokeblock FDF smokeblock Handgun visibleSize bug (01) Handgun visibleSize bug (02) 'Parachute experiment' 'Mirror image experiment' 'Physics experiment' 'When a game becomes a meme' Adding user values to your models will increase the section count dramatically. 'Building destruction experiment' (02) ClimbOver Animation JumpOver Animation Building destruction (01) Building destruction (comparison) Forest destruction Forest destruction (comparison) Obscuring AI field of view after forest destruction Climbing script An example of model rescaling via island-editor Fixing forest ViewGeometry (01) Improved AI scipt (Take Cover script) Fixing forest ViewGeometry (02) Comparison of original and fixed Forest ViewGeometry CCS - @customfix cargo system (01) CCS - @customfix cargo system (02) On-the-fly loading of island's buildings Building destruction (02) Use view geometry lods to Occlude sunlight Totally Destructible Environment (TDE) 'A fallen static objects' geometries bug' HUD Evolution How to fix broken triangle-shaped forest model How I discovered the way Forest ViewGeometry works How to make Forest use ViewGeometry components How to build proper Forest ViewGeometry -benchmark Models replacement via mission folder FILE(s) NOT FOUND Security Flaw & Fix Checkfiles Aspect Ratio registry-derived issue Usage of black texture for ignoring FireGeometry components Fast Addon Testing SQUAD.XML - Problem & Solution A lone road sign on Everon Automatic Body Removal A lone road sign on Kolgujev Zamerny - memory point Geometry of fallen tree - FIXED The tallest OFP/ACWA model 1.96 vs 1.99 Gamma & Brightness (G&B) settings An update on HUD Evolution Change OFP/ACWA in-game fonts globally via CfgFonts Secret 5T-Truck Crate Animate (rotation) bug A 2nd update on HUD Evolution
  6. Animate (rotation) bug For a thorough (and easier) understanding of the issue I have recorded a video which reproduces the bug in-game. In the video you can see that once the object gets animated, a part of its geometries becomes non-functional. As a result the AI unit can see the player through the non-functional part of the wall, as well as, the player can walk through that part of the wall. Additionally, the same bug-reproduction launched with disabled V-sync resulted in the AI unit being able to fire through the non-functional part of the animated object. Once the object gets de-animated to its original state, it becomes fully functional. Factors which affect deformation of object's geometries: angle of rotation - angle1 deformation increases with object being rotated farther away from its original position rotation of 180 degrees (π) triggers the maximal deformation of object's geometries size, shape and complexity of object's geometries the greater the object, the risk of deformation increases incorrect length-breadth-height ratio of object might be correlated memory point(s) - axis the farther the memory point(s) are from the model components, the risk of deformation increases memory point(s) located beyond bounds of object's geometries might be the critical reason of deformation deformation might be accelerated by axis which consists of only one memory point Deformation might not apply to all of object's geometries as it is highly model-specific. *if V-sync (Vertical synchronization) is disabled
  7. RozekPoland


    Download: Known issues: Permissions:
  8. RozekPoland


    DestrBuild 1.23 update has been released.
  9. Download: Known issues: Permissions:
  10. RozekPoland


    DestrBuild 1.22 update has been released.
  11. RozekPoland


    DestrBuild 1.21 update has been released.
  12. RozekPoland


    DestrBuild 1.2 update has been released.
  13. RozekPoland


    TreeFix 1.11 update has been released.
  14. RozekPoland


    DestrBuild 1.1 update has been released.
  15. RozekPoland

    OFP.info 2.0

  16. Today, on 8th November 2014, it is the 10th anniversary of [EC] Elite Corps foundation. Exactly ten years ago, on 8th November 2004, the first website of our clan was launched. [EC] Elite Corps is the oldest polish OFP and ARMA series clan. For last ten years [EC] has participated in over 17 leagues, ladders and tournaments, succeeding in many of them. The clan has already been playing four games starting with Operation Flashpoint (2001), ArmA: Armed Assault (2006), ArmA 2 (2009), up to ArmA 3 (2013). Since 2004 the ranks of [EC] have been filled with over 40 players. [EC] Elite Corps is led by the same people from the very beginning - Romanov and Vetis. P.S. More information about the clan can be found on bikipedia.
  17. RozekPoland


    TreeFix 1.1 update has been released.
  18. RozekPoland

    OFP videography

    A complete gameplay walkthrough of all the original CSLA single-player missions and campaigns for OFP/ACWA. The video is a recorded cinematic mission "CSLA Mod Trailer".