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St. Jimmy

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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. Yep that multithreaded servers sounds so good!
  2. St. Jimmy

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    You want to see something like this to compare? Link to the album
  3. St. Jimmy

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Also the area is only west part of the stratis. Start in airfield to see.
  4. St. Jimmy

    Multiplayer dying fast??

    Yep DayZ Mod is licensed only for A2. DayZ mod license share alike
  5. St. Jimmy

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Hmm Intel has come down recently then.
  6. St. Jimmy

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    You've to remember with AMD that even 8350 is pretty cheap compared to many of those Intel CPUs so AMD really doesn't lack too much. In the end I think it lacks only little.
  7. St. Jimmy

    What Difficulty settings do you use?

    Mostly modified regular and settings depend on my mood and how hard the mission is. So if there's too much enemy AI against me and AI I just lower enemy and increase friendly skills. Veteran doesn't let change the AI sliders freely. So regular modified to veteran but 3rd person and crosshair off and AI skill depending on the mission.
  8. Midrange texture mods still have problems for example in airfields or has that been fixed recently?
  9. I like more the second one.
  10. St. Jimmy

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    The mod doesn't work for some reason if you try to enable it from the game with the expansion menu. You need to put -mod=@yourmodfoldername in your launch parameters.
  11. St. Jimmy

    Why do buildings destroy framerates ?

    I've always thought that buildings are more CPU hungry than some trees.
  12. St. Jimmy

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    OK after watching those pictures I wonder that is the camoflage so good that this isn't necessarily even needed anymore but of course would be a nice feature. Some places could be more sandy like in the original but dam... let's hope you get some help. Those textures would really put every game in a shame.
  13. 15mins for the password ;)
  14. This is how I'd like these to be in Arma 3. ACTION Self interaction key that opens a menu. - Interact with yourself. Change for tracer mags, examine your wounds and heal yourself, change NVG brightness and community can fill this up with much more. You go through this with mouse clicking. Interaction key that opens a menu. - Interact with bombs and mines, other people for example healing, drag/load etc. objects in a truck and community can fill this menu also. You go through this with mouse clicking Action key and it's related to a scroll or some kind of a action menu. Same menu what we've now. - The menu only have more options if you're getting in a vehicle, in a vehicle changing seats and probably some other things. The default action is always the one that you're watching so if you're near and watching a driver seat you go in that seat pressing only the action key. If you want in another seat you can scroll or just run to the point. One big thing is that we need a system that Sakura is making and Dsy has made the famous video about it. What you watch is what you interact. COMMANDING Selecting troops with F keys like now and of course one button to select all the troops. - F keys also opens the quick command menu where are hold fire etc. So no changes here. Command key that opens up the main category menu 1. Move, 2. Target, 3. Engage etc., etc. - This way you don't have to remember what is number 8 because you can see in the category menu that it's Formation. - You go through the menus with number keys just like now. - When the command menu is open you don't do anything that has been assigned for number keys. So you won't change to your rifle if you hit 2 for example. - I'm not going to say how those menus could be more clean and what commands are/aren't necessary. So commanding changed only that we need one more key to open a menu but in the same time made it already more accessible for newcomers. Now we have 1234567890 keys left for free. We could change weapons without action menu or weird key combinations like in many other games and there are some keys of course left for anything you like. This is how BIS could've come bit forward :P The next thing is what I call coming in this century. EVEN FURTHER This can be developed even further if we could equip throw items and explosives. This would very likely need some new animations. This would also ease the interaction menus that I described earlier. Like this: 1. pistol 2. rifle 3. launcher 4. grenade launcher 5. throw items frag 6. throw items smoke 7. other throw items like chemlights 8. mines 9. explosives that you can set off 0. ? medic stuff? When you just tab your number key you select or take that in your hand. When you hold you can change for different rounds, GL grenades, rockets, explosives, throw items with scroll and equip it when you release the number key. Or ctrl+number key we could cycle through those things. Probably bit easier to do but the first one is the ideal. And this is how I would feel that Arma has stepped out from the 90's and this is how you make the game more accessible :cool:
  15. St. Jimmy

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Good job NK! Looks very promising.
  16. That's how I also believe because they're always same colored. I can see that the clouds go over the blue "fog horizon" on the picture so likely that's what should be tweaked.
  17. At least there's S&D where you need to find the cache(s) or whatever the target(s) is/are. I remember that kind of game mod from PR:A2 in Zargabad which was my favorite. I think we will see a similar mode in this. VIP secure sounds cool if the AI doesn't screw up :P
  18. Yeah let's divide communities more with different recoils, jeez...
  19. Yeah just went to test and please don't do this this way. Recoil needs to be same for all the difficulties. Should we now try what recoil we prefer and give feedback and then BIS decides what's the best one of those 4 different recoils? Sometimes the recoil feels bit overdone so I don't mind if we reduce it little.
  20. Not much with normal rifleman. Bit different sights and NATO loadout is bit lighter. Some sights remind too much each other like SOS and LRPS, ARCO and RCO and I'd like to see variation on those between NATO and CSAT. MX GL can use 3GL and Katiba doesn't, autorifleman main gun is different, marksmans are different, rifleman (AT) launchers are different, different pilot guns and that kind of stuff got some variation. But I've to say the game feels more like NATO/CSAT vs AAF. In the end mission designers always has the option to customize the gear, play with the balance and not give the other side nothing but iron sights and couple mags.
  21. St. Jimmy

    So that's it then...? Perrformance

    Did you try these tricks? Here are my video settings. Pic 1 and pic 2. I've i7 2600K @ 4,4 GHz and 560 Ti 1,2GB which is bit worse than your rig. The PiP is really heavy in Arma 3 and I think it's demanding also for CPU. I can run the helicopter part of the first mission with 40 -60fps. Could go over 60fps but I use adaptive vsync. After that you can try to raise GPU stuff but don't try to raise CPU stuff unless you can take the sacrifice of your fps.
  22. I'd wait for if they can take an advantage of the DayZ's server-client architecture. That could solve some MP bottlenecks. This is a comparsion between DayZ and Arma. That kind of architecture could be optional for server hosters. This is one of the reasons why I wait for DayZ. SP bottlenecks are mostly because of the AI is heavy for the CPU and some people try to run the game with too good video settings.
  23. Not sure if sarcasm but A2 ammo loadouts were also pretty unified.
  24. Yeah so game breaking and arcade. I didn't even knew that they weren't unified before and what does it even matter? All three factions are using different weapons.
  25. St. Jimmy

    So that's it then...? Perrformance

    Minoza. Have you tried without Arma 3's vsync because one of the pictures showed that you've ingame vsync on? Because if you can't reach 60fps it can lower your fps down to 30. Better to use only adaptive vsync from Nvidia control panel. Also lower object detail down to standard. It can give a nice boost on your fps. /Also disabling the PiP gives me 10fps more in a vehicle and you can't even see that from the passenger seat in the MH-9. I keep it disabled unless I'm really using it to something. That alone should increase your avg fps a lot.