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Everything posted by AZCoder

  1. AZCoder

    AZC Dogs

    Dog Packs Single Dog with Handler Steam Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2951683364 First things first, this is as much the work of JBOY as it is mine. I took the original JBOY Dogs and turned it into map modules that are easy to use. No complex scripting. Here is what you should know: 1) AZC Dogs converts JBOY dogs into a pbo addon 2) Cleaned up sections of the original scripting while adding in totally new functionality 3) Placeable map modules (one for solo and one for packs) that makes mission making easier 4) The option to create friendly packs or rabid packs New functions added by AZCoder: class DelayBark {}; class DogDrool {}; class DogVest {}; class GetDogPos {}; class GetNearestHuman {}; class InitDog {}; class InitPack {}; class LiveFeed {}; class PackAttack {}; class PackBehavior {}; class PackCleanup {}; class PackCreate {}; class PackFriends {}; class PackTrack {}; class PiP {}; class ShowDogSubtitle {}; HOW TO USE: 1) F5 -> Ambient -> picks one of two modules: AZC Dog Solo or AZC Dog Pack 2a) Dog Solo is intended to work with a handler which must also be specified. i. Handler should be either 'player' or left empty. You may also use the name of the player object. AI cannot command dogs. ii. If empty, this creates a single dog that will follow the Arma 3 engine rules and wander off eventually. iii. 'Use handler voice for commands' will use custom dialog that was created for my Dark Tides campaign. If you do not select this, then the dog will be used normal squad commands like 'form on me' instead of 'heel'. 2b) Dog Pack creates 1 to 4 dogs that will roam around the area of the module. If rabid is checked, they will attack anyone that gets near them, otherwise they will bark happily at the sight of humans and run around. Note that the rabid dogs may not be as dangerous as some players may prefer. I may adjust this later on with feedback. Players can identify rabid dogs because they drool and they tend to growl or howl at them. Friendly dogs will just bark and follow you around for a short distance before going back to their initial position. Rabid dog packs will try to kill you and anyone else around. A solo dog can be reference by simply putting a name in the module. For example, Variable Name 'SoloDog'. Then you can issue script commands to SoloDog, such as 'SoloDog distance player' in the debug console. If you have a dog with a handler, you can reference him by the variable 'vDog'. Such as 'player getVariable "vDog"'. How does one use that camera on the dog's back? There are 2 functions you need to know: AZC_fnc_LiveFeed and BIS_fnc_liveFeedTerminate. The latter one terminates the feed. If you want to give the player control over the camera (recommended), one easy way is to create a pair of triggers. This will work: trgCameraActivate = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[0,0,0]]; trgCameraActivate setTriggerStatements ["true","",""]; trgCameraActivate setTriggerText "Activate Camera"; trgCameraActivate setTriggerActivation ["ALPHA","PRESENT",true]; trgCameraActivate setTriggerStatements ["this","[(player getVariable 'vDog'), player, 0] call AZC_fnc_LiveFeed;",""]; trgCameraDeactivate = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[0,0,0]]; trgCameraDeactivate setTriggerStatements ["true","",""]; trgCameraDeactivate setTriggerText "Deactivate Camera"; trgCameraDeactivate setTriggerActivation ["BRAVO","PRESENT",true]; trgCameraDeactivate setTriggerStatements ["this","[] call BIS_fnc_liveFeedTerminate;",""]; You can place them in your init.sqf script, or create triggers on the map. Let's look at the paramters for AZC_fnc_LiveFeed: [(player getVariable 'vDog'), player, 0] The first part gets a reference to the dog, player must be player (don't change it), and the number is what visual mode you want to use. In daylight, use 0. Use 1 for night vision and 2 for thermal vision. Sorry I do not have an easier way to set the camera up at this time. If you come up with a better solution, please share it with me :) SPECIAL THANKS: JBOY for allowing me to build off of his JBOY Dogs suite of scripts. DISCLAIMER / LICENSE: I am not responsible for any damage caused by this addon. While the rabid dogs can be scary, it is unlikely they will leap through the monitor and harm you. Face protection is recommended while playing. This is completely open source. Please credit JBOY and AZCoder if you make changes, but otherwise do as you wish with it.
  2. AZCoder

    S I R E N S (Prelude)

    A Redux Moschnyi? I'm ready.
  3. AZCoder

    S I R E N S (Prelude)

    I should hire you to do my screen shots. Yours are so good.
  4. AZCoder

    AZC Dogs

    Added a demo video above that shows the dog pack module with rabid option. I also updated the mod with increased lethality from dog bites, and increased pack size by 1.
  5. AZCoder

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Thanks! It seems all I did was put in a 5 sec delay to overwrite the music with my custom menu music. Your solution is better! Anyway I'll fix my campaigns later, too busy playing Underdogs.
  6. AZCoder

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    I had the same problem on my campaigns last year. Can't remember how I fixed it but glad you did!
  7. Campaign #3 in the Gates of ARMAGeddon series Released v1.00: Saturday March 27 2021. Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&id=2437763589 AZCoder.com: http://www.azcoder.com/arma3/DarkTidesCamp.7z I want to give special thanks to the following: @jakerod for allowing me to include Moschnyi and Miroslavl' @DNDSTUDIOS for extensive playtesting, voice overs, and encouragement @johnnyboy for his excellent voice work, immersive scripts, and feedback @aliascartoons for the fantastic water, fire, and nuclear scripts @EO for allowing me to include those awesome immersion mods for the weather and animals Many others contributed directly and indirectly and as always, the campaign will finish with a complete list of credits. Dark Tides is massive, divided into 3 parts (all included in one pbo). While the campaign mostly focuses on Lt "Knight" of SEAL Team 6 (introduced at the end of Gambit Royale), several missions follow Russian VDV Sgt Artyom Gerasimov, and also a few for the main antagonist Pytor 'Denmark' Tsarev. Dark Tides consists of 18 regular missions, plus 2 distinctly different possible endings, for a total of 20 missions. Dark Tides was written as a cautionary tale of the breakdown of political discourse been the US and Russia. The CIA and GRU have different objectives and the player will have to decide who's playing whom when making critical decisions late in the campaign. There are two possible primary outcomes that take place on different maps, what I call the good and bad endings. There are also a couple variants to the resolution of the bad ending: bad and really bad. Over two years was put into making this campaign. I missed my original release date of December. You will find numerous small details that are easy to miss. There are several special effects that exist thanks to the work of AliasCartoons, such as fire breathing statues, trickling water, gas release, a volcano, and so on. Quite a few scripts from JohnnyBoy made there way into the campaign which of course includes controlling the dog, schools of fish, exploding barrels, and much more. There is a lot of complexity and probably a few bugs that I and my playtesters have not found. If you have performance problems, make sure you are not running any AI mods (one is already included), and try running without Blastcore (I know, that's crazy talk). All required and optional addons with URLs are provided on my website: http://www.azcoder.com/#/campaign/DarkTides. I decided to remove the links here due to the forum spam protection. Required DLCs: Required Addons: Optional but highly recommended: Dark Tides has been optimized to work with Lambs Danger AI mod. I cloned the mod from GitHub, compiled it and included the pbos in the campaign. Do not use any other AI mods, they will break the campaign. What does Lambs do? They react better to gunfire and explosions, they will lob grenades, they will go into buildings on their own, they will flank you and chase you down if given the opportunity. Be cautious about using Blastcore. There are several variants out now. The latest version does not play well with a few of the heavy battle missions (severe lag). If you use JSRS Sounds, please know that there are RHS patches and I do recommend using them (links are on my website linked above). If you want a gory experience, BloodLust works really well. I have not had any issues running it. Changelog
  8. Gates of ARMAgeddon Part 1: Shadow Fall Version 2.0 Released 2022/08/05 on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=802767761 A remake of the 2017 campaign. Ver 2.0 is a refinement of the story and contains new features and improvements. If you played the original, this version offers a 95% different experience. Some called him a loner. Some called him a friend. Others called him a hero. And some would call him .... a madman. Features of Shadow Fall include: Radiation simulation from separate mod that I also wrote https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/235823-azcoder-radiation-zones/ Friendly and rabid dogs with new dog module (rewrite of JBOY dogs, not separately released at this time) Police that will respond to murders in first mission Custom-scripted ambient vehicles and civilians Fully voice acted Detailed cut scenes Stalker-inspired missions in Chernobyl Zone missions in all 3 seasons of Chernarus, Porto, Chernobyl Zone, and Miroslavl' some animations ported from Arma 2 Major Changes with v2: most of the campaign was remade Natalia of the GRU was added more STALKER themed Chernobyl missions than before completely different ending tons of new features like outdoor freezing simulation, poltergeists, apparitions, new characters, and much more! AZC Function Library https://github.com/AZCoder/AZC-LIB Required DLCs Global Mobilizaiton https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/1042220/ OR Compat Pack (should work, maps not used in campaign) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1776428269 Required Addons CBA 3 Steam http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=450814997 CUP Terrains Core Steam http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=583496184 and CUP Terrain Maps Steam http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=583544987 and CUP CWA Steam https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=853743366 OR download from the official site CUP Terrains (Core, Maps, CWA) http://cup-arma3.org/download RHS: AFRF http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=843425103 RHS: USAF http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=843577117 RHS: GREF http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=843593391 PLP All In One https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1960024802 Zephik Females v2 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2359977960 ToH Characters https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2170387941 JSHK Contamination Gear https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1738216191 Chernobyl Zone https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=692082939 VSM All-In-One https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=823636749 GM Extra Chedaki https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2443033998 SpR Special Units of Russia https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2106062054 Russian Dialog: I did my best with the Russian translations, but despite studying Cyrillic and Russian for a number of years, my knowledge of Russian is limited. If you speak Russian and want to fix translations, please let me know. Also, I recorded some of the dialog in Russian. My apologizes ahead of time for any accent or pronunciation mistakes. Known Issues (please READ before posting bugs): I highly recommend using only the addons listed above. Other addons WILL BREAK the campaign. Minor addons like sound and effects should be fine, and yet I found problems there too. - Bloodlust - in some places the FPS will drop to 2 or 3 - JSRS broke RPK magazines. There was a patch but it seems to be gone now, so maybe these things are fixed. - Telephone Poles on the ground. They fall down when AI cars drive near them on the road. No collision necessary. Weird map glitch. - Not really a bug, but hospital doors do not open automatically. I could not figure out how to tie into the new hospital building and make the doors open via script, so they are manual and a bit difficult to open. Images
  9. AZCoder

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Ok @SlovakianLynx it is fixed. Thanks, that would have been hard to find without the error.
  10. AZCoder

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Thanks! That's something I can fix.
  11. ArmaIII has yanked the Zone from the Workshop (again). I don't suppose anyone knows how to contact him? I'd be willing to upload it on my workshop but I don't want to get in trouble of course.
  12. AZCoder

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    It was a lot of tedious work, but I updated the missions and released Gambit today, link in this post
  13. AZCoder

    [sp camp] Gambit Royale

    GR v2 has been released! This one is roughly 50/50 new/same. 3 new missions replaced old ones, a couple new scenes, and the others were all tweaked or altered to some degree. I tried to tighten up some plot points. Besides the addition of Western Sahara in 2 missions and a scene, Natalia of the GRU is finally restored (she appeared in the original A2 version of the campaign). I know it's mod heavy, but I carefully debated and tested mods for months before deciding on this set. I hope you have fun playing it!
  14. Gates of ARMAgeddon Part 2: Gambit Royale Version 2.0 released 2022/08/10 Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1395294169 Only America's best secret ops unit can stop a madman from pushing the world's two greatest powers into World War 3. Play as Delta Force operator Ian Jones in this remake of my Arma 2 campaign. Gambit Royale is the action-packed single-player campaign sequel to Shadow Fall, picking up right where the latter campaign ended in Berezino. Ian Jones is a troubled man that has seen the horrors of humanity during his years in the US special forces. As events start to spin out of control, Ian must keep it together in order to prevent the world from falling into oblivion. The missions can be described as atmospheric, character oriented, and plot driven. As the campaign progresses (especially if you played Shadow Fall), you may question if the actions of the antagonist are out of revenge, or the result of the protagonist inadvertently making the situation worse. More images: Features of Gambit Royale include: Fully voice acted Action packed cut scenes Radiation simulation Nuclear explosion effects by Alias Dust storms Custom inventory items for specific needs Overriden Arma 3 default player animations so you don't move around like you need the bathroom all the time Missions in Chernarus, Takistan, Sefrou Ramal, Zargabad, and Malden 2035 Enemy factions include Chedaki, Takistani, and Ardistani Some animations ported from Arma 2 LDL AC130 Gunship script-only version from Arma 2 Custom-scripted ambient vehicles and civilians in some places Some Cheeki Breeki action And much more! Required DLC Western Sahara https://store.steampowered.com/app/1681170/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_Western_Sahara/ GM Cold War https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/1042220/ OR GM Compat Pack should work https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1776428269 Required Addons CBA 3 Steam http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=450814997 CUP Terrains Core Steam http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=583496184 and CUP Terrain Maps Steam http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=583544987 and CUP CWA Steam https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=853743366 OR download from the official site CUP Terrains (Core, Maps, CWA) http://cup-arma3.org/download RHS: AFRF http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=843425103 RHS: USAF http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=843577117 RHS: GREF http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=843593391 PLP All In One https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1960024802 Zephik Females v2 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2359977960 VSM All-In-One https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=823636749 GM Extra Chernarus Movement of the Red Star https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2443033998 GM Extra Takistan Armed Forces https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1737435871 Sunset over Takistan https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2780372915 The Free World Armory (required by Sunset) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2424797017 СпР : Специальные подразделения России https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2106062054 ToH Characters https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2170387941 What Changed From The 2018 Release? Gambit Royale v2 was intended mainly a major bug fix with some mods swapped out, and it snowballed. I redid much of the voice acting for Ian. Have a new voice actor for Anatoli in this campaign and Shadow Fall. Have a voice actor for Natalia Maslova, a character that appeared in the 2010 version but I was unable to use in the 2018 release. If you have played the previous release, here's a breakdown of changes mission by mission if you are interested:
  15. AZCoder

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    I think you already proved it won't work. Sorry about that, but my understanding of the cDLC policy was flawed. Gambit Royale will also require GM and additionally Sahara DLC. In that one I actually use the map. I will not require any other DLCs for Dark Tides. Speaking of Gambit, release got delayed because the mod author of Sunset over Takistan changed all of the class names for the Ardistan faction. That means I have to manually update each one for the 3 mission files that use that faction... and I used their entire army. Sigh.
  16. AZCoder

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Interesting. I always wondered how it would play out, because once you own a DLC, there's no way to test a mission without it. Even if I don't "load" the GM dlc, everything still works with the compat addon. That's because BI didn't make it possible to test without properly.
  17. AZCoder

    Sunset over Takistan

    There's been a popup bug for awhile, just making sure you are aware. Pops up when mousing over Civilian class names.
  18. AZCoder

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Hey everyone, I just released v2! Thank you for your support and patience. I really appreciate everyone on here. I will admit that I put off releasing for a few weeks because I got burned out, but I found the energy today. I had to replace my cloud image service because they were choking hard, and I wanted to upload images. Please check the addons required. The GM DLC is required, or optionally the GM compat addon should suffice. I did not use the GM map so I think it's good either way. Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=802767761
  19. I'll have to check out the Prairie Fire edition. Cool.
  20. AZCoder

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    A couple things. My playtesters have been unavailable recently so I'm trying to retest everything myself. I am finding more bugs, small ones but Murphy's Law strikes again. If you want to be a playtester, let me know. Shouldn't be too hard, for example one bug is that a mission briefing is completely outdated and misleading.
  21. AZCoder

    [sp_camp] Dark Tides

    I wonder how that happened. It's the classic waitUntil bug, but never seen it with the doggy cam before. Did you try restarting? Unfortunately I cannot really support this version of the campaign anymore. It's completely broken and incompatible with my "home grown" script libraries. I will eventually replace the campaign but that's a long ways off. I will probably hide it on the workshop soon.
  22. AZCoder

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    You have good instincts.
  23. AZCoder

    [sp camp] Gambit Royale

    Gambit Royale v2 will be coming out this month. I plan to release it and Shadow Fall v2 at the same time. I kept pushing back my release dates because I kept coming up with new ideas that I wanted to implement. First post is updated with new images and mod requirements. I know the list has grown a lot with 2 DLCs required now (or compat pack in one case). I added GM DLC to this and Shadow Fall because after playing around with it more, I realized how high quality it is and there were some mods that go hand in hand with it. Sahara DLC is required. I was slow to purchase it but was blown away by its quality, and it doesn't cost much. It inspired me to add a bit of a Lawrence of Arabia touch to the campaign. Both campaigns are in playtest by testers and will be released once both are validated.