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Everything posted by Nikander

  1. Expanding on the above example by davidoss, you could give each player a variable name (e.g. p1 - p6) in the editor and then use the switch command like this _diary_text = switch player do { case p1: {"Diary text for player 1"}; case p2: {"Diary text for player 2"}; default {"Unknown player"} }; I hope this helps
  2. Noticed unexpected behavior with BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo while editing and testing my multiplayer mission: [missionNamespace, "FirstAidKit", false, false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo; Code above appears to be broadcasting Arsenal cargo globally in missionNamespace to all connected clients, although documentation suggests the effect should be local. Verified with player-hosted LAN session for two computers, using the Arsenal on both host and client by issuing the command: [] spawn BIS_fnc_Arsenal; Looking at BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo source with functions viewer in Eden the global broadcast seems quite obvious, so is it just me or is there a conflict between code and documentation ? Nikander
  3. Insurgency force is invading the nation. Blufor HQ has identified a number of occupied square-kilometer areas and the enemy is expanding territory at a steady pace. Your mission is to search the grids marked red on the map and destroy one main objective in each of them. The objective may be a weapons cache, fuel truck or communications antenna. Insurgency expansion will slow down with each completed objective and shall eventually be defeated in the end. Featuring • Co-operative mission for 16 players • Dynamically changing areas of operation • Multiple terrain versions available • Parachute insertion option in MP lobby • Persistent contractor career gameplay mode • Arma 3 standard revive for injured players • Teamkiller punish dialog with kick to lobby • Evac, Supply drop and CAS menu for team leaders • Automatic intelligence information markers • Standard dynamic player groups management • CUP, RHS, TFAR, ACRE2 and ACE3 support • No modifications required View the current changelog, 10-APR-2017 v1.0 Download mission at cybercorps.org/vigilance Nikander
  4. Nikander

    [COOP] Vigilancia Aeternum

    This is not intended behavior and appears to be related to Malden and Panthera versions of the scenario only. Thank you for reporting this, I have fixed the issue with updated v1.11 Malden and Panthera versions in the zip downloadable.
  5. Nikander

    Helicopter kicks up more dust

    Try MKY Sandstorm script thread, plenty of information there
  6. Something like this maybe private _players = []; {if (getPlayerUID _x in MY_UID_LIST) then {_players pushBack _x}} forEach allPlayers;
  7. Change your forEach statement to exclude markers created in the group channel, like this ... } forEach (allMapMarkers select {_x splitString "#/" select 3 != "3"}) I hope this helps
  8. Hello, you could try this in your mission initServer.sqf private _class = []; {_class pushback configName _x} forEach ("getText (_x >> 'simulation') isEqualTo 'soldier'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")); missionNamespace setVariable ["gear", selectRandom _class, true]; and write this in your mission initPlayerLocal.sqf [] spawn {waitUntil {!isNil "gear"}; player setUnitLoadout gear}; I hope this helps
  9. to each his own - the beauty of Arma
  10. Should be straightforward to test and call, but if not, luckily there's more information on the subject in the wiki
  11. Nikander

    [Script] Copy a units loadout

    You may save even more time learning if you don't dig up threads over 3 years old
  12. Maybe this is what you're after grp = [getMarkerPos "M1", independent, 6, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, MY_DIRECTION] call bis_fnc_spawngroup; In the example above, only replace "MY_DIRECTION" with the certain direction (angle in degrees) you'd like to have I hope this helps
  13. So maybe you could like, contact juvka the author and request a fix or something I hope this helps
  14. In order to help you out better, could you explain in more detail how you edited the AI in editor to decrease there aim
  15. I believe you're on the right track with the wiki article and de-PBO I would expect screw-ups if custom revive system already exists
  16. Nikander

    [COOP] Vigilancia Aeternum

    Scenario update v1.1 released with new terrains Malden 2035, Panthera and Abramia Download from Vigilancia Aeternum homepage New in this update, bonus scenario TDM 24 Vigilancia Centum CQB made available also on Steam workshop
  17. Nikander


    Try this to extract class names of the whole faction configs = [ (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "LIB_US_ARMY" >> "Infantry"), 1, false ] call BIS_fnc_returnChildren select {inheritsFrom _x isEqualTo (configFile >> "Man")}; loadouts = []; {loadouts pushBack getText (_x >> 'vehicle')} forEach configs;
  18. Nikander


    configs = "true" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "LIB_US_ARMY" >> "Infantry" >> "LIB_US_infantry_squad"); loadouts = []; {loadouts pushBack getText (_x >> 'vehicle')} forEach configs; Using the code above, your variable "loadouts" becomes an array of vehicle classes from config entry defined in "configs" I hope this helps
  19. Let me guess what that error might be - oh yes, silly me, it has to be the infamous zero divisor error occurring when nobody is in the trigger area Here, let me fix that for you private _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", SECTOR_POS]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true]; _trg setTriggerStatements [ "count thisList > 0 && {count (thisList select {side _x isEqualTo west})/count thisList isEqualTo 0.75}", "hint '3/4 BLUFOR'", "" ];
  20. Nikander


    Good reading @ community Wiki and BISim Wiki
  21. Select 'Show Required Addons' on the drop-down Scenario menu in Eden editor I hope this helps
  22. private _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", SECTOR_POS]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true]; _trg setTriggerStatements [ "count (thisList select {side _x isEqualTo west})/count thisList isEqualTo 0.75", "hint '3/4 BLUFOR'", "" ]; Define your sector coordinates as 'SECTOR_POS' for the above code. I hope this helps
  23. Player may press ESC for main menu and that in turn interrupts the EGSpectator display, so I am using that to terminate the script ["Initialize", [player, [], true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator; [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 49}; ["Terminate"] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator; };
  24. Nikander

    Ingame time script

    Try this for brown sleeping bags player addAction ["Sleep", {skipTime 5}, nil, 0, true, true, "", "typeOf cursorObject isEqualTo 'Respawn_Sleeping_bag_brown_F'"]; This is for rifleman sitting down player addAction ["Sit and wait", {skipTime 5}, nil, 0, true, true, "", "animationState player isEqualTo 'amovpsitmstpslowwrfldnon'"]; Just an example, see KK's post about MP compatibility