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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    @jerryhopper Works now, but indeed stops working after finding 6 files. The rest of the files that I've found manually are still listed in the MISSING lists. @Horus That's the list of all missing files, not necessarily the list of files you have. The files you have are listed in "found.txt" file, in the location of "findfiles.bat".
  2. krzychuzokecia

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    @jerryhopper for me, running on W7 the shell window closes instantly when the script (presumably) ends it's work. I write "presumably", because before it closes, I can see it found 6 files, while my yesterday manual search gave me at least 17 "hits" in just Arma 1 directory (and those files are still in the list downloaded by script). So, any way to make it not close instantly, or save the results in a text file?
  3. krzychuzokecia

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    Some of those were created/added by users themselves, example being OFP section (created by 3 dudes), or even the forums. Is he going to pay kickbacks for those? Also, going back to e-mail JerryHopper posted - Foxhound is (justifably) concerned about his privacy/personal data. What about the privacy of users, can we now mail Fox to remove our data from the database he wants to sell to highest bidder? Armaholic was collecting revenue (however small it was), so it seems to me like it falls under GDPR. I'm sorry for my harsh reaction, but with the way this whole mess is going on (sudden closing of website, putting it on sale and apparent refusal to contact anyone from the community) it does seem like an extortion. @jerryhopper Until the situation clears up, I won't donate to any "pay for getting AH data" fund. However, if you ever find yourself short of cash to continue your mission to preserve OFP and Arma history, well... I already use your services, and would gladly pay for them. Matter of fact, when in 2018 Foxhound approached OFP community with his offer to host OFP content on AH, I did exactly that - offered donation, which he at that time refused. Today situation feels very different to me, by which I'm confused and saddened.
  4. krzychuzokecia

    Baby Faces by Hautautuja

    I don't think so - it was some time ago (a year or more), but when I was making my custom face, I either found something in Arma 3 Samples on Steam, or used .rvmat from A2:OA Data Pack. Anyway, here's an example face .rvmat: class StageTI { texture="mycooladdon\mycoolface_ti_ca.paa"; }; ambient[]={2,2,2,1}; diffuse[]={0.40000001,0.31999999,0.30000001,1}; forcedDiffuse[]={0.2,0.40000001,0.40000001,0.1}; emmisive[]={0.80000001,0.30000001,0.64999998,0.69999999}; specular[]={0.050000001,0.050000001,0.050000001,1}; specularPower=60; PixelShaderID="Skin"; VertexShaderID="Skin"; class Stage1 { texture="mycooladdon\mycoolface_nohq.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage2 { texture="#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,MC)"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage3 { texture="mycooladdon\mycoolface_co.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage4 { texture="mycooladdon\mycoolface_as.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage5 { texture="mycooladdon\mycoolface_smdi.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage6 { texture="#(ai,64,1,1)fresnel(10.0,6.0)"; uvSource="none"; }; And one for injured version: class StageTI { texture="mycooladdon\mycoolface_ti_ca.paa"; }; ambient[]={2,2,2,1}; diffuse[]={0.40000001,0.31999999,0.30000001,1}; forcedDiffuse[]={0.2,0.40000001,0.40000001,0.1}; emmisive[]={0.80000001,0.30000001,0.64999998,0.69999999}; specular[]={0.050000001,0.050000001,0.050000001,1}; specularPower=60; PixelShaderID="Skin"; VertexShaderID="Skin"; class Stage1 { texture="mycooladdon\mycoolface_nohq.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage2 { texture="a3\characters_f\heads\data\m_w1_mc.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage3 { texture="mycooladdon\mycoolface_co.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage4 { texture="mycooladdon\mycoolface_as.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage5 { texture="mycooladdon\mycoolface_smdi.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1,0,0}; up[]={0,1,0}; dir[]={0,0,0}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage6 { texture="#(ai,64,1,1)fresnel(10.0,6.0)"; uvSource="none"; }; Also when you're packing the .pbo using BI's Addon Builder, remember to go into options and add "*.rvmat" to the exceptions at the very top (so, for example "*.p3d;*.paa;*.rvmat") - for some reason game doesn't like binarized RVMATs (or Addon Builder messes them up). Good luck, those are great face textures, and would come in handy!
  5. krzychuzokecia

    Baby Faces by Hautautuja

    Example of config: class CfgPatches { class mycooladdon { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]={"A3_Characters_F"}; }; }; class CfgFaces { class Default; class Man_A3: Default { class Default; class mycoolface_1: Default { author="methecoolguy"; displayname="My Cool Face 1"; head="GreekHead_A3"; //there are various head models in A3, "GreekHead_A3" is white, Greek one, "NATOHead_A3" is white, 'Murican one, forgot how other ethnicities are called, sorry identityTypes[]={"mycoolidentity_1"}; //okay I admit I forgot if this one is really needed, but here you can link your face texture with a specific identity (like those used for campaign characters: Miller, Kerry etc.) texture="\mycooladdon\data\coolface_1_co.paa"; //path to main texture itself material="\mycooladdon\data\coolface_1.rvmat"; //path to rvmat where you can make your face appear with custom TI or bumpmap materialWounded1="\mycooladdon\data\coolface_1_injury.rvmat"; materialWounded2="\mycooladdon\data\coolface_1_injury.rvmat"; textureHL="\A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_White_bald_co.paa"; //hands/arms texture, again there are several available, all kinds of colours, some with tattoos, some muscular, some scrawny, some old... you get it materialHL="\A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_White_bald_muscular.rvmat"; textureHL2="\A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_White_bald_co.paa"; materialHL2="\A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_White_bald_muscular.rvmat"; disabled=0; }; }; }; class CfgIdentities //again - I don't think this is really needed for face pack, but if you want to make some identities/characters that you can later use in missions/campaigns, that's how you do it { class mycoolidentity_1 { name="Cool Guy"; face="mycoolface_1"; author="methecoolguy"; speaker="Male08ENG"; //quite obviously, there are many voice actors available, in several languages pitch=0.85; //with pitch control you can make the same voice sound a bit different - it's kind of funny sounding, but it is what it is glasses="none"; //add glasses for your Cool Guy to wear - I forgot what's the class for (very cool) aviators }; }; It's probably not perfect, but should get you going. Edit: I guess you could even inherit from the class of the vanilla face you edited, so the config (CfgFaces) could be even simpler. If I'm not mistaken. class CfgFaces { class Default; class Man_A3: Default { class Default; class BIFaceWhatever: Default class mycoolBIFaceWhatever: BIFaceWhatever { author="methecoolguy"; displayname="My Cool BIFaceWhatever"; texture="\mycooladdon\data\coolface_1_co.paa"; //path to your texture material="\mycooladdon\data\coolface_1.rvmat"; //path to rvmat - but it's possible you don't really need it (rvmat from original face will suffice), so delete this line materialWounded1="\mycooladdon\data\coolface_1_injury.rvmat"; //delete this line too if not needed materialWounded2="\mycooladdon\data\coolface_1_injury.rvmat"; //and this too disabled=0; }; }; };
  6. krzychuzokecia

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    I keep my fingers crossed for your, Jerry and W0lle, efforts in contacting Fox and creating a list of missing content. Until that's done, there's really not much the rest of us can do for now. For what it's worth - I just checked, and I only have 5 GB of Arma 1 content on HDD, and 18 GB of Arma 2. Mostly popular (easy to source) mods like ACE, CSLA and FDF, some of Gnat's stuff and stuff by Vilas/Topas/Yaciek. Not much really. I had more on older drive, but it's out of commission - I never really got to redownload all the lost data because, "hey, Armaholic doesn't seem to be in trouble"...
  7. krzychuzokecia

    [PvP] Worms - fun DM in oldskool style

    IIRC many of DM/TDM missions had parameter where admin/players could decide/vote whether mission ends on points or time. Values were usually something around "5, 10, 15, 20, unlimited" - unlimited option is quite useful for various "warm up" periods before main game. Both solutions are definitely superior to spawn camping. Fun idea by the way! :D Would love to try it in MP.
  8. krzychuzokecia

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    It's kind of hard to do anything without the access to the data. That's the biggest mystery IMO in this whole mess: if reason for closing Armaholic is only financial, Foxhound could simply say that few months back: "hey guys, I'm running out of cash, can't support AH anymore". Either we would gather enough money, and/or start transfering the data to other places - just like it happened with OFPR.info (which now has at least 3 backups that I know of - and there's probably only 50 people left who more or less actively play the game). With the way it all went there's really too much questions, and not enough answers. Yes, that's my point, even if it's a bit hidden in my message: the only reason why people flocked to AH (and other websites of it's kind before) was to get the content created by 3rd party. The whole revenue model AH had (including ads and subscriptions) was based around having that 3rd party content hosted there, to attract the "clientele". Giving heads up to the people, that shop is closing soon, is something I'd expect as a basic courtesy - afterall, Arma modding is now spanning through two decades, it's not unimagineable that even still active modders could lost their oldest creations.
  9. krzychuzokecia

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    Disclaimer: I don't believe (for now) that Foxhound intention is to sell the data he has. But... ...I don't see anything "fine" about selling the database. As W0lle said 2 pages back - the content there was not owned by Armaholic, in their Terms of Service I don't see anything about ceding the rights to the hosted content from author to the AH. Even the screenshots and most of the newsposts are copied from BI forum threads/other avenues (and at least a number of those posts were made by people other than Fox himself). The only thing that may be legally sold by Foxhound is software/backbone and branding/logos. However, with "armaholic.com" domain being already bought-out, I think the value of "Armaholic" as a "social media brand" is a bit low... Edit: I'm tagging @jerryhopper here - I just remembered, that apart from the main website, AH also hosted small sites/forums of various modding teams. Would be great if those could also be archived!
  10. Yep, the AI in OFP/Arma series never liked cramped cities too much. If they aren't flat-out standing in one place and never moving, then they pass through walls/objects like ghosts. ...not that Opteryx needs to be told that, we all know he has way more than adequate experience in creating urban maps! :)
  11. You mean the "Banner" (one with insignias of 101st Airborne, or 1st AirCav etc.)? It was one of the object I checked - according to editor, it doesn't create dependancy on LoW addons, nor it inherits from LoW classes. And it doesn't even have dlc="orange"; parameter, so... ...as I suspected before, the editor is lying! Never trust the machine! :D
  12. krzychuzokecia

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    Unless there's some info I'm not privy to, maybe let's not get the rumour mill going like crazy saying that Fox wants to "sell" the database. "Offers and enquries" mentioned in his Twitter post doesn't sound to me as being of monetary value. The situation is weird enough without reading too much between the lines.
  13. krzychuzokecia

    Armaholic is gone

    Ah, I'll have to give votum separatum. I'm pretty sure that Armaholic wouldn't be able to serve all the traffic that goes through Steam Workshop. Foxhound would need to either block access to non-paying users (on top of existing bandwith cap), or limit the number of hosted content. Which could lead to users abandoning the site anyway. So Workshop was kind of "blessing in disguise" for Armaholic - it was clear that in last years Foxhound was focusing more on hosting quality content, instead of browsing through forums like a mad-man, and grabbing every single release. Also, when we're on the topic of "Workshop killed the Armaholic star", let's not forget that Armaholic itself led to demise of various Arma modding sites through the years. This might have not been intentional (I dunno what people were saying behind the closed doors), but among the userbase there surely was some kind of weird "popularity contest" about which site was "crap" and which was "cool". Armaholic was seen as the elite, and everyone was flocking to it. But that was shortsighted - you don't need to be a prophet to predict that sooner or later those websites will die. Especially since you could see what happened to numerous OFP websites, many of which hosted exclusive content. There is a number of addons which are not available to public anymore, because their authors were hosting them only in one place, and disallowed other mirrors. That content has not vanished completely - someone still probably has it on their hard drives - but problem is even knowing that this stuff exists. So yeah, the "mod distribution system" has to be decentralized, for it to be able to prosper and serve future creators and users. You mentioned ModDB, of which I am fan, but posting someone else's stuff there is really against EULA (even though it happens often). I really have no idea why it is not more popular among Arma modders - I guess part of this may too be Armaholic popularity. Afterall, if AH would host your content, and even post news/updates, why bother doing it for yourself? But ModDB is not enough either. Just like having "our own" host (like Armaholic was) is not enough. The truth is that people should stop being too sentimental and just start posting their stuff wherever they can - including even the dreaded Steam Workshop. This way, when one source of Arma content dies, it's fairly easy to replace it. Get on with the times gramps! Cool kids these days use Discord and Twitch! Yuck! ;)
  14. krzychuzokecia

    Cold War Rearmed III

    Looks great, but I think there's some Chernarussian instigator in your team! Nogovan police was known as "Policie" (since the country is a Czech-speaking one) and used green colour scheme. Cyryllic "GM" with orange is scheme of post-Soviet Chernarussian police. It is no secret that Chernarussian government is actively promoting their revisionist history, claiming to be the center of anti-Soviet rebellion, much to the chagrin of Nogovan and Malden Islands republics. I hope this Chernarussian influence in CWR3 will be soon eradicated, and the memory of true Cold War Crisis heroes will be preserved for future generations!
  15. I think I'll have to eat a crow - I've checked a number of objects, which are variations of DLC objects, and none of them created any DLC requirement for me. According to Eden Config Viewer, all of the objects in SOG:PF are configured separately, with their own inheritance trees (which makes sense in case of DLC-derived objects, but not so much with variations of base game content). Still, there's clearly something afoot - those nag screens shouldn't appear out of thin air. I own all the DLCs, so maybe that's why I'm unable to see any "hidden link" between SOG:PF and Laws of War. In any case, here's my ticket. Since I couldn't reproduce your issue, I made it mostly about the "IDAP" name, but in additional information I've described your problem. Without access to the configs I can't really say if it's all part of one big problem, or not (let's just say I tend to not trust Config Viewer in editor).
  16. krzychuzokecia

    Armaholic is gone

    Would be nice, but we all know it's never going to happen. Back when OFPR.info died (you know, the Armaholic before Arma was a thing even), Dwarden and Kllrt seemed to have some interest in helping with keeping the site alive, but nothing ever came out of it. With Armaholic being way, way bigger website, I fail to see how they could do anything really.
  17. krzychuzokecia

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    The demise of Armaholic is not just sad - it's a blow to the legacy of Arma 1 and Arma 2 modding scene, which now is lost to the history, and soon will become forgotten "like tears in rain". In many cases Armaholic was the only place were this content was available, and for the stuff that was also hosted by other sites... well, those alternative hosts don't exist/work anymore too. Reading that Twitter post, there's glimmer of hope that the data is safe with Foxhound, he's just unable to host it anymore. I only hope that Foxhound himself is allright - as other said, the sudden disappearance of Armaholic, with no warning, makes me think that problem is much more serious than just "no cash for hosting". Afterall, even with OFPR.info the admins made community aware that time's up, which allowed people to set up several backups - Armaholic being one of them too!
  18. For anyone wondering how things look on Bardosy's screen, here's some random Arma vid that has the same thing happening - mission overview picture, and DLC "ad" right next to it. Yes and yes. Even more - it's possible to use DLC equipment (weapons, uniforms, vehicles) for a limited amount of time, just with annoying DLC logos floating on your screen. Still - I'll post on the SOG:PF feedback tracker that a number of objects creates inheritance/nag screens of other DLCs. That shouldn't happen, and unless BI/SGD wants us to "buy DLC to play another DLC", they should be able to duplicate some of that content. Especially since: 1. SOG:PF already has duplicates of objects from base Arma 3, and 2. BI themselves moved a lot of DLC data to base game, when other DLCs used it (for example infantry models used by both Apex and Contact guerrillas).
  19. Here's your answer: Quite a number of SOG:PF objects are simple retextures of other Arma 3 assets, including DLC objects. "Simple" to the point that few of the items (cardboard boxes and food sacks) even retain "IDAP" in object name. That's what must be creating the reliance of your mission on Laws of War and Apex.
  20. So this happened... Mods: POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, Whiplash's 'Nam Poses. Also Contact and SOG:PF DLCs.
  21. krzychuzokecia

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Yeah, the map sadly suffers from a lot of issues, whether these are related to AI, or reusing of older Arma assets that don't quite fit. Which is a shame, because I love the jungles, and the mountains, and US FOBs, but in villages and towns there's always "something" that simply takes the fun out of the game. Also it's a bit disappointing that cities often lack iconic locations, such as US embassy, Independence Palace or Newport Bridge in Saigon. Hell, Phnom Penh seems to be missing completely, and there's no denying that it also was a witness of important events during the Vietnam War. Fortunately it seems that devs are quite "receptive" (is it even a word?) to the feedback, so maybe someday the map will also get some do-over.
  22. krzychuzokecia

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Oh, I agree completely! It seems that the world as a whole fell into some trap. What kind of trap it is? I dunno. I mean, I have my hypothesis... (I wrote some lengthy paragraph here, but decided to axe it, because in the end it wasn't really a good explanation of my thoughts and feelings on the matter - still, it's a valid point you raised, and I'll get back to it after some more musing about it) I'll have to disagree on above though! I'm more of a 90s Mercedes-Benz kind of man :D
  23. krzychuzokecia

    Prarie Fire discussion

    After playing various SP and MP (PvE) missions over the last week, I have to agree with @bigshot - there seems to be a number of flaws with the terrain design, that make it more often than not unplayable. This isn't simply an effect of "fitting large landscape on small map", like @stburr91 says here: The problem is either with how particular locations were designed, or with the assets used to create them. We already know about the bounds of the rice paddies (an issue acknowledged by devs - so that's a positive sign for the future!). But there are more problems, especially in villages and towns, were the number of extra props (furniture, trash threwn over the place, objects like cars, food stalls, etc.) is so big that AI has huge troubles moving around. You can see it even in Whiplash's "Operation Fish Hook" - the enemy in villages will often get blocked near some objects/buildings. Heck, if you take closer look, you'll observe this behaviour even in "Prairie Fire" campaign, or other "official" PvE modes (like Escape). To put it bluntly, every mission/mode that will utilize any AI will suffer from the inability of computer-controlled combatants to move over the terrain. That includes co-op too, quite obviously. So what possible game modes are left, which can be run on Cam Lao Nam without problems? Only PvP, which in 2021 limits us to KOTH and it's clones, I suppose (CTF is almost dead, CTI as a competetive mode is dead, BI modes - Warlords and End Game - never seemed to catch on). And then there's an issue of performance drops in towns and villages, which IMO stems from the same problem of "too much crap" on the map. Which is not to say that I don't appreciate the effort which went into some of the locations, like the hootches at the airport. But in 2021, with Eden Editor, compositions, and scripts used to spawn them in game, there's really no need to put all that on the map itself. Edit: and yes, I'm aware of the "AI path" objects in the editor, but it's really like putting a band-aid on a gun shot wound. Not only it's applicable to a fraction of missions in Arma, but while it may work wonders in some places, I suspect there's still a thousand places where AI will only get more confused by additional pathways (especially in presence of buildings).
  24. krzychuzokecia


    Is his name Camouflage? Looking forward to what you'll come up with - the more SP content for PF, the better! Including spooky super-natural horror!