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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    Krzy's OFPL Additions

    Honestly, that would be rather pointless since 997 requires Offtime's WP Soldiers and these require Llauma faces anyway. I'll repeat myself, but this addon is nothing more than a plugin to OFPL addons, an additional, civilian-themed prop I need for my OFPL-centric mission. Currently this mission is taking most of my modding time, so I'm not sure if I'll make some non-Llauma version in the near future (even then, I guess, most people would prefer a nationally neutral Nogovan Policie theme). However, if you, or somebody else, is up for a challenge, I would happily provide source files (infantry MLODs and .xcf files for textures). In fact, Offtime's Jon Doe infantry kit should be available somewhere here in it's original form (it was using first version of Llauma's heads, which I've changed to newer type). The only thing that's not in public are layered source files of UAZ textures, which I had to recreate. If you would like to get any of that - let me know.
  2. krzychuzokecia

    Tutorials, share them !

    A blast from the past of tutorials: Colonel_Klink's tutorials on modelling in Oxygen and WrpTool Fab's faboulus website with several tutorials (still alive after all these years!) A collection of tutorials on PMC Wiki, including Brsseb's legendary Oxygen modelling school, and Ebud's gizmo mapping tutorial OFP Preprocessor Explained by Faguss (a little different thing, but understanding this stuff really helps with making more efficient configs) Fab's and Brsseb's stuff can be also found on OFPEC.
  3. krzychuzokecia

    Red dot in night vision problem

    What Macser said! Actually, the optics are all the time "under" NV effect (or rather NV is rendered in the foreground). The change of appearence you see is related only to the shining properity, and as I've learned the hard way - changing user value from 0 to 1 makes game ignore shining settings. In fact, if you'll look closely, you'll notice that even with shining red dot, you can see a change of appearence when switching NV on and off. However, since it is shining, it emits a red light of sorts, and so it doesn't get all green. The only way in OFP/CWA engine to modify something on model in-game is to either use hiddenSelections (hide/show model parts) or setobjecttexture (change the texture of some small parts - IIRC there's limit for a texture size in OFP). However, from my experience, it doesn't work on weapon/optic models (and even if it'd work, you'd still need a script to achieve your desired effect).
  4. krzychuzokecia

    Red dot in night vision problem

    Really nothing you can do. Animations and/or setobjecttexture tricks are impossible on weapon optics in OFP/CWA. Hell - every single animated slide on pistols in OFP is not really animated, but cleverly used "zasleh" selection. Since you're using FWatch to detect NV goggles being on (at least that's what I remember from the "NV scopes" thread), you may write a script that would replace the gun in your hands to the one with green dot on the model when you're aiming with NV on. Naturally it would need a "sort of database" with all the guns specified (so it wouldn't be plug and play with 3rd party addons). Now, what may be worth experimenting, is ditching the vanilla NV post-processing, and using FWatch to somehow control external renderer/post-effect hook to achieve NV effect. IIRC @the_noob experimented with NV and "fake thermal" (more like "white NV") in Sweet FX.
  5. krzychuzokecia

    TIE Fighter addons

    Just like ProfT said - it's one of highest quality models in OFP. You and Macser are in my opinion the most talented 2D/3D artists in the whole OFP community - including legends of the past like Marfy, COMBAT!, BAS team and so on. Whatever you two are making (be it Star Wars, System Shock, Warhammer etc.) it always is a high quality stuff that's really pleasant to look at and play with, even though I don't particularly care for most sci-fi settings. So two thumbs up firmly for you!
  6. krzychuzokecia

    nim weather and 1.99

    My guess (and that's just a blind shot) is that they've used some kind of trick to check if addon is run on OFP or on VBS. CWA uses several VBS features/functions so NIM Weather scripts may detect game as a VBS version. IIRC the simplest way was to use isServer command (OFP had no such command, VBS and CWA have it). But I may be wrong.
  7. krzychuzokecia

    How to change wound texture path?

    In my experience not. I'm using XVI32, maybe try with that one? (From Addon Request thread I understand that you're using HexEdit - should be really the same but who knows?) Never had any problems with hex-edited models, but then I've never done it to infantry...
  8. krzychuzokecia

    How to change wound texture path?

    You do it in config of your unit. class mycoolunit: SoldierGB { wounds[]={"pathtoregulartexture1.paa","pathtowoundedtexture1.paa","pathtoregulartexture2.paa","pathtowoundedtexture2.paa"}; }; However you need to add paths to all vanilla face textures, otherwise they won't work as expected. wounds[]={"xicht_a.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_b.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_c.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_d.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_e.paa","xicht_e_zranen","xicht_f.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_g.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_h.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_i.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_j.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_k.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_l.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_m.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_n.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_o.paa","xicht_o_zranen","xicht_p.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_q.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_r.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_s.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_t.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_u.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_v.paa","xicht_v_zranen","xicht_w.paa","xicht_w_zranen","xicht_x.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_y.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_z.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2a.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2b.paa","xicht_w_zranen","xicht_2c.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2d.paa","xicht_v_zranen","xicht_2e.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2f.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2g.paa","xicht_w_zranen","xicht_2h.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2i.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2j.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2k.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2l.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2m.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2n.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2o.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2p.paa","xicht_2p_zranen","xicht_2q.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2r.paa","xicht_e_zranen","xicht_2s.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2t.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2u.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2v.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2w.paa","xicht_w_zranen","xicht_2x.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2y.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_2z.paa","xicht_a_zranen"}; Now this will be a lot of code, so best method is to create a base class for all your units that will contain wound definitions for all textures you're going to do. Otherwise you would need to repeat all that for every single unit.
  9. krzychuzokecia

    fdf mod (ww2 mod) + ecp

    Short answer: no. Both are total replacement mods and thus use their own /bin/config and /bin/resource files. FDF also uses a little bit different structure when it comes to sounds and islands. You'd need to modify FDF config to include event handlers defined in ECP config, and also include ECP settings file and additional classes in resource file.
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Cannot create 3D device

    Also if you have both integrated graphics in motherboard and dedicated graphics card, make sure that integrated one is turned off in Windows, and check your OFP/CWA properieties (Preferences tool in Start menu).
  11. krzychuzokecia

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    Could someone be so kind and provide other mirror? I swear this is the worst file sharing site I've ever seen! :P
  12. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    So, it's not an issue already, isn't it? :P I wonder how fast it was before change. CTI John Wayne fast?
  13. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    1. Honestly I never encountered it. I think it may be related to system performance and sounds - it looks like sounds are not preloaded when starting game/mission, so when you fire a weapon, game needs to load it's firing (and hitting) sounds into memory. This can cause slight lags (it is clearly visible when using Gatling-type weapons, regardless of addon/mod). 2. It takes between 15 (BMP-3) to 20 (BMP-1) seconds. While it's faster than in real life (especially in case of BMP-1 where reloading Malyutkas is PITA), it's still reasonable (IMHO) from a gameplay perspective. Heck, some CTI addons allowed BMPs and other IFVs to fire their ATGMs in a John Wayne, 0 second reload time! 3. It's like that since Sanctuary added his BTR-899 to WW4. Reason is that Car base class in OFP/CWA have many limitations. You can add a shitload of scripts to try to overcome them, or just base your APCs from APC base class and live with it. So it's rather a feature than bug. 4. Both issues are known, and destroying thing will be fixed in next patch. 5. That's also a leftover from Sanc's WW4. In fact it looks like AK-74 with shortened barrel and AKMS stock. Weird mutant, however currently we don't plan to add new weapon models. Maybe in future.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    OFP videography

    I hope I won't commit a crime (I can't see videos only, no comments! anywhere), but yeah - this is worth a comment. Even with visible limitations (do I spy fake asteroid belt made from stones lying on invisible ground?) it looks astonishing! Are Mars and it's moons parts of skybox, or are these objects (there's something on radar)? Nogovan bridge once again proves it's functionality, but in the future, maybe GAW platform would work better. Oh, I LOLed at the last seconds - how u fly this? :) A little too late to ask that!
  15. krzychuzokecia

    A blast from the past

    It's up there as http://ofp.gamepark.cz/ If JdB would put the file there (on ftp), then you would need to just add a link to it in the thread you're talking about. So we need JdB, however recently he was seen planning a military coup against Erdogan. :ph34r:
  16. krzychuzokecia

    A blast from the past

    Or maybe ask guys at OFPEC.com where Abandoned Armies is still available.
  17. krzychuzokecia

    A blast from the past

    Unfortunately, I wasn't here when you released Abandoned Armies, so I can't help you with the document. Still, I'd like to thank you for excellent mission you created. It is really a magnificent work, and one of the most detailed and complicated missions of all time. The story, scripting, voice acting, camera work - rarely one can and is willing to put such enormous effort to something which is made for fun and released for free. Actually I discovered Abandoned Armies very recently. I learned about similiar mission for Arma 3 called Pilgrimage, and people there discussed your mission which brought me to it. It is quite an experience: it is not a blockbuster action packed mission, but it's even more exciting. I've never liked OFP original stealth missions where one have to sneak into the town and steal that stupid UAZ. :) It seemed that no matter what I do, enemy AI would always kill me from several hundred meters. And whole effort seemed pointless. Abandoned Armies is different here. Maybe it's because of weather settings, but stealth actually works here. I can sneak up into the town, make some contacts, collect equipment and leave unnoticed. But don't think it is because enemy is dumb - you still have to be smart and extremely cautious because one false movement can alert nearby patrols. And this puts not only your life at risk, but also lifes of your team mates, friends and people who rely on your leadership. Abandoned Armies is like OFP version of Lord of the Rings - an epic journey of one low key character who needs to build his power by using brain and not brute force. A masterpiece of mission making. Thanks for that!
  18. krzychuzokecia

    DXDLL - advanced tweaking (and 12th anniversary)

    It is worth noting that enabling enhanced tracers messes with vanilla AH-1 and AH-65 HUDs. Not that these HUDs are useful (I've never learned what's the purpose of these two crossed rectangles), but it doesn't look good when you're flying one of these. Which is a shame because tracers look great with ET enabled.
  19. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Yes and no. :) We can change just models in data3d.pbo, or change paths in \bin\resource.cpp. First solution is problematic when one wishes to use some enhacements like Lllauma's sky pack. But that second option is even worse, because we would need to fix our resource.cpp file every time original mod is updated. Now some may say that this is unlikely to happen, but we don't want to risk any problems. And off the record - it would be great to have a total replacement mod with EXT features and unit models, but it would be really gargantuic effort. Kenoxite once said that his original idea was much simpler and smaller than what EXT is now. So this mod had overgrown it's author wishes, and we don't feel like making it even harder to manage than it is now! :P
  20. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Nope. That would need replacing files in data.pbo and data3d.pbo and (at this moment) we don't want to change these files (to save compatibility with vanilla WW4 and other mods that use it as a basis).
  21. krzychuzokecia

    How to Stop or Alter course to Nuclear War

    OK, so you're serious about it. Then let me assure you that nobody will drop an A-bomb on your house. There's that thing called mutually assured destruction which prevents the doomsday scenario. Think of it as if two biker gangs where fighting in rural town for hookers and booze. They can burn the place to the ground easily but then they will lost all hookers and booze - kinda pointless and everybody understands it. It's a very simplistic explanation, but it works since 1946. Now to comment on other points of your post. Firstly, there is no integration between NATO and EU because these two organisations are very different in their goals and spheres of activity. EU is a strong economic and political alliance, while NATO is purely defensive (and includes countries of various political systems/regimes), and pretty weak because it can't find it's purpose after fall of Soviet Union. Though, there are other spheres of globalization process that may bring EU and US together. But EU is actually opposed to that for various reasons. You also wrote that Russia wants to talk but no one listens and that EU/NATO needs to talk peacefully with Russia. You fail to notice the fact that Russian invasion of Ukraine (right after citizens of Ukraine decided that they want to ally with EU/NATO) happened when US and EU were promoting a peaceful partnership with Russia. Russian leaders saw this as a sign of Western weakness and decided to pursuit their own goals which are often directly opposite to values of western democracies. However even this changed only a little. Germany still considers Russia as their most important partner and blocks severe sanctions proposed by other EU members. Only US sanctions have visible impact on Russian economy, but these strike mostly citizens - not politicians and biggest businesses. US co-operates with Russia even in Syria, where they have different allies - but this is a continuation of what actually started in 2002 (US used Russian airbases to deploy their forces to Afghanistan). So what you're describing is actually false. The NATO warmongering is only part of internal propaganda aimed at Baltic states which feel that they are under constant threat from Russian Federation. Invasion of Ukraine showed that they may be right, but NATO is clearly falling apart and no Westerner will die for Estonians really. Afterall there is still a feeling hidden deep amon western nations that all Slavs are created equal and thus belong to one nation. This is wrong naturally, but it's not a place to discuss cultural misconceptions. Sleep well then :)
  22. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    1. Anyway, even when I'm not a fan of transparency, it's not going to change - it's part of EXT WW4 legacy which we're proud of it ;) 2. Known issue with OFP engine handling user actions.
  23. krzychuzokecia

    How to Stop or Alter course to Nuclear War

    Dude, are you serious or is it some kind of political fiction, parallel universe thread?
  24. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Warrior pack (v. 1.0) is available on OFPR.info. Just type "UKF Warrior" in search bar. DPM Troops pack 2 and Chally were never released to my best knowledge. :(