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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    [SHOWCASE] Model Village Script

    ...suddenly I hear Lee Marvin's voice from "Dirty Dozen". Great work, thanks!
  2. krzychuzokecia


    What do you mean by "rvmat is attached"? How your Addon Builder settings look like, can you post a pic?
  3. krzychuzokecia

    Zone 51

    I haven't had any problems with performance really, maybe only longer time to load the mission. The "popping" of the rocks was visible without fog, but adding a little bit of it made it unnoticeable.
  4. krzychuzokecia


    Make sure that in Addon Builder options you have *.rvmat in the list of files to be copied directly. I've seen several threads in last year where people were going on a wild goose chase trying to find the issue with specific rvmat, or even suggesting reinstallation of whole operating system. In 99%* of cases the issue was because of Addon Builder binarizing the .rvmat - I wonder why it's even an option, when clearly game won't work with such file. * disclaimer: 87% of statistics posted on Internet are fake
  5. krzychuzokecia

    Zone 51

    The island is beautiful in it's original state, and amazingly intriguing with vegetation replacement module. However, the mysterious, barren, rocky landscape is hard to capture on picture: POLPOX's Artwork Supporter won't work with module activated - buttons and keyboard controls are unresponsive. Maybe that's because of the phantoms roaming these lands, we know how they react to cameras... Also, if an addon is used, that doesn't have units array in CfgPatches (because it doesn't have any units), game will throw an error about missing config entry at the start of the mission. Workaround would be adding empty units array in CfgPatches of that addon, but that may not be always possible (author is long gone etc.). Without vegetation replacement module all works without a hitch.
  6. 1 hour intro was CSLA. Car with subwoofer was FDF. FDF is clearly better :D
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Project OPFOR requires RHS, so it's safe to assume their values are based on RHS. If you're looking for PrOPFOR equivalent in CUP realm, then CFP (Community Factions Project) is the way to go.
  8. State ceremony in Adamów, Livonia. Mods: POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, Whiplash Static Anims, Nikoaton's Animations. Also featured are props from Contact and Art of War DLCs.
  9. krzychuzokecia

    How to make an addon

    One more vote for Brsseb's tutorials. If you're looking for more, some are listed here.
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Krzy's OFPL Additions

    Welcome to... Krzy's OFPL Additions A collection of simple addons made to fill the gaps in legendary OFPL - a Polish army mod originally developed between 2003 and 2006. Although magnificent in it's own right, OFPL has some drawbacks, such as lack of any serious armor. Along the years few people tried to fix this, most notably Corran with his pack. My aim is the same, and here you can see the effects of my efforts. Addons released: 997 (version 0.5, dated 09.11.2017, see below) BWP-1 (version 1.0, dated 11.11.2020, see link) 997
  11. krzychuzokecia

    replace command with setPosASL

    That's not a "command"*, you're just executing another script. The "Bau.sqs" file in (I assume) "bunker.pbo" is where the magic happens, and where you could try to fit setPosASL. Can you extract that file and copy it's content here? *I mean, it is "exec" command, but that's really not "the" command you're interested in :D
  12. krzychuzokecia

    Silent War: Polish-Belarusian Conflict

    Quoting myself from the very first post: Honker actually comes in two variants (hard-top and soft-top), and there are guns too, naturally (also custom ammo boxes in Empty).
  13. krzychuzokecia

    Krzy's OFPL Additions

    I used CSLA, because I had CSLA permission. I don't even know who made WW3 BMPs, much less if they are still around. Also I think CSLA BMP fits better to OFPL color scheme than WW3. I'm perfectly aware of CSLA BMP model issues as evidenced here: For the time being I'm perfectly fine with those - I'll fix it when I'll have some time.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    Silent War: Polish-Belarusian Conflict

    Thanks for kind words everyone! Speaking of missions, while at the moment there is no "OPFOR" to the light infantry in the pack, anyone interested in creating some missions with SW should definitely check out Karolstah's Belarusian Army Pack (requires ICP/ORCS weapons). His magnificent addon is what we're basing our upcoming Belarusian infantry on.
  15. krzychuzokecia

    Silent War: Polish-Belarusian Conflict

    Thank you once again for your help @Macser we owe quite a bit! For anyone wondering, here's one thing that wouldn't be possible if not Macser: a new hand animations for Polish Light Infantry grenadier. ...now he keeps his hand where he should!
  16. krzychuzokecia

    Krzy's Hunting Mod

    Hunting Mod by krzychuzokecia A pack of hunting-themed equipment retextures. Most of the items feature details covered in a high-visibility blaze orange colour. Content: hunting clothes in several variations (red, green and blue shirts with coyote, olive and camo pants), hunting vest in three types (coyote, olive and camo), LDF Forest Ranger summer clothes, blaze orange beanie, baseball caps in blaze orange and camo, two bavarian-style hats, brown safari/cowboy hat. More to come later. Credits: Bohemia Interactive Studios - original models and textures, krzychuzokecia - retexturing, EO aka Evil_Organ - inspiration and hunting camo. Downloads: Steam Workshop (current, v. 0.50), ModDB (outdated). Addon is signed, key included.
  17. krzychuzokecia

    The Fictional MX Rifle series, why?

    RIP Railgun Tank, we hardly knew ya... Also, here's some US Army concepts of what could their future tank look like. It's not related to any on-going program, more like brainstorming, but you can see some Merkava influenece in at least one of them.
  18. krzychuzokecia

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Just wanted to add that IMO the "problem with Cyberpunk" is not just that. It's actually a symptom of a bigger problem with gaming industry as it is. We, the customers, allowed this to happen - what once was a sign of failure, today is tolerated. Hence "early access", bugs, more budget in marketing, less in development, few original ideas, increasing prices. There's huge uproar when "independent" dev messes up, but what many forget is that other "big name" studios/publishers are having exactly the same issues. It's just that we're used to see big devs to overpromise/underdeliver, and we're hoping for "someone" (CDPR, BIS, HelloGames, etc.) to suddenly come out with some refreshing new game that "just works" and will somehow miraculously save the video game world. But truth is that today "independent" devs aren't really that independent - they still have deals with Epic/Valve/Sony/Microsoft, and those deals affect the final product quality (because who gets the final word in terms of deadlines even?). So (and this will sound a bit pesimistic) the only way to change it, is now to starve the beast completely. "No pre-orders" is not enough, it's time for no new games, and even no new gaming hardware, because it's all connected. Unless you're paying directly to the devs (with no Steam store, or PlayStation store to take a lion share of game price), you're never going to break that corporate connection. And if that won't happen, then we will have more "Cyberpunks" in the future. (Of course this sucks from dev point of view, because deals with Big Corps are beneficial to them, either in terms of funding or marketing - but still, it is a double-edged sword)
  19. krzychuzokecia

    Cyberpunk 2077

    While I agree that they should keep their mouths shut (I may be wrong, but I saw someone on the net calling it "The No Man's Sky way of damage control", I kinda see why Badowski wrote what he wrote (even if he shouldn't). Schreier's article doesn't contain anything which we (gamers) didn't knew before, and even CDPR admitted to those things (even though it shouldn't happen in the first place). Even Jakubiak's comments on crunch time etc. is what we knew few weeks back already. I guess the article may be interesting for some complete outsider - like your typical Bloomberg news reader, who (I assume) doesn't waste his precious time on video games. :D When it comes to the E3 demo - anyone with a bit of a reason should know that all those "big event gameplay demos" are fake. And the fake-to-real ratio is bigger the furthest from release game is. In 2018 CP77 was really only two years in development, and in demo they already have all the systems working? And art? So, what they are working on then? So of course it's fake, a "target render", maybe done in game engine. Like those "in-engine" vids EA made for one of the latest Battlefields (I forgot which one) - none of them looked like final game too. But here's the catch - your deal with publisher requires you to make those promo events/vids, so what choice you have? Sony and MS expect you to show something, well, let's then give them something! This is similiar to the NMS situation, where Hello Games also had to fake a demo for Sony event (and it also kicked them in their butts). My question is then: is it really fault of the dev, or the big corp that dev is essentially a sub-contractor for? Key words that come to mind in this "dev-corp" angle: BIS, Arma 3, Valve, Steamworks. Was BIS at fault, making a deal with Valve so they could secure financing Arma 3 development? Or was Valve at fault, for forcing BIS to do things in a way which was a huge, huge departure from their previous "policy". Obviously, both are "guilty" to a point, but someone has had more "leverage". Formerly independent, sell-out devs, or big ugly corp? Comments about language (which Schreier backtracked later) smell of some "virtue signalling" and "white privilege" journalism that US media are known for lately. However (and that's a story I heard from "friend of a friend" who works in other Warsaw-based game developer), there's apparently a big issue with "western" developers who come to Poland, expecting that everything will be working as they wish. There's a lot of "eurocentrism", misunderstanding and often complete lack of respect for local culture, not to mention looking down at Polish co-workers (including management/leadership!) because "I know better than those uncivilized barbarians". I wonder if similiar "multi-culti failure" happened at CDPR, especially with big influx of foreign devs in last years (what's funny is that 90% of game devs in Poland are big "americanized" neo-liberals themselves). ...like in GTAV? :D Also: don't you hate it when you play a game, and you see some obvious possibilities that devs missed entirely? Makes you wonder if they even play their games! I may be jaded a bit :D But I rewatched Matrix for 100000th time recently, and was surprised that Keanu has more than two facial expressions and voice tones in the movie! Oh, I feel you man. Guess it's time to remember the words of Mack The Wise: "don't preorder games". I must say that most games I buy now are titles which are few years old already. And the only preorder I ever did was Contact DLC for A3. That was a MASSIVE let down for me. So yeah, I can only imagine how bummed you are, especially seeing your posts in this thread, going three years back. Seems like BIS is greatest pioneer/prophet of video gaming - all their games were "early access" going back to at least Arma 1 (dunno 'bout OFP, don't remember those times). TL;DR version is that my account was blocked because of "suspicious activity" and possible "account stealing". Of course I never-ever got any notification that someone logs into my account from unknown devices/places, but Steam deleted a month worth of my posts on their forums (including thread on a Workshop item I was helping with), and made me show "a proof of purchase" of any of the game I own on the platform - one that was not a simple confirmation mail from Steam, as those are not applicable for whatever reason. Thing is - it's kinda hard to have such "a proof of purchase" when 99.99% of my purchases there are with anonymous payment methods like PaySafe. Fortunately there was one game I had bought with credit card, so now I can resume happily playing games I had thought I bought, but in truth I only rented :D That's how it ends when you try to mess with the corporations in the 2021 cyberpunk dystopia. As for why they blocked me in the first place - I never got any answer which was not an automated (and completely non-applicable) response signed by "generic human name #249". Guess I must have posted something that made angry Steam forum moderators (dunno what because I'm trying hard to net get banned from the service), but then why bogus "your account was stolen"?
  20. krzychuzokecia

    The Fictional MX Rifle series, why?

    Except BIS intermediate 6.5x39 Caseless is much, much different than any of the 6.8 cartridges in NGSW, which calls for what is essentially a full-power rifle cartridge. LSAT mentioned earlier was the closest (and IMHO much better than NGSW proposals in terms of ammunition performance), but despite program achievements, US Army never treated it as anything but research. Little correction: LSAT light machine gun was working as early as 2010. However with US Army getting a case of cold feet, AAI Textron decided to focus on ammo and LMG development, and for years LSAT carbine was dormant (there was fascinating interview with LSAT/CTSAS project director on TFB).
  21. krzychuzokecia

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Yeah, I may sound a bit harsh in previous post, but watching playthroughs on YT, you can see a lot of passion and talent put into the quests/story/general "atmosphere" (visuals and soundscape). However, the rest of the game makes it drown in disappointment. Potential is definitely there, question how much will CDPR will be able to "extract" from it. As much as I would love a "full-blown" Cyberpunk experience, I don't think it will happen - I'm not an expert in programming, but even I can see things which are not going to be changed, because that would need a serious rewrite of huge chunks of game. (We can also play "what if" game - what if CP77 was never going to be an open-world game, but something more closed/linear/smaller in scale? A simple, story-focused game of old.) Yep (with current exchange rates - I dunno how was it in 2016). Noticed that in videos too, but... to be completely honest, I don't see how you could design it differently. Even in Kingdom Come (which I love, adore and IMO it's the best RPG out there - even though it is bugged as hell too!) I often find myself going through all the dead bodies in search of sweet-sweet loot. The other option is blocking looting altogether (like in Shadowrun Returns - a "classic" isometric RPG), but that's not really realistic, and often punishing ("why I can't pickup this level 9000 laser gun from enemy I beat in fair and square fight?"). Heck, in CP77 you don't get to see contents of all the dead enemy's pockets (like you do in KCD). I guess the player himself has to decide how much to put into "role-play" and how much to mess with game mechanics. Agreed - writing, voice acting, animation is incredible. Okay, except Keanu - he got woodden as hell in last 20 years :D But other voice actors are doing top-notch job! Still, you can feel that some important parts where cut out. When Agreed. See, the weirdest (for me) thing in this whole mess is that, as someone who DIDN'T want to play this game, now I'm actually kinda on the team "Go CDPR! Go!". I want them to succeed, finish the game, so I can play it somewhere in 2024, 50% off, with all DLCs in "Complete Edition" :D Haven't watched Cybergate vid yet, but I think the issue is that his video wasn't really "censored", as in really removed from YT for violation of their rules. They just made it "not appear", which is weird. So, even if the reason was just "porn", they haven't communicated the decision to Mack, nor anyone else, and vid is still there. I think that's his biggest issue - he probably knows it's the sex-toy footage, but plays "dumb customer" so that YT will admit to doing anything. Kinda what I had to do few weeks back, when Steam locked my account for even crazier reasons :D
  22. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Sound Files

    Courtesy of Killer14, who is our "OFP Audio curator". You can also open the campaign .pbos, and convert the soundfiles yourself. Campaign voices are in .ogg format, so you should be able to open them with most audio editing software around (thx Killer14 for confirmation! :D )
  23. krzychuzokecia

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Uh oh, that's a cheap excuse, since people on PCs (powerful ones too) also had quite obvious issues. And that doesn't explain odd design philosophy, especially regarding NPC/police/gangs/city interaction. Level of enviroment simulation is dated, to put it nicely. Matter of fact, without the pretty graphics, it's really on par to... GTA3 from 2001. And even then GTA3 does some things better (like AI path-finding and fleeing reaction). I wouldn't really care, because even though I'm a fan of cyberpunk genre, I don't like Witcher games. So I wasn't really interested in CP2077. But, as it is now known, CDPR was granted a 10 million PLN subsidy from Polish National Research and Development Centre for the very "city simulation" that sucks so much. That's more than "serious" R&D gets from public budget (including, for example, defense projects), and CDPR got 4 grants (!) for a total sum of 27 million PLN. And in 2020, additional subsidy for COVID lockdown (7 mil PLN IIRC). So yeah, even though I wasn't interested in game, I'm kinda livid now, because... I already kinda-sorta paid for this mess. And, let's be honest, outside of main quest, and side-quests related to main story, the rest of the game ("gigs" and other small interactions like crime scenes) is really unimaginative. It doesn't feel "next-gen" at all, more like your typical Far Cry clone, just with a bunch of RPG elements slapped on (which is, IIRC, already a thing in Far Cry/other Ubi games). Heck, even main story seems gutted, as people are finding in main quests lots of references to some previous story events which where not shown to players. Also, I'm not really buying his excuse, that they "overestimated the task" of bringing the game to last-gen consoles. That's because first "in-game" demos/teasers/trailers were made years before anybody heard about PS5/Xbox-whatever-it's-the-latest. Heck, Reddit is full of comparisons between old CDPR promo vids, and final game (where final product is indeed looking way better). So it seems to me that they took a "last-gen" game, and upgraded for new features. Which is really how it should go, since they started working on a game around 2016, only 2 years after PS4 premiere. All in all, bug fixing won't be enough - this game really needs a gargantuic effort to bring it even to "last-gen" gameplay standards. Small dev, like Hello Games of No Man's Sky fame, who has everything to loose, can do it. But CDPR? They are similiar to BIS now - small-to-medium sized studio but with AAA ego. They are a "serious" business now, and they can afford losses. For Sean Murray the fate of NMS was question of "do I continue to make games, or find a job in Tesco". For Marcin Iwiński failure of CP2077 is "few lean years after over decade of non-stop commercial success". IIRC it was because of the part with, um... a big sex-toy used as a weapon. His second upload, without big pink... blunt weapon... is showing normal. (Though this begs question if any other CP2077 vids with that... thing... were delisted - gameplays I've seen had lots of raunchy stuff, but not that particular one)
  24. krzychuzokecia

    Combat Mission (Realistic Wargaming Sim)

    Simply too expensive for me - base CM: Shock Force 2 costs on Steam roughly what I paid for A3 with all DLCs... during the span of three years. Even on sale it's just too much for me, especially since combat strategy/tactics games like that are often "one and done" for me. A3 was the most expensive game I ever bought, but I knew I will have years of entertainment with it. Not so much with games like new Combat Mission, Close Combat or Graviteam series - all great games, but at the same time I know that I'm going to get bored with them sooner than later, which makes it hard to justify the price. Especially for Slitherine published games - I noticed Graviteam titles are getting cheaper, even very cheap during sales*, so it seems like I may go ahead and buy them in near future. *I'm talking about "official" price, I bet you can sometimes find them for almost free on some weird keyshop from Thailand, but it's often pure luck :D
  25. krzychuzokecia

    Combat Mission (Realistic Wargaming Sim)

    I remember playing demo of one of the original two (either Beyond Overlord or Barbarossa). Good to know those are still available, after all these years I may finally try the full game :D Unfortunately newer games in the series, while looking interesting, are way too costly for me.