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Everything posted by cleggy

  1. this is a little project I'm working on while I discover what I can and cannot understand about modelling in Blender - the FREE 3d modelling program. yes, I know it's ANOTHER MRAP but this one is different - it has no home.:butbut: with Cescollino and Namman covering the American variants I though it would be nice to do something different. any suggestions? can YOU find a home for 'Little Orphan Annie'?
  2. Although I'm not the 'official' voice of this mod I hate to see a query go unanswered, especially from you Markocro! The current team is focused on building OFP style assets. Missions are not currently being worked on to any degree. Play what's available now and have fun. That's my advice .... for what it's worth
  3. found the problem. the unit I was using as a crew member is faulty.
  4. I am working on two car_F class vehicle addons. if I start a scenerio sitting in either vehicle and order my crew/cargo to get in or get out I can't hear the order being given or the reponse from my group. the order is carried out, I just don't hear anything. Issue the order from outside the vehicle and all is fine. My WheeledAPC_F class vehicles do not have this problem. Any idea why this is (or in this case is not) happening?
  5. Join Mondkalb's Discord matey - I can tell you all sorts of lies, half-truths and general guesswork - the others will probably tell you something actually useful ...
  6. I see one of my A2 models on there as well ... 90 dollars!!
  7. Just to avoid confusion and possible disappointment I'd like to point out the CUP M60A3 is a different model to that being worked on within conflict85. Unfortunate timing. We wanted an M60 but didn't realize the CUP model was so near release. In short - we don't want to take credit for work that isn't ours!
  8. Thanks for the replies and likes well as it's still wip anything can happen! but until I'm happy with the base model any variant has to be on the back burner. High Command tells me the M60 won't be getting TTS - it looks like the M1A1 is getting all the 'toys' ... M60 not happy M60 says "kiss my butt Abrams"
  9. Thanks for the replies That's far too technical for me, maybe Slatts could answer that one. I'm having enough trouble trying to convince it that it isn't a helicopter ... (PhysX) As far as camo goes the rest of the team seem to favour MERDC, although I'm not a great fan of it myself (but that's just me being awkward.) you are most welcome!
  10. Old Skool Armor As we've been a bit quite lately here's a wip of a model I'm working on. This is the first MBT I've attempted for Arma so I hope you can recognize it! Textures are just placeholders until Brother Norsu can work some subbie painter magic
  11. That's sad to hear Katie. Care to share your thoughts on why that is?
  12. Mighty Impressive! I don't usually go for these SF 'funnies' but I think you may have just converted me!
  13. Looks good ... and better yet, it suits my mood for the best part of the day ...
  14. Welcome back! Very nice work. Looking forward to tackling Everon in the Cold War version
  15. Give that man a Cee-gar! This thing is diabolical to drive .. for a recon vehicle it's amazing how much you CAN'T see. and don't even think about making a turn without a man in front with a red flag.... Hmmm ... thinking about it there might be a few of those guys nearby ...
  16. Something is watching you through narrowed eyes ... is it a bird? ...no! .... is it a plane? .... no, no! well is it a BRDM? ... N ........ err .. well BIS seemed to think so back in the day have we an imposter in our ranks?
  17. Tag_BLX would like to introduce the British Ridgback PPV for Arma3. What is it? The Ridgback is a British modification of an American built 4 x 4 MRAP. What do I get? Desert and woodland camo variants armed with a turret mounted HMG and 1 x FFV position. Current version version 4 changelog: version 4: config fixes for Nexus update version 3 : model tweaks and extra LODs etc. config changes : NOW FOUND UNDER > NATO > armored added woodland camo variant version 2 : added interior textures and various config tweaks version 1: original release here's the link to version 4: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1s4k128bl54t5da/blx_ridgback_v4.0.7z Credits and Thanks BIS for the sandbox and tools. The guys at RKSL for their knowledge and encouragement. All on the forums who gave feedback / suggestions
  18. cleggy

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Well blow me ... (down) if those Land Rovers don't look Dope (whatever that means).
  19. MUTTS IN MONTIGNAC or how I stopped worrying about performance on Tanoa because Everon is my home ... http://
  20. I've felt very smug up until now. Throughout all the game updates my Armatools have behaved well. Not any more... Since the last update I can't get Buldozer to run properly, all I see is a black box with a white border before I get a timeout error message. Pointing Object Builder at the Arma3.exe instead of Buldozer.exe I lose all the textures despite the texture path in ObjectBuilder being set to the P:\ Drive. Worse still if I Binarize my addon with AddonBuilder my .rtm files get corrupted big time with the 'Thing Syndrome'. If I don't Binarize they are fine. I've also tried with *.rtm included and removed from the list of files to copy directly. Additionally, an older addon that uses the same .rtm files and was binarized with the previous release is still OK. Just to be clear: everything worked fine until the last update. I've reinstalled the tools but to no avail. Did something major change with the tools on the last update I'm not aware of?
  21. A bit more work done on Mutty McMuttface ... worth a screen shot, shirley?
  22. Tag_blx would like to introduce the M1117 'Guardian' ASV for Arma3 What is it? The M1117 ASV is an American built 4 x 4 Light Armored Vehicle. In US service it is issued to the Military Police for duties such as base protection and convoy escort (hence Armored Security Vehicle). It is also used by other nations in a security role. Armed with a .50cal machine gun and 40mm grenade launcher in a one man turret the manufacturers also point out it's usefulness as a fire support platform. It has a crew of three plus room for one passenger/detainee. ;) What do you get? Under BLUFOR > NATO > Armored : Vehicles in Desert and Woodland camo. Under IND > UNPOL > Armored : Vehicle in UN white camo. Known 'Features' Some of the doors and hatches open. This is cosmetic only at the moment, meaning the crew cannot turn out. Current Version: 1.1 Changelog: [Fixed] wrong path on machine gun proxy [Fixed] machine gun particles showing in the wrong place So why not give a Humvee the day off work with one of these links: http://www.mediafire.com/download/bigzvwyc587dzms/blx_M1117_v1.1.7z Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30108 PWS: http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/7EtpHgRHwESmaI2SUwmA-g/M1117-Guardian-ASV-light-armored-vehicle Released under licence: http://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
  23. Thanks for the interest, Munger. The 'Commando' has taken a bit of a back seat atm as I'm working on another project and trying to improve my texturing skillz .... but it's not dead, just err .... resting. Lovely plummage tho'.
  24. Thanks for the reply. I must admit I haven't updated it for Apex. As the model is included in the RHS US faction now i just assumed everyone would be using that version ('cause they've done a better job of it than I did!). :P
  25. Thanks very much for the mini tutorial, Pookie. I'm sure it will prove very useful! All I gotta do now is 'join all dem dots' ....