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Everything posted by dlegion

  1. ...ah and i suspect that another optimization can be have 1 single script for more than 1 single unit. righht now i've 10 scripts for 10 different units....not great :(
  2. yep....i'm a noob...so i "feel" that somethign was not good...but didnt know what was wrong :) pierre...just to be exact: it first waituntil (detect if there's no crew alive on board) ...then (and only then) waituntil (player distance > 2000) . in fact it do its job good....considering it runs on server , everyone should get updated about vehicle creation/delete or am i wrong ? @Grumpy Old Man heh....i dont know...just fear about doing errors :)
  3. that happened to me: i'm tracking down the problem to a script....still hunting....
  4. thanks! i'm using TADST to run server, are the same configs, right ? right now are 0.001 and 0.01, can i go lower than that ?
  5. nice , thanks sarogahtyp ! well...i forgot to declare that i run my dedicated from same PC i run my client, in the past i made a test with a friend, but result was that HC was congestionating netwrok traffic (towards a friend making the HC), and if i run an HC on my PC (thats a "third" process, considering the dedicated and the client) the result is even worse. so in fact i abandoned HC. anyway my mission still has an HC entity placed in editor....but i suppose its doing nothing, right? the real problem for me is that i cant "test", because i need at least another player inside to notice this huge rubberbanding! any idea how can i do this all alone ? thanks man !
  6. hello! i'm searching an expert scripter for MP/dedicated/JIP environment, to help me make more performance-efficient my domination mission. mission itself its already 100% up and working, i just need to make it "better" ! i will donate for a concrete help. if interested contact me at: Ddelfino@hotmail.com, or steam D-LEGION or here on private messages thanks!
  7. hello guys, i'm trying to populate the map for a domination mission i made, and i'm trying everything. Enigma civilian and Enigma traffic are working great for civilian town population, i've scripted some Independent, West and East forces to being created (and deleted/re-created when dead or unable to move), that use "fnc_taskPatrol" to randomly patrol the area, dont seem the most efficient, but it works (seems it still have less performance impact than the good EOS). the problem is on the sea....seems that even boats get waypoints on land, so getting stuck on shores. anyone can help me ? thanks !
  8. thanks Pierre! for boat...i cannot do this, i wish for a 100% random route covering whole island seas...so i have to find another kind of solution. i'm very interested in your idea about the "old BI simulation manager" ! can you explain better how implement this in script-spawned units? thanks!!
  9. ....no luck. tried adding to my spawn script: enableDynamicSimulationSystem true; _Dveh enableDynamicSimulation true; my test vehicle spawned by script is _Dveh, settings are 50m, no multipliers....but it still move away whithout getting "freezed". any idea how do it? EDIT: did more test, put a trigger, and seems that as soon as it spawns, it gets detected with dynamic simulationb OFF, and there's no way to turn it ON.
  10. really thanks man !! trying now some dynamic simulation commands :) about boats....got an idea...but dont know how script it : check every 5 minutes is the boat is not moving , if is immobile after 3 more minutes (to prevent activation on a boat randomly stopped for another reason) the script should teleport the boat 20 meters in back direction.
  11. ...i noticed that the boats sometimes get stuck on the shore while getting near the waypoint. i already tried waypoint completion radius, but boat still go 1 m from the center to complete it, mah! is there any other way to make the boats not get stuck on the shore? worst case scenario i wish to delete the boat if it get stuck , and restart the spawn script....real problem is discriminate the "stuck boat"!
  12. i made some tests, and dynamic simulation seems to work good...for units placed in editor. the problem is that i spawn my units from scripts, and dont know how make dynamic simulation work with them! (i already tried "enableDynamicSimulation" command, but seems to just not work properly...it does not switch units ON and OFF following attributes>performance set parameters. dunno whats wrong)
  13. Good idea. Anyway....isnt there any other solution ?
  14. i'm using your great tool, really good one. i private messaged you, hope you read it :)
  15. the object of the topic is already solved, but maybe this is a good place to ask: in your opinion, whats the more "less-impact-on-performance" way (scripts, want stay vanilla) to make map feels more "alive" ? i've found Engima Civilians and Engima Traffic be the best way to do so about civilians. now i use a script to spawn some vehicles (thanks to you now boats too) that born into a place and randomly patrol a big area, to try give the feeling of troops moving around map. this script re-spawn this vehicles when they get destroyed, and thats not bad. But most of time this vehicles patrol empty areas far from players, i feel like wasting resources for that. but i'm sure that for a so common problem, more efficient solutions have already been found...please point me in the right direction, thanks !
  16. it works !! huge thanks man...finally sea patrols ! really thanks !!!
  17. thanks man....but i'm using a different way to help performance. to cut it short...i spawn via script my boat, and i dont place waypoint by hand. i was using "fnc_taskPatrol" for ground vehicles, seems to work good for them. do you know where is it hidden in *.pbo? maybe i can unpack it and find a way to invert "waypoint on ground" to "waypoint on water"! thanks anyway!!
  18. any news about this ? i'm still searching a way to force all sub-options (like stress damage, wind ecc) thanks!
  19. really no idea how remove that button or make spectator camera work ?
  20. eh....dear Grumpy, you are right. sadly right.
  21. (...) ...and it NOT works from there ! red triangles are just ridicolously too unrealistic, and seems there are no other "detection" (like a "beep" sound?)
  22. man, just tested. is simply not possible move it to an handgun (or any other item) slot. maybe you are confused with some mods, like ACE3 or else.