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Everything posted by tomturner

  1. tomturner

    Undefined Variables fixing

    Will try to help. PM sent.
  2. tomturner

    Mission Presentation

    Yes, that would seem logical, but then a "default" image supplied by the server would be appropriate and then replaced with the mission's image after having played the mission. So instead of erroring out with an error message requiring a click to continue, a server "default" image would be supplied until the mission image is obtained, would be a better approach.
  3. tomturner

    Mission Presentation

    Even if he has the files (previously uploaded to dedi from his machine) it still doesn't show the image. ONLY after having played the mission from the server will the image ever appear. Would surely like to know where that bit of info is stored (on the client or server and where). Have checked the AppData\MPmissionCache folder and MYDocuments\Arma3 folders, etc. and no clue.
  4. It is persistent with ALL custom missions when run on a dedicated server. None show in the mission selection screen unless and until a player has played it on the server before. Then and only then will it begin to appear in the selection screen. Of course, this doesn't apply to Hosted Client or SP. I mean, why would there be a problem there? No since in providing a sample mission, I have over a hundred and unless and until any one of them have been played by me from a dedicated server, the pic for each just doesn't show. Try it yourself and see. Do you have any idea where it is storing the cached info about the pic? I checked the AppData\MPCache and it isn't there. BTW, the file path for the image is in my missionfolder/images/overviewpic.paa and once .pbo'd it is then in the mission_name/images/overviewpic.paa. Remember, once played on the server, then it will appear from then on, so path is not the problem.
  5. Still not fixed in 0.74 Beta Anyone know if there is some "secret" to getting this to work right?
  6. tomturner

    The new Sector Module

    I'm confused, is this only available to the dev branch? Edit: Working now in Beta 0.74
  7. I believe you are right, doesn't appear in the mission selection screen either. The overviewText does, but the picture does not. According to "feedback" it was fixed, but not in 0.70 beta it isn't. And it still wasn't fixed in 0.72 Beta.
  8. tomturner

    =BTC= Revive

    I tried various variations and the only one that actually works for us is: ((format ["%1", _x getVariable "BTC_need_revive" select 0] == "1") && ((player distance _x) < 500))
  9. I am working on a rather complex task assignment system and I have gotten hung up on how the MP game mode on a dedicated server (arma3server.exe) distinguishes the difference between what is current and what is assigned. Which BIS_fnc's make a distinction when referencing them and the syntax to use when integrating them into other scripts usage. for example: player named blufor1_1 is a squad leader and he is the owner of the tasks. There are 12 children and 1 parent. blufor1_1 selects one of the children from the Map Screen's Task menu and sets it as the "Current Task" which returns with a "Task Assignment" notification generated by the MissionTasks.sqf system and then my scripts send a BIS_fnc_showNotification to the other MP players. It then executes a few lines that move a marker and execute an AI spawn script. Hope this helps and hoping you can enlighten me. By the way, it works well on SP and MP (hosted client) but the misc script execution routine does not execute on the dedicated server. The task is selected and marked as "Current" and "Assigned" but the other scripts fail to execute on the dedi. private ["_tsk"]; _tsk = blufor1_1 call BIS_fnc_taskCurrent; sleep 0.5; if ("objarea1" == _tsk) then { if (TEG_taskState1) exitWith{}; private ["_gLogic", "_curTask", "_taskDescArray", "_ntd0", "_ntd1", "_ntd2", "_ntd"]; _curTask = blufor1_1 call BIS_fnc_taskCurrent; sleep 0.5; _gLogic = "objarea1" call BIS_fnc_taskDestination; sleep 0.5; _taskDescArray = "objarea1" call BIS_fnc_taskDescription; sleep 0.5; _ntd0 = _taskDescArray select 0; _ntd1 = _taskDescArray select 1; _ntd2 = _taskDescArray select 2; _ntd = format["%1 at %2", _ntd1, _ntd2]; server_1 setVariable ["taskLocation", _ntd, true]; sleep 0.5; "tskmrkr" setMarkerPos _gLogic; "tskmrkr" setMarkerText "ATTACK"; objcnt setPos _gLogic; [["TaskAssigned", ["", _ntd]], "BIS_fnc_showNotification", nil, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 0.5; nulm1 = [fh1,2,200,true,true,false,[20,20],[2,0],"default",nil,nil,1] execVM "militarize.sqf"; TEG_taskState1 = true; }; if (isServer) then { TEG_finTasks = 0; "Stratis" call BIS_fnc_missionTasks; "objarea1" call BIS_fnc_missionTasks; }; if (not isNull blufor1_1) then { waitUntil {count simpleTasks blufor1_1 > 12}; }; [] spawn { waitUntil {(damage comtwr1 > 0.7)}; ["objarea1", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [["TaskSucceeded",["", "AGIA MARINA"]],"BIS_fnc_showNotification",nil,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; TEG_finTasks = TEG_finTasks +1; }; case "objarea1": { if (_taskState == "") then { [ blufor1_1, [_taskID, "Stratis"], [ "Clear Agia Marina of enemy forces !", "Destroy Comm Tower! at Agia Marina", "AGIA MARINA" ], position fh1 ] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; } else { if (_this == "Current") then {_taskID call BIS_fnc_taskSetCurrent} else {[_taskID, _this] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState} } }; Not actual code but written to help explain what I am trying to say. Thanks
  10. NO, Current does not equal Assigned when it comes to scripting commands. That is why you would have taskCurrent (or currentTask) and taskAssigned. They are not interchangeable. The sleeps are just temporary.(not useable code). I'm really not so interested in just MP but "dedicated MP" with the arma3server.exe. Your example code doesn't answer my original post. When additional script commands, conditional statements, etc. are used in code like you submitted, the dedi breaks the flow and the intended task responses don't work. I tried using varying degrees of sleeps to find out if the server was just too busy. But finally and reluctantly decided that the arma3server executable just wasn't complete yet. Thank you for responding maybe someone will get something out of all this. The showNotification is used because NO ONE owns the task except the squad leader so typically he would be the only one receiving response from the dedicated server. ShowNotification allows all to see and helps control the process better. The BIS_fnc_MP does not "guarantee" that the MP functionality will work on a dedicated server. Take some time, try it out and you will find as I have that it breaks down and is not stable (same line of code, same task, just different name, etc.) sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Just a simple restart and it works fine, do another restart and it fails. Go figure.
  11. Yes, that is what I was demonstrating, the substitution of "nearestBuilding" with "nearestObject" with the appropriate syntax using an array ( [_center, "house"] ).
  12. see this post, maybe it will help and/or give you some ideas. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server&p=2403284&viewfull=1#post2403284
  13. tomturner

    playMusic doesn't work.

    Have you tried: Note the tracks[]= and the first \ in the sound[]= path class CfgMusic { tracks[]={introSong,outroSong}; class introSong { name = "introSong"; sound[] = {"\sound\introSong.ogg", db+0, 1.0}; }; class outroSong { name = "outroSong"; sound[] = {"\sound\introSong.ogg", db+0, 1.0}; }; };
  14. I have an array of game logics (12ea). In their description I have what corresponds to their taskName. For example gl1 for gamelogic 1 and its Decription field has "objArea1". In a script I can use the gl1 as the "destination" for the missionTask and the objArea1 for the taskName. Apparently you can't use "find" or "count" , etc on complex arrays or that would be the easy way.
  15. Can you be a little more specific? The scriptcommand getText says it works only for config entries not objects or units. For example: I have a game logic named fh1 with a description of Field House 1. What do I have to script to return the description(Field House 1) when the fh1 (object name) is referenced in the script? or I have a unit named alpha1_1 (name field in editor) and Alpha Squad Leader (description field in editor). How do I return "Alpha Squad Leader" in a script referencing the unit's name (alpha1_1) ?
  16. Define arma3 dedicated server. Hosted Client(arma3.exe -server) or the real dedicated server (arma3server.exe) ?
  17. Try this, it seems to work for us. Although it is primarily for inserting a reinforcement squad, you may find something useful in the "insertion" portion of the script. pat2ka is the name of the Blufor Ka60 chopper placed in the editor with chopper crew. hpads are invisible helipads placed in the editor. // Cobra BOMSF // In custom.sqf or init.sqf // null = [] execVM "teg\patrol\patrol_ai_2.sqf"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isServer) exitWith {}; //Create Patrol Units 10 patg2a = createGroup east; sleep 0.5; //create AI Group 2a Units "O_Soldier_SL_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "spwnp2_1", patg2a,"patg2a_1 = this;", 0.9, "sergeant"]; sleep 0.5; "O_Soldier_TL_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "spwnp2_1", patg2a,"patg2a_2 = this;", 0.5, "corporal"]; sleep 0.5; "O_Soldier_AR_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "spwnp2_1", patg2a,"patg2a_3 = this;", 0.5, "corporal"]; sleep 0.5; "O_Soldier_GL_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "spwnp2_1", patg2a,"patg2a_4 = this;", 0.5, "corporal"]; sleep 0.5; "O_medic_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "spwnp2_1", patg2a,"patg2a_5 = this;", 0.5, "corporal"]; sleep 0.5; "O_Soldier_LAT_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "spwnp2_1", patg2a,"patg2a_6 = this;", 0.5, "corporal"]; sleep 0.5; "O_Soldier_M_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "spwnp2_1", patg2a,"patg2a_7 = this;", 0.5, "corporal"]; sleep 0.5; "O_Soldier_AR_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "spwnp2_1", patg2a,"patg2a_8 = this;", 0.5, "corporal"]; sleep 0.5; {_x assignAsCargo pat2ka} foreach units patg2a; sleep 0.5; {_x moveInCargo pat2ka} foreach units patg2a; sleep 0.5; waitUntil {{_x in pat2ka} foreach units patg2a;}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // BOMSF AI Chopper Team // Chopper Insertion Script // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pat2ka move (getPos hpad2); //pat2ka flyinheight 120; pat2ka setBehaviour "CARELESS"; pat2ka setCombatMode "GREEN"; while { ( (alive pat2ka) && !(unitReady pat2ka) ) } do { sleep 1; }; if ( (alive pat2ka) && (unitReady pat2ka) ) then { pat2ka land "LAND"; sleep 10; }; waitUntil {(pat2ka distance hpad2) <= 5}; sleep 3; { unassignVehicle _x; (_x) action ["EJECT", pat2ka]; sleep 0.5; } foreach units patg2a; waitUntil {{_x == vehicle _x} foreach units patg2a;}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BOMSF AI Insertion // // Patrol // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //set patrol points [patg2a, getMarkerPos "orbit_2", 400 ] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; [patg2a, 1] setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; [patg2a, 1] setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; [patg2a, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; sleep 0.5; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BOMSF Chopper Team // // Chopper return to base // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sleep 20; pat2ka move (getMarkerPos "spwnp2_1"); pat2ka setBehaviour "CARELESS"; sleep 1; while { ( (alive pat2ka) && !(unitReady pat2ka) ) } do { sleep 1; }; if (unitReady pat2ka) then { pat2ka land "LAND"; sleep 1; }; sleep 10;
  18. Am I to understand that this thread is NOT for the arma3server.exe dedicated server ? And if not, then shouldn't the title be something more appropriate?
  19. For a Win2003 server, I simply copied my c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\*.* to my win2003 c:\Program Files\Steam\*.* (including the updated 0.58 Alpha). Then created the desktop icon on Win2003 using the target "c:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3server.exe" -config=server.cfg -port=2302 and start in path to the Arma 3 folder in steam, everything loaded and runs just fine. No need to use Steamcmd or run Steam at all. Alternately, you can install Steam (only) as you normally would and copy your Arma3 folder from your gaming pc to the Win2003 as mention above. I also copy my missions.pbo's from my mission editor saves into the same Arma3 MPMissions folder on the Win2003 server. (c:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions)
  20. tomturner

    Riouken's Gear Menu - Alpha

    Has anyone or the original scriptor corrected these or possibly updated to Alpha Stable 0.58 ?
  21. Is anyone else having problems when used with the new arma3server.exe for Alpha Stable ? The saving of the loadouts and selection process seems very unstable after the 0.58 update. Of course, the dedicated arma3server.exe is very iffy at best so I'm not surprised at having problems with the GET/SET features. Everything works perfectly in MP when hosted and played on and by the same machine. But not if the machine runs it with the new dedicated server.
  22. tomturner

    bad vehicle type after patch

    I too, am experiencing the same. If anyone has any idea how to isolate the error in order to find out "which" vehicle type has been changed, please respond. Thanks
  23. IN RANDOM HOUSE ///////////////////////////////////// ///// END OF EDITABLE AREA ////////// ///////////////////////////////////// //waituntil {gameStarted}; // get all houses within distance _blds = nearestobjects [[(_centre select 0),(_centre select 1), 0],["house"], _dist]; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN FILLHOUSE IN fillHouse.sqf _building = nearestObject [_center, "house"]; IN patrol-vG.sqf and patrol-vF.sqf _building = nearestObject [_unit, "house"];
  24. EDIT: It seems that a "house" created by the map (BIS) and a "house" placed by the editor are two different animals. A pre-existing "house" can be addressed by the "nearestBuilding" cmd but one placed in the editor can not.
  25. I have in place the addon to the editor for placing these buildings but can't seem to get "nearestObjects" to recognize them according to Type "house". Anyone else having this problem?