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Everything posted by darkxess

  1. I have mate, but its very buggy, it tends to blow vehicles up on the spawn point even though its set to just delete, respawn at 3 minutes, and nothing else... but it bugs out sometimes. @serena - it has been tested? this is for a live server so :)
  2. Hey guys I am using the script below "fn_vmonitor.sqf" for my vehicle respawn and I want to change the abandoned vehicle to spawn if abandoned back to its original position in time rather than meters. The reason why I am wanting to do such is that the least meters I can get is 10 and that is not enough as our base is a little big and usually things are not being respawned if they are not in their original position due to it being not over 10 meters. So how can I change it to respawn abandoned vehicles in 1 or such, please? Thank you. Script: /* @filename: fn_vMonitor.sqf Credit: Tophe for earlier monitor script Author: Quiksilver Last modified: 23/10/2014 ArmA 1.32 Description: Vehicle monitor. This code must be spawned, not called. Ex. ______________________________________________________*/ if (!isServer) exitWith { /* GO AWAY PLAYER */ }; //======================================== CONFIG private ["_v","_t","_d","_s","_i","_sd","_sp","_ti","_u"]; #define DIST_FROM_SPAWN 150 _v = _this select 0; // vehicle _d = _this select 1; // spawn delay _s = _this select 2; // setup _i = _this select 3; // init _t = typeOf _v; // type _sd = getDir _v; // spawn direction _sp = getPosATL _v; // spawn position sleep (5 + (random 5)); [_v] call _i; //======================================== MONITOR LOOP while {true} do { //======================================== IF DESTROYED if (!alive _v) then { if (({((_sp distance _x) < 1.5)} count (entities "AllVehicles")) < 1) then { _ti = time + _d; waitUntil {sleep 5; (_ti < time)}; if (!isNull _v) then {deleteVehicle _v;}; sleep 0.1; _v = createVehicle [_t,[(random 1000),(random 1000),(10000 + (random 20000))],[],0,"NONE"]; sleep 0.1; waitUntil {!isNull _v}; sleep 0.1; _v setDir _sd; sleep 0.1; _v setPos [(_sp select 0),(_sp select 1),((_sp select 2)+0.1)]; sleep 0.1; [_v] call _i; ["RespawnVehicle",["Vehicle","base",getText (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _v >> "picture")]] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; }; }; sleep (5 + (random 5)); //======================================== IF ABANDONED if ((_v distance _sp) > DIST_FROM_SPAWN) then { if (isMultiplayer) then {_u = playableUnits;} else {_u = switchableUnits;}; if (({(_v distance _x) < PARAMS_VehicleRespawnDistance} count _u) < 1) then { if ((count (crew _v)) == 0) then { _v lock 2; _v allowDamage FALSE; _v setPos [(random 1000),(random 1000),(10000 + (random 20000))]; _v enableSimulationGlobal FALSE; _v hideObjectGlobal TRUE; waitUntil { sleep (5 + (random 5)); (({(_sp distance _x) < 0.10} count (entities "AllVehicles")) < 1) }; _v enableSimulationGlobal TRUE; _v hideObjectGlobal FALSE; _v allowDamage TRUE; _v lock 0; _v setDir _sd; sleep 0.1; _v setPos _sp; sleep 0.1; _v setDamage 0; sleep 0.1; _v setVehicleAmmo 1; sleep 0.1; if ((fuel _v) < 0.95) then {[[_v,1],"setFuel",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;}; if (isEngineOn _v) then {_v engineOn FALSE;}; sleep 0.1; if (isCollisionLightOn _v) then {_v setCollisionLight FALSE;}; sleep 0.1; if (isLightOn _v) then {_v setPilotLight FALSE;}; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; sleep (20 + (random 20)); };
  3. darkxess

    Zeus thermal vison

    Much better way I have set this up is to make a ZEUS Game Master Module and place this in the init: [this, [-1, -2, 0]] call bis_fnc_setcuratorvisionmodes;
  4. Hey guys, I am using a base protection script but it seems to not work with the Apex Buggies as I can kill anyone in the base, plus various other Apex content. So does anyone know of a good base protection method that stops all firing from everything other than just 70% of stuff. Thanks
  5. Yea found that now, but it's not working as it should, apparently you can choose a radius well I tried that it and doesn't do nothing. So I just basically copy-pasted multiple zones lol.
  6. I have actually fixed it now by putting multiple "invisible protection zones" in my base lol. Not the best of all methods but it does exactly what I am wanting :D Thanks guys.
  7. So what is the best way to stop all friendly killing in the main base then please? Thanks
  8. I am just running it on a marker called "safeZoneHill" and then running the below in "initPlayerLocal.sqf" //------------------ SafeZone player addEventHandler ["Fired", { params ["_unit", "_weapon", "", "", "", "", "_projectile"]; if (_unit distance2D (getMarkerPos "safeZoneHill") < 300) then { deleteVehicle _projectile; hintC "Hold it soldier, don't throw, fire or place anything inside the base."; }}]; It does work, just not perfectly so wondering if there is better or how I can improve it to stop everything friendly from killing friendlies in the base. When I said a good method that stops firing from everything other than just 70% of the stuff means that a lot of it actually works, but as I said some doesn't - hence the 70% lol. Thanks
  9. Hey guys, your mod has been uploaded to the steam workshop did you know? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=874494592
  10. darkxess

    ZEUS JIP problem

    Thanks lifetap - I was having this same trouble too, its a shame that it takes one of the community to fix one of the developers long going problems.
  11. ^Mate, your my new best friend, it works perfectly, thank you so much :)
  12. Hey guys, I am using the vehicle respawn script by Quicksilver and though its working fine for me I would like to get it to show a notification upon respawning the vehicle like the default BIS spawner does. This is the script: /* @filename: fn_vMonitor.sqf Credit: Tophe for earlier monitor script Author: Quiksilver Last modified: 23/10/2014 ArmA 1.32 Description: Vehicle monitor. This code must be spawned, not called. Ex. ______________________________________________________*/ if (!isServer) exitWith { /* GO AWAY PLAYER */ }; //======================================== CONFIG private ["_v","_t","_d","_s","_i","_sd","_sp","_ti","_u"]; #define DIST_FROM_SPAWN 150 _v = _this select 0; // vehicle _d = _this select 1; // spawn delay _s = _this select 2; // setup _i = _this select 3; // init _t = typeOf _v; // type _sd = getDir _v; // spawn direction _sp = getPosATL _v; // spawn position sleep (5 + (random 5)); [_v] call _i; //======================================== MONITOR LOOP while {true} do { //======================================== IF DESTROYED if (!alive _v) then { if (({((_sp distance _x) < 1.5)} count (entities "AllVehicles")) < 1) then { _ti = time + _d; waitUntil {sleep 5; (_ti < time)}; if (!isNull _v) then {deleteVehicle _v;}; sleep 0.1; _v = createVehicle [_t,[(random 1000),(random 1000),(10000 + (random 20000))],[],0,"NONE"]; sleep 0.1; waitUntil {!isNull _v}; sleep 0.1; _v setDir _sd; sleep 0.1; _v setPos [(_sp select 0),(_sp select 1),((_sp select 2)+0.1)]; sleep 0.1; [_v] call _i; }; }; sleep (5 + (random 5)); //======================================== IF ABANDONED if ((_v distance _sp) > DIST_FROM_SPAWN) then { if (isMultiplayer) then {_u = playableUnits;} else {_u = switchableUnits;}; if (({(_v distance _x) < PARAMS_VehicleRespawnDistance} count _u) < 1) then { if ((count (crew _v)) == 0) then { _v lock 2; _v allowDamage FALSE; _v setPos [(random 1000),(random 1000),(10000 + (random 20000))]; _v enableSimulationGlobal FALSE; _v hideObjectGlobal TRUE; waitUntil { sleep (5 + (random 5)); (({(_sp distance _x) < 1.5} count (entities "AllVehicles")) < 1) }; _v enableSimulationGlobal TRUE; _v hideObjectGlobal FALSE; _v allowDamage TRUE; _v lock 0; _v setDir _sd; sleep 0.1; _v setPos _sp; sleep 0.1; _v setDamage 0; sleep 0.1; _v setVehicleAmmo 1; sleep 0.1; if ((fuel _v) < 0.95) then {[[_v,1],"setFuel",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;}; if (isEngineOn _v) then {_v engineOn FALSE;}; sleep 0.1; if (isCollisionLightOn _v) then {_v setCollisionLight FALSE;}; sleep 0.1; if (isLightOn _v) then {_v setPilotLight FALSE;}; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; sleep (20 + (random 20)); }; And this is the part that goes into the vehicles init line. I have gone over it and tried various ways to get it to show a notification but to no avail. 0 = [this,30,FALSE,QS_fnc_vSetup02] spawn QS_fnc_vMonitor; Please, any help? thanks :)
  13. @Nikander awesome it worked, but the icon "taskIcon" which you have assigned, how would I change that to the type of vehicle which has been respawned? is it possible? Thanks man :)
  14. How to disable the "crosshair" and "third person view" with script? I know it's possible in the options but this is for a hardcore mission so.... If its possible, how could I actually add it to the server so that its optional within the missions options or mission lobby before entering the mission? Thanks :)
  15. Hey @Arrhythmix - I have this working great on the ATLAS LHD especially single-player, lol but on my server it all works as normal but upon the choppers spawning and engines go off etc. The crew get out and start walking around the LHD. They don't despawn or delete as they should do like on the single-player version in which I seen works great. Any idea on how to fix this please? Thanks :)
  16. darkxess


    ^Em that's disappointing, I do hope there is a way/method in the future. Thanks anyways... :)
  17. Yea the crosshair or is it called reticle? the thing you target with lol... isn't there a script method to disable it by default on server side? Thanks for the rest :)
  18. darkxess


    How can I add my own custom compositions? not just objects though, I want to add custom saved compositions of IED Ambush for example which has live units and waypoints plus triggers. Any help would be great, thanks :)
  19. darkxess

    Zeus locks me out after such and such time

    That sounds strange, and is still the case? where is it noted about CBA and ZEUS conflicting? :)
  20. Em, should be named something other than feedback then lol. Thanks anyways :)
  21. I can't see where to report a bug for such things so I will just leave this here. Once I destroy a tank and even though its on fire and smoking, plus the crew have abandoned it - the tanks engines are still running. Obviously a bug as it didn't happen before. This is running the latest game version and with no mods running. Thanks :)
  22. darkxess

    Item Publishing Failed

    Yea I didn't notice about the weekend, sorry :) Well I feel stupid now, I just cleared all my logs and did it over again to give you a fresh log on it failing and for some reason it works now lol. Maybe steam at the time was having problems? Well I can say its solved for now, sorry about that :)
  23. I am finally out of patience with this now, I have tried sooooooo much to get away around fixing it. Change the mod type, changed the tags with and without, renamed the file names, with and without my own image, nothing seems to be working. I have filled everything out as it should be but all I am getting is this: Any help please? thanks.
  24. darkxess

    Item Publishing Failed

    Seriously, almost 2 days and no reply? can anyone help me with this or not?
  25. Very sad news indeed, I was also one to get so much help from this guy making my first terrain Island of Nicosia for ArmA 2. I still to this day have all the PM's from him as reference as they were not only 1 or 2 lines but almost pages of text going into so much detail I was overwhelmed, this guy really did like to help even when I was sending PM after PM about problem after problem due to me not having a clue on how to do stuff. I finally got it done though, if not for Bushlurker I would have never released my terrain. You now even at the time, I remember that my terrain was the only one that could work with AI landing autopilot on my airfields and that was due to the massive help on how to do it by Bushlurker. He will be greatly missed and its a huge loss for the community. RIP Mate.