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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. ozzbik

    Arma 3 won't lunch.

    Did you verify the gamefiles in steam?
  2. Do you have a uPNP setting on you router and is it turned on? Also check your mode/routers log if the incoming connection has been denied. Try starting the game by starting the executable ArmaReforger_BE.exe
  3. Has battleye been installed? There should be a service "BattlEye Service" which is by default set to Manual. Does your firewall (windows/modem) perhaps block the incoming request from the battleye server?
  4. ozzbik

    Arma Reforger Game Error

    At first, try disabling Better Death Reactions. The error has to do with modded character damage which I believe this mod is changing the parameters of. And possibly Dismember Me Dearly as well.
  5. ozzbik

    Dedicated server errors

    Strange.... Other thing to try: - Remove mods from your server.json and enable them one-by-one to see if it's happening with one specific mod.
  6. ozzbik

    Dedicated server errors

    Try removing the subfolders from the server Addons and let de server re-download the files (instead of copying) on startup. It could be that there are extra files of older versions which conflict with the newer version of the mods. Sometimes this is clearly visible by having multiple files with different version numbers in de folder.
  7. ozzbik

    Dedicated server errors

    I've had the same problem and since then I use a separate profile folder for the server. The servermods will be deployed to this new profile. This can be done by adding the following to your startup command -profile ArmaReforgerServer You can change the name of the profile to anything you deem proper. 🙂
  8. ozzbik

    RHS: Status Quo

    Try removing the folder in which the mod has been installed and re-download the mod (on the server & client). Also make sure that you use the same version of the mod (on client and server).
  9. ozzbik

    Very low sound volume

    When using Windows 10 or higher every program has it's own volume setting. Are you sure you haven't set the volume of Reforger too low? Use ALT+ENTER to enter Windowed mode and check the Volume Mixer settings.
  10. Try deleting the folder of the mod (if it exist). It could be that an update has been uploaded to the workshop but the server has not yet been updated (and sometimes this causes an issue).
  11. So you're running the where am i mod? Try a mp or sp game without this mod active to see if the problem persists.
  12. Check your windows eventlog (application log) if there's a crashlog. In your \documents\My Games\Arma Reforger\ map should be a number of folders (one per startup) which contain the logs for Reforger. Those logs could have the clue as to what is going wrong.
  13. Did you run this with mods? Mods can be incompatible or faulty which results in missions not starting. You can check the error log in your documents\My Games\Arma Reforger\[subfolder with date of gamestart] When you spawn in the ocean try running the game as multiplayer (lan hosting).
  14. Arma Reforger vacation simulator 😁 Mods: Vergys Custom Clothing
  15. Newly added wave effects (Experimental Build) look very nice.
  16. If PC; Download it yourself from the workshop and filter for PLXYABLE. If that doesn't work, delete the mod by removing the folder Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\addons\PLXYABLE_5E215ED794DAE9F0 Then try downloading again through the workshop.
  17. ozzbik


    Network connection failure is indeed a thing. Things to check if you want to determine the cause (depending on error): - Check your logs on what is the cause (replication error or other) - Check if mods don't have multiple iterations in the folder. Delete and re-download sometimes help - Network Latency. Check if you have the best network configuration for gaming (and high network usage) - Ping spikes. Check if you have a problem with ping spikes (from normal/low to over 200). Use a tool like pingplotter to determine where this originates from.
  18. ozzbik

    Bohemia?! What's taking so long..

    If you take in to consideration that the Frostbite engine took more than 14 years to be where it's at now, the rate of development isn't that slow. I find it baffling that people still complain about an unfinished product that can contain game breaking bugs when it's stated over and over on the store page and every time you start the game that this is the case. Reforger is not a "game" in the sense of Arma 3 or Arma 4. It is a playable test bed for the Enfusion engine which will be used for further BI games. About the lack of contents: You can enjoy the many mods that have already been build and are available in the workshop.
  19. Unfortunately NVG is not in the base game but modded-in. So any support has to come from the mod-creators which is not easy because there are no separate threads for most mods. Only options, I think, are Reddit (/r/ArmaReforgerMods/ , /r/ArmaReforger/) or Discord. Thanks for the clarification btw about the ADS abbreviation ;).
  20. What do you mean by Ads?
  21. Check the Reforger feedback if the problem has already been reported. If not, create a feedback ticket so that BI can look in to this issue (and have you teammates add to that ticket as well).
  22. The best location for feedback is the feedback tracker: https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/66/ As a support engineer (not BI) I've found that what helps are logfiles, screenshots, description of "what happened when" or steps to reproduce and relevant hardware information.
  23. ozzbik

    Cant Join A Specific Servers

    Some server use older versions of mods. Check if there is a mismatch.
  24. And your sure you've not installed the Arma Reforger Experimental build version? Perhaps screenshots can help.