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Everything posted by kylania

  1. http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-dynamic-gui-part-7-nvg-overlay/ might be helpful.
  2. // Side chat to everyone. [spook, "Compromised"] remoteExec ["sideChat"]; // Publicize spotted variable to true. missionNamespace setVariable ["spotted", true, true]; // SetCaptive on spook where spook is local since setCaptive arguments are Local [spook, false] remoteExec ["setCaptive", spook]; // Your timer thing. _cooldownTimer = (60 + (random 60)); uiSleep _cooldownTimer; // Your waituntil thing. waituntil { uiSleep 10; ((2.2 > (INDEPENDENT knowsAbout spook)) && (2.2 > (EAST knowsAbout spook))); }; // Publicize spotted to false. missionNamespace setVariable ["spotted", false, true]; // SetCaptive back to true. [spook, true] remoteExec ["setCaptive", spook]; // Group chat to everyone. [spook, "Got away with it!"] remoteExec ["groupChat"];
  3. Here's a demo mission that shows that and rescuing a hostage.
  4. kylania

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    You'd use the Feedback Tracker for that. Work is still proceeding on Eden when the devs aren't busy playing Pokemon Go. :P
  5. kylania

    Spatial Awareness Improvements

    You can move the radar anywhere you'd like on the screen. Options - GUI something, it's the "last" option on the right.
  6. kylania

    cutText to systemChat?!?

    Sure, but it would be much more fun to simply loop every 30 seconds instead. :) Get in, fly off... get booted midair, boom. That'll teach you not to try to fly and your teammates not to let you fly.
  7. In a function or trigger sure. Depends on how you're tracking those values. You can get kills and deaths from the getPlayerScores score. For longest time alive you'll need to track time from onPlayerRespawn to an MPKilled EventHandler. For amount of revives.. umm.. not sure how to get access to that honestly. Maybe monitor animations?
  8. Of course you can, I just explained how. :) You don't need to create a composition to copy from one mission to another.
  9. That's the function they used, but the settings are embedded in the campaign, so encrypted. You can pretty much do the same thing though. Hallyg posted an example of that.
  10. Drag a box around things in the 3D view and press Ctrl-C. Or ctrl-click on things under the Entities list then press Ctrl-C. Scenario, New, pick your map, Ctrl-V and objects and whatever you copied from the previous map are pasted.
  11. Yeah, seems to be the case. You can replace it with code and run a function to make the pic, but even than it seems to need to be PAA format. This works fine: /* 2 idle icon */ "sounds\symbol.paa",
  12. Those functions are totally named wrong/backwards. Should have been triggerToMarker or markerFromTrigger... Slightly confusing.
  13. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192346-woah-woah-woah-bi-trying-to-sneak-one-in/#entry3058266
  14. That's from the old respawn system, here's how to set up roles and inventory in the new system: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn:_New_Respawn_Screen#Loadouts_and_Roles
  15. The ramp animation is still on the Transport vehicles, you can script it in and use it how you want to still. The Infantry one still has the built in action on the pilot to lower the ramp. Confused souls complained that they couldn't drive up the ramp so BIS removed the action for it, but the animations remain thankfully.
  16. Games like these have single player campaigns counted in minutes these days. 3 hours is an epic length FPS campaign now. Even during the heyday of FPS campaigns 20-30 hours was the max. RPG games are the 50-100 hour campaigns, but that's because the campaign is the whole thing basically. With FPSs most of the gameplay comes from multiplayer. I don't have 2000 hours in ArmA due to the campaign. I have 100 hours in Skyrim because of the campaign.
  17. The easiest solution is to start everyone on the marker and the helicopters flying away as if they just dropped them off. Long slow AI helo inserts just slow things down at game start and as you're finding out, are a pain in the ass to get working properly. Even more so if it's multiple groups and you want to support JIP. Or else your code was close. Just start everyone at the marker, after a slight delay check if the helos exist and if they do move the units in. if (!isNull infilHelo) then {player moveInCargo infilHelo};
  18. Function vs engine command I guess?
  19. Because your player profile says you wanted to use that voice? :) You should be able to override it with a setSpeaker command.
  20. As Beerkan said in the other thread, you can press M, then drag around and ctrl-c, ctrl-v even into another mission (without closing the editor). Pretty sure it works in the 3d mode or from the side list as well.
  21. What errors is it giving you? Is that script even supported anymore?
  22. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Debriefing#Custom_Sections In your description.ext: class CfgDebriefingSections { class timeAlive { title = "Longest Time Alive"; variable = "surgical_timeAlive"; }; class killCount { title = "Kill Count"; variable = "surgical_killCount"; }; class reviveCount { title = "Most Revived"; variable = "surgical_mostRevived"; }; }; Then set your variables like: surgical_killCount = "kylania killed 11 baddies total!"; and it'll look like this: You can also use format for this to add images: surgical_killCount = format["<img size='3' image='%1'/><br/>Your %2 will expire in %3 rounds!", getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> "B_GMG_01_high_F" >> "picture"), name player, 3];
  23. count list blueInTrigger