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Everything posted by beno_83au

  1. beno_83au

    Cold War Rearmed III

    Single mission "Ambush" won't finish. Houdan is clear and I've blown up anything that might be stopping it trigger.
  2. beno_83au

    Cold War Rearmed III

    Download, start, Steal The Car with Mission Impossible theme playing...... Takes me back a decade or two. In 20 years I never could work out why the Russians would have such important intel/personnel so close to the front with such little protection 😆
  3. Are you/were you using any other mods? Perhaps this one: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/166657-unlocked-uniforms/?
  4. beno_83au

    How to delete mods?

    That'll delete them, yes. But if you want to play without mods just don't load them with the game. You can still have them all downloaded, just not activated.
  5. Did you try it without crashing the game?????? Mine only got stuck for a short time thankfully.
  6. beno_83au

    Lock object transformation coordinates

    Not that I've ever known of. You're right that it would be best as a vanilla feature. But Revo has been pretty active, and like you said there's no dependencies with 3den Editor, which is a huge bonus. I'm always running it.
  7. beno_83au

    Lock object transformation coordinates

    Yeah @Gunter Severloh I forgot a lot of the time!! Perhaps it's something that could be added into 3den Enhanced? I actually hadn't even considered that....... Edit: And Gunter - https://github.com/R3voA3/3den-Enhanced/issues/211
  8. This should cover the MG42, and is pretty customisable: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/216616-release-support-by-fire-sbf/
  9. beno_83au

    Copy paste old man into another map?

    Nope. Too much would be tied or built around specific locations. I imagine it could be adapted, but not without a huge amount of effort.
  10. beno_83au

    Arma RTS

    Ok, one run through the mission and here's what I've got. There's a bunch of UI improvements to be made, but as it is a WIP I wont go into most of them. They work just fine as placeholders anyway. - Whenever I would select multiple groups that included a mortar and non-mortar team I would get the following error: 11:50:08 Error in expression <== "SMOKE") then { _useMag = _ammoTypes # 1; }; _useMag }; getNextMagIndex = > 11:50:08 Error position: <# 1; }; _useMag }; getNextMagIndex = > 11:50:08 Error Zero divisor 11:50:08 File steam\__cur_sp.Altis\scripts\mortar.sqf..., line 79 - Having a small list down the side of the screen with alive groups and strengths would be handy. Also, including ammo states for support groups (like mortars) would be helpful. - Not being able to right-click and pan the camera while a group was selected was a bit of an annoyance (I think you had problems working around that iirc?). - The big green UI with supports and actions is a bit much. Perhaps it'd be better off smaller, and put somewhere along the bottom of the screen? It all seemed to work pretty well though. It was fairly intuitive to line groups up along cover or move them into buildings. I had to watch a single NVA kill about 6 or 7 US soldiers one by one before I just called in mortars on everyone to get rid of him 🤣 That was probably the most frustrating part. But the mission played well. Rushed the middle zone with what roughly constituted a platoon and got the weapons squad facing down a street for some amazing enfilade that decimated the NVA caught there. Keep up the good work.
  11. beno_83au

    Lock object transformation coordinates

    Also, when dragging using the arrows I've noticed that if you move the cursor off-axis from the arrow, the movement will go awry. So you've gotta drag along the arrow's axis, if that makes sense.
  12. beno_83au

    Lock object transformation coordinates

    Yeah lol, it's such a frustrating thing. Glad you got it sorted though now 🙂
  13. beno_83au

    Lock object transformation coordinates

    I think I know the problem you're talking about. Try setting the translation from world to model and then click and drag the arrows (red/green/blue) to move it.
  14. beno_83au

    Arma RTS

    3 days off as of tomorrow. I've been keen to give this a go.
  15. You could probably use something like setFuel to stop them taking off again once they've taxied. But but for a work around, I made a system that spawns an airport when a plane or group of planes is ready to land/takeoff and despawn it once they have finished using it. Then any other plane/s that might need to use an airport would be put into a list and wait for their turn to have a runway spawned.
  16. Have you got more than one dynamic runway? Having more than one will cause that behaviour. As far as I can remember the AI can only use 1 dynamic airport, so having more in the mission is a no-go (and requires a cheeky work-around). I spent quite a while trying to setup my own dynamic airports for a PMC map (Montenegro) as that map had 4 "textured" runways but none of them were configured. This was one of the first times I'd dabbled in creating something as a mod, but I got it working eventually. Here is the config I used to create the 4 dynamic airport configs/objects: But, as well as Pierre's question, are you only creating the one airport?
  17. beno_83au

    wayPoints issue

    Use the function viewer from within the editor. Press tilde or Alt-d (can't remember which one is vanilla shortcut), and the function viewer should be in there.
  18. beno_83au

    wayPoints issue

    Ohh, yeah sorry I can't help with that. Maybe there's a problem with the map/config coordinates? I don't know about mapping.
  19. beno_83au

    wayPoints issue

    That may just be because of your use of the type "CYCLE". When a waypoint type is cycle it'll send the group to the nearest waypoint. So they won't actually go to the 3rd waypoint, they'll just go to the closest waypoint to the 3rd waypoint. So if the cycle waypoint just happens to be near the 2nd waypoint, the group will just keep cycling the 2nd waypoint. You can see it's logic (I guess?) in the editor when you put down a cycle waypoint and move it near a few different ones.
  20. Why not just: _ctrl ctrlSetText format ["The Cuck is: %1",profileNameSteam]; And local variables (being with _) are not accessible outside of where they were defined, to put it fairly basically.
  21. beno_83au

    issue with adding scripted clothing

    It could be that you're adding CSAT uniforms to non-OpFor soldiers. Uniforms aren't "allowed" to be worn by units from a different side. To work around this try https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/forceAddUniform
  22. beno_83au

    Arma 4 a look to the future

    Maybe CSLA CDLC?
  23. This is about all I know 😁 I learnt what I did thanks to the openness of the community. I just figured that maybe in this case variables were being renamed in some places and not others.
  24. I've never worked with obfuscation, but at a guess it sounds like variables are being edited that an external/unedited source is trying to read.
  25. Yeah actually @Grumpy Old Man, with Armaholic's disappearance the OP needs an updated link. Sorry for the hassle.