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Everything posted by beno_83au

  1. beno_83au

    COVID-20: Vaccine

    That's what I mean, I had the task selected but there was no marker. I tried reselecting it too.
  2. beno_83au


    Yes, I'd guess that Harzach just had a brain fart moment 🙂 But obviously, without the quotes each index refers to the unit itself.
  3. beno_83au

    COVID-20: Vaccine

    To be honest, I had some trouble playing this. I like the setting, and the atmosphere is pretty well done, but a few things have stopped me getting very far into it (spoilers where needed). - The music. When the music is up >50% it drowns out much of the ambient noise for me. I have a lot of hearing loss and tinnitus so maybe it's just me though. Even though the music/spook is done well, it takes away from the rest of the game noises. So it'd be nice to be able to turn it down instead of having a set volume forced, otherwise game sounds just blend in to mush for me 😞 - Kind of the same thing with the typing noise at the start. It was not friendly to my ears. Plus, I died twice early (points below) so sitting through the slow text before being able to play was a detraction. - The mission is VERY dark, which is atmospheric for sure, but I just found myself watching my progress on the map as the headlamps weren't lighting up much outdoors, even on high power, and without any visual references I just ended up in the wrong place a lot. On the other hand though, the task system is nice. Having it in an actual "diary" or notebook/journal looked good, and the tasks themselves were clear enough without being blatantly obvious. Using headlamps was a cool idea (even if too dark), I hadn't seen that mod before. I like the idea of the mission, so I hope I can get further into it next time.
  4. beno_83au

    Discord Unban Request

    Almost.... To be fair on the mods (and in case anyone looking for help sees this) they do quickly unban for false positives, like when someone gets caught up in some bot spam and they got hit with a ban by mistake. Otherwise, yeah agreed.
  5. What about adding gunner positions as the murder holes? I swear I've seen it done on some trench models before but I'd have no idea if buildings can have gunner/turret positions added to them.
  6. Sometimes it just takes a nudge 👍
  7. The reveal command can be used to manually set the knowsAbout value though. Look at the alternative syntax for the example.
  8. Have you tried with setPosASL or setPosATL yet? I'm fairly sure if I remember correctly that setPosASL ignores waves (I should really check that though) but if you're on a static object over water then setPosATL should work anyway as it just takes it's z value from the sea bed.
  9. Facewear is not a command, but goggles is.
  10. As far as I'm aware there's nothing that does this without checking positions unfortunately, like you've said.
  11. beno_83au

    Need Help Setting up Jet Flyby

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ambientFlyby Just put that in a loop: nul = [] spawn { while {true} do { [getPosATL player, getPosATL opforUnit, 400, "FULL", "B_Heli_Light_01_Armed_F", west] call BIS_fnc_ambientFlyby; sleep 300; }; }; Put that in an init.sqf (or even in a unit's init field) and that's about as simple as you can go. Adjust the sleep time if you need, and obviously the other params that you feed into the function. You can go a lot deeper into things, but yeah that's about it at it's most basic.
  12. beno_83au

    2.06 Update messing with TrackIR5.

    Ahhh right, I have a similar headset - https://cdn.mwave.com.au/images/400/AB88381.jpg - and clip onto it just above the ear piece where it finishes curving. The fit is snug, and I do leave it there unless I'm straightening out cables or whatever. I did read somewhere ages back though when I was looking at buying that the clip mount is more accurate than the hat mount (don't quote me), and like mentioned above wearing a hat witch headphones might not work for you. It's always a pain when kit doesn't work the way it should!!
  13. beno_83au

    2.06 Update messing with TrackIR5.

    You must have gotten a dud @Gunter Severloh. Mine has never had any problems, and my kids use the headset too. I'm onto my third headset since getting the clip but the clip still goes strong. The only problem I've ever had was if I've left the blinds open behind me and the sunlight messes up the tracking. Have you asked NaturalPoint about a replacement?
  14. Always check the biki - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ctrlText As you can see from the command's return value it always returns a string, so typeName will always return "STRING". You are going to need to convert the string to a number first using parseNumber: _getVar = uiNamespace getVariable 'myVar'; _value = ctrlText _getVar; if (_value == "") exitWith { hint parseText "<t color='#FF0000'>Value can't be empty!</t>"; }; _num = parseNumber _value; hint format["Value: $%1", _num];
  15. Why is this even a question? Any Gunther post with "List" in the title should get an automatic pin 😂 Another solid list though.
  16. beno_83au

    [solved]PiP script and arsenal

    Try turning on the PiP option in your video settings. Simple, but it caught me out once before when I'd forgotten that I had disabled it.
  17. beno_83au

    Read Heli Instruments with NVGs

    Not as far as I know. There are NVG mods around, and some that auto-adjust to light sources, so maybe one of them could help but I've never used them.
  18. You really should post your entire event handler, including: this addEventHandler ["Dammaged", { params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_hitIndex", "_hitPoint", "_shooter", "_projectile"]; }]; Whatever this is could be where your problem is. We can't see how you're adding the EH, but if it is being added correctly then inside the EH _unit will indeed be an object. _vehicle addEventHandler ["Dammaged",{ params ["_unit"]; if (damage _unit > 0.9) then { //spawn bomb }; }]; I think that's right. Mobile phone is hard.....
  19. A variable is a container or a reference for some kind of information. _enemyGroup is a variable that contains some kind of data. The data that is held within _enemyGroup is what would be a string, or number, or object, or array, etc...... That's a pretty basic way of looking at it. But Revo is right. You're defining _enemyGroup as 'septemberGroup0' then just creating a group over the top of _enemyGroup so that _enemyGroup now just references that group.
  20. beno_83au

    Broken flight stick sensitivity

    Have you calibrated it through windows, or by using any Logitech software designed for that stick?
  21. MIL_Kneeboard (currently only utilising the CAS 9-line component) This is a mod that is being created to be used as a configurable kneeboard for ArmA pilots. I've been making it to be used with my Air Combat System (under development) and back when I was making that with vanilla assets the kneeboard also included tab data on all vanilla aircraft weapon systems. However, as I've now converted that mission into a fully modded affair, I've cut the vanilla tab data away and will be replacing it data on weapon systems used by Firewill's aircraft. But that's for another day. Requirements: None. Setup: - This should only be required client-side, insult/abuse/throw money at me if I'm wrong. - Run this command on any client that is to have access to the kneeboard (ideally in initPlayerLocal.sqf or onPlayerRespawn.sqf if using respawns): nul = [] spawn MIL_fnc_Kneeboard_AddAction; - Additionally, the player's ability to access the kneeboard action is controlled by a variable, which can be changed mid-mission to add/remove access. Again, in initPlayerLocal.sqf or onPlayerRespawn.sqf set a variable on the player: player setVariable ["MIL_Role","Pilot"]; or player setVariable ["MIL_Role","JTAC"]; To Use: It should be noted that a player with MIL_Role as "Pilot" can only bring up the kneeboard when in an aircraft, whereas a "JTAC" can use it anywhere. The 9-liner includes some descriptions and tooltips to assist with it's use. Additionally: - When an editable text box is active and the 9-liner map is open, double-left clicking the mouse on the map will place a marker with the corresponding info on the map (the markers here show up small, but on the standard in-game map are full sized - might get around to fixing it in the future). - Shift + right clicking the mouse on the map will delete the closest marker to the cursor. It is recommended to use some form of auto-pilot mod when opening the kneeboard, as ArmA enforces it's own "auto-pilot" when dialogs are opened. Feedback: Feedback is welcome. I was never any kind of air controller or a pilot, but managed to put my experience in other areas together with some online references to get this up, so I'm happy to be corrected. Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2009756659 Short demo video on how it works: Anyone hear me call it a fire mission? 😂
  22. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Scripting This explains a lot about scripting for multiplayer. I can tell you from experience that without an understand of localities or client-server interactions, it will seem pretty confusing. But once you understand it (and it's not as difficult as it might seem at first) it becomes pretty clear how to write for a multiplayer environment. If you don't want to go through the whole page though there is a part that deals with remoteExec, and the wiki's entry for remoteExec is pretty detailed. Though one of the biggest things you can do to help yourself is to be aware of a command's locality for its arguments and effects, which are usually two icons of the top of a command's wiki entry ( e.g. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit indicates that arguments are local and effects are global, by the icons at the top of the page).
  23. laserTarget should work. It returns an object (the laser target) and so you just need to grab that unit's position. How were you using it?
  24. A description of what exactly you are trying to do would help. "A laser designator script" is a bit general. For example i made a script for UAVs that can lock the turret on a target and feeds extra info to the user whenever the laser is active. There's also a few scripts based around using laser designators. Finding some and pulling them apart would also give you a better idea of what's needed and would also help you narrow down on just exactly you need to ask. Sometimes working out what you need to ask can be the hardest part.