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Everything posted by beno_83au

  1. I feel like I'm missing something here but I can't drag any units from the Entities list on the left side of the 3den editor into the camera's view any more. When I try it the cursor seems to lose the unit when I try to drag it outside of the list. Tried it without mods after just noticing it (thought it might've been 3den Enhanced), but it's been a while since I've tried to do much editing so I'm not sure when it might've started. Have I changed a random setting somewhere or is this a bug?
  2. beno_83au

    Cytech Industries

    [Official] Cytech Industries Showcase Mission by TropicalOasis. It's the first mission listed in the link you posted. Like I said I can still subscribe to it, but clicking on it to go to the mission's page in Steam gives me that permission error. Honestly though, I was just able to access it from my phone, so maybe my PC was just not cooperating yesterday. Edit: It's not private now, all's good.
  3. beno_83au

    Cytech Industries

    Hey @aliascartoons I'm getting a "The item is either marked as hidden or you do not have permission to view it." when I try to open the Official Showcase mission from TropicalOasis. I can still subscribe, just not view the mission's page.
  4. beno_83au

    I grew "old" playing the series

    For me, the original OFP was what I always wanted the pre-BHD Delta Force series to be. So when I loaded up the OFP demo for the first time I was hooked for life.
  5. beno_83au

    "side" problem

    Put the forEach loop and the side check down one each: sleep 5; { if (side _x == WEST) then { removeVest _x; removeBackpack _x; removeHeadgear _x; _x addVest "rhs_6sh92"; _x addHeadgear "rhsgref_helmet_pasgt_erdl"; _x unlinkItem "ItemRadio"; _x Skill 0.65; }; }forEach allUnits;
  6. beno_83au

    Using commands on group in EDEN editor

    Why are you writing "boolean"? Just: myVar = true; It's already global then, and so is accessible by any other script on that client/server. If you need it to be communicated to other players then you will need to use publicVariable, or one of the other methods for broadcasting values across a network.
  7. Try this @Arsh_gabbi - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_endMissionServer
  8. beno_83au

    Graphics Change Crash

    You may need to provide more info if you're hoping for any help. Things like system specs and your operating system at the very least.
  9. beno_83au

    Enfusion Requirements - Demo

    I would be very interested in trying out a demo. Same as yourself, as someone who has been around since OFP prehistory I could imagine the excitement of exploring the new engine would bring back the memories of playing the OFP demo over and over again. Following this in the hope of more info.
  10. Love the weapon stats in the AMS UI @firewill. I had modded in something separate but that's a lot better!
  11. beno_83au

    Magazine Deletion When Reloading

    As mentioned above, if you have a lot of mods loaded when you run the game then there's likely to be a mod conflict, especially if this doesn't happen in vanilla. If that's the case the you'll need to go through the process of working out what mod/mods is/are causing the issue. Maybe at first try obvious combinations of mods that might be the problem, then go from there. You probably should provide more info with your post too, like Stanhope had requested earlier in this thread.
  12. Any mods? Also, maybe saving and reloading the mission/game will fix it. This would be better being posted in the actual WS thread too, better visibility.
  13. beno_83au

    Need some help with mods & dlcs

    Do you mean you're expecting the mods to now be used in the game instead of the original/vanilla content?
  14. Not that I've come across before. Post your code though, the problem is likely to be in what you've written. And it's actually not that bad 🙂
  15. I imagine it's because the module enables the support for the player unit at the mission's initialisation. Then when you switch player you're essentially becoming a different unit/object within the game, while the module was synced to the old unit that you were controlling. It's the same when dealing with respawning units.
  16. To be honest that linked image looks like its a couple of error reports over the top of each other. Might be worth referencing your rpt log instead as it'll show you all of them.
  17. beno_83au

    CAS using drones

    Dialogs are nice, the command menu is simpler to create though. But if you know your way around dialogs then yeah, would make it a bit more attractive.
  18. @Dnote Gaming just read the post right above yours. Your questions are quite plainly answered.
  19. beno_83au

    GeForce now problem?

    I've seen a number of posts on these forums about GFN and it always seems to have issues. @Harzach covered it pretty well, but it always seems to have issues with modded and/or online play and unless GFN changes the way it handles things i doubt things will improve.
  20. Yeah and that's the problem with a lot of things these days with anything really (and unfortunately). Too many people just jump on the band wagon without thinking to themselves "That just doesn't sound correct" and putting a bit of thought into it.
  21. You should probably read the two posts above yours instead of quoting an 8 year old post in a dead topic.
  22. If you put the command in initPlayerLocal.sqf then you could just use: if (side player == WEST) then { //create marker //etc }; And change WEST to whatever side you need - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Side Then just use the local script - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createMarkerLocal
  23. I scripted a solution that runs the CAS module here: You could try and do the same for the others. Just find them in the function viewer in-game and work out what's needed to run them (like what parameters it needs when spawned/called).