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Everything posted by SnR

  1. SnR

    Happy Birthday Arma

    Happy Birthday to all involved.
  2. Heads up - https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-158-performance-binary-feedback/?p=3026616
  3. SnR

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Excellent. No Play with Six option ?
  4. Same issues here. Vote up peeps.
  5. Thank you http://im.hunt.in/cms/oob/l/shades95547.gif (1742 kB)
  6. This collaboration of creators, has to be the greatest yet. My future mod line @CBA;@ALiVE;@ACE3
  7. :cool: I agree this hurts :cool: Again white wins over darkish :p
  8. Been waiting for this for some time now. Great news.
  9. SnR

    Ukraine General

    The main points of the agreement Ceasefire to begin at 00.00am local time on 15 February Heavy weapons withdrawn in a two week period starting from 17 February Amnesty for prisoners involved in fighting Withdrawal of all foreign militias from Ukrainian territory and the disarmament of all illegal groups Lifting of restrictions in rebel areas of Ukraine Decentralisation for rebel regions by the end of 2015 Ukrainian control of the border with Russia by the end of 2015 The participants also agreed to attend regular meetings ​​to ensure the fulfilment of the ​​agreements, ​a Russian-distributed document said.
  10. SnR

    Happy Birthday Arma 3!

    Happy Birthday
  11. SnR

    Servers lists information

    Each year a similar thread appears to re-evaluate Arma's MP position. "I say again" to those disgruntled about life, join a group to experience the games true worth.
  12. In Short, everyone has the medical issue online.
  13. SnR

    To All the Community (and BI, off course)

    Merry Xmas all. http://www.visitmelbourneblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Christmas-koala.jpg (266 kB)
  14. SnR

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    The bonking will stop HERE
  15. Works fine. Have a look through the last few pages of the original THREAD
  16. SnR

    Ukraine General

  17. SnR

    Ukraine General

    http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/technology/russian-soldier-alexander-sotkin-posts-instagram-selfies-that-may-link-russian-military-to-ukraine/story-fnjwnorf-1227009899938 Satellites made redundant
  18. SnR


    "If your going to practice your flying in MP, your going to have a bad day"
  19. We had to revert to an earlier version through PWS(1.0.6 212). 1.0.7 clients could not see or join 1.07 servers ? Edit:A quick test that rectifies the above, shows 1.0.7 clients can join a 1.0.6 server
  20. SnR

    Squad XML- Logo Issues

    Everybody in the whole world has this issue.
  21. SnR

    Screen tearing when tired.

    Strange. Top half looks like AMD Radeon with the bottom being Nvidia.
  22. Designed to only show a login box on entry if no other official admin is logged in ? Plus being an organised community you would think TS would avoid admins trying to login over admins.
  23. Very necessary.Good idea.
  24. SnR

    BIS' New Game Launcher

    Either way i like PWS, just like turtles.
  25. SnR

    Unreadable compass

    1.22 hot fix did something, the above tracker holds the answer.