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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. PMC Editing Wiki is the place to be for ArmA 3 terrain information and other editing info. Most important for new terrain guys is PMC Ultimate Terrain Tutorial which covers everything to get your first terrain in-game. Forget about outdated and plain wrong tutorials, now you have tutorial which will be kept always up to date and correct. There are just tons of good arma3 terrain editing information so dig in and use the search function to go through what PMC Editing Wiki has to offer. If you cannot find some information or tutorial, ask and I'll see what can be done to get it added. Direct to PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 root and PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain.
  2. Snake Man

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain

    Finally PMC Editing Wiki https://pmc.editing.wiki is back up, I'm still heavily configuring linux apache web server and PHP etc settings, so things might change, but looks like the basic web site is now up. Please note that PMC Tactical web site along its forum is still down, I'm currently just starting to restore/configure it, but it might take some time.
  3. Snake Man

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain

    On sep 10th 2024 my linux VPS went down with kernel panic issue, I was working on that but it took days of web hosting company customer support emails, right now I already purchased brand new VPS with better specs and are configuring that. I'm hoping its now not days but hours before all PMC web sites will be back.
  4. Snake Man

    L3DT freeware

    PMC Editing Wiki page, err, edited for clarify username/password. Also tested download on up to date firefox, it complains about L3DT page being unsecure but does still download if you click the "allow download" or whatever button. All works fine on my end, no problems downloading latest L3DT installer.
  5. Snake Man

    L3DT freeware

    Does the link in PMC Editing Wiki: Tools L3DT page work for you? Edit: 2024-05-24T09:32:00Z link in the above page works OK, just tested it.
  6. Please read PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain its the page with all ArmA 3 tutorials you need.
  7. PMC Poland Miroslawiec v0.1 for ArmA 3. A medium size realistic real world data terrain. Created in 2022. Official PMC Poland Miroslawiec Homepage. Official PMC Poland Miroslawiec forum discussion topic. Changelog PMC Poland Miroslawiec Changelog. Dev Diary PMC Poland Miroslawiec Dev Diary. Screenshots PMC Poland Miroslawiec Screenshots. Download from PMC Tactical ArmA 3 Downloads.
  8. Snake Man

    PMC Poland Miroslawiec

    If you are asking for development topic on PMC Mongolia ArmA 3 terrain, well there are PMC Tactical Forum Terrain Development topic and original PMC Tactical Forum Real World Data Terrain MEGA Project topic, but there are no dedicated topic specifically for this terrains dev diaries, will create one when next edits come in. If you meant something else let me know. As we all known ofp/arma water level is 0 meters, it would be very lucky if some in-land lakes would match that elevation. I never used what you mentioned above, if you got some wiki etc links that document how they work I could take a look at them, but unless something dramatic has changed in ArmA 3 engine that I somehow missed, there is no way to make proper in-land lake water levels.
  9. PMC Poland Lask v0.1 for ArmA 3. A very large realistic real world data terrain. Created in 2022. Official PMC Poland Lask Homepage. Official PMC Poland Lask forum discussion topic. Changelog PMC Poland Lask Changelog. Dev Diary PMC Poland Lask Dev Diary. Screenshots PMC Poland Lask Screenshots. Download from PMC Tactical ArmA 3 Downloads.
  10. Snake Man

    PMC Poland Lask

    Just wrote a bug report PMC forum topic about it PMC Tactical Forum airbase concrete satellite mask topic along with my local notes. Its written down now so wont be forgotten.
  11. Snake Man

    PMC Poland Lask

    Satellite texture and mask has been done to the whole PMC Poland Lask terrain. Haven't searched online but besides just measuring the width from satellite texture, there might be some info available, although that is quite specific info to look for. Any help would be appreciated. pboProject binarizing either small data pbo or even the whole terrain wont take that long, also making a new release is rather quick, however because its gigabytes in size I would not want to make a new release just few config like changes. But maybe I could touch up the openstreetmap natural (forest tree lines) shapefile coverage and generate new objects maybe, something like that. Runway objects, lighting (assuming you mean runway lights?) objects, in a composition, yeah that sounds good to me.
  12. Snake Man

    PMC Poland Lask

    Terrains in Vietnam: The Experience ArmA 3 mod do not include U-Tapao-Rayong-Pattaya International Airport in thailand, I have never released thailand terrain. Here is all the available VTE ArmA 3 terrains today. Never used steam for missions so I have no idea.
  13. Snake Man

    PMC Poland Lask

    As I just posted on official PMC Tactical Forum Poland Lask topic: Four advanced F-35 Lightning II aircraft from the U.S. Air Force's 48th Fighter Wing, stationed at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, U.K., have commenced operations at Lask Air Base in Poland as of April 1, 2024. According to a press release from U.S. Air Forces In Europe – U.S. Air Forces Africa, this deployment signifies the United States' ongoing commitment to bolstering NATO's Eastern Flank defense. -source "Pentagon deploys F-35 to NATO's Eastern flank" defence-blog.
  14. Snake Man

    PMC Poland Lask

    I don't know what "Utapoa terrain" is. Do you have any recommendations for good CUP mission editor compositions to build air base object set? If you would be interested putting together mission editor composition (only a3/ or CUP objects), guess its just an regular mission.sqm and send it to me, I could try to see how the tool pipeline works to get it imported into WRP terrain file and then in the next release.
  15. Snake Man

    PMC Poland Lask

    Its difficult to define smooth, but biggest PMC terrain of course is PMC Mongolia (409km) which by combined overall whole is the largest ever ofp/arma terrain. Take a moment to browse the catalog in PMC Terrains ArmA 3 page, sizes are not listed in that root page so you have to scourge through them to see specifications. But from top of my head some large terrains with a lot of objects, large satellite texture/mask and good performance, ie kind of the ones I like or are very fond of are: PMC Egypt Suez, PMC Somalia Bosaso, PMC Poland Suwalki, PMC Libya Benghazi, PMC Iran Jahrom, PMC Iran Hormuz and PMC Germany Wolfsburg. That is quite a list to check out if you're interested on large/huge terrains (combined overall value), then there are bunch of large european rolling hills woodland terrains that I love, but some of those are as small as 40km (ie not large), for example some of the new poland terrains are just so sweet with enoch/livonia vegetation objects.
  16. Snake Man

    PMC Poland Lask

    During the initial release missed several screenshots on Dev Diary PMC Poland Lask page which I just edited and added.
  17. PMC Editing Wiki: Real World Data Terrain Tutorial is the natural progression from PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Ultimate Terrain Tutorial. PMC Editing Wiki: QGIS Real World Data Tutorial by Ross. If you need more help in ArmA 3 editing head over to PMC Tactical Forum where you find all the history of addon and mission/campaign editing etc discussion.
  18. Snake Man

    Roads do not show in Bulldozer

    There could be few reasons, for example are you sure roads.shp path is written correctly to the SQF script file? are you sure roads.shp file itself is working, fully ArmA 3 compatible with all them IDs and integers etc?
  19. PMC Tactical Forum PMC Editing Wiki: home page PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 root page PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrains PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Ultimate Terrain Tutorial PMC Editing Wiki: The Atlas by Jakerod PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Real World Data Terrain Tutorial Just some basic ArmA 3 terrain editing tutorials and forum links, always go to the original source to avoid unnecessary confusion. If anyone has any questions about terrain sizes, grid sizes, cell sizes, editing terrains or anything related, feel free to post into PMC Tactical forum ArmA 3 Editing area and I'll answer to every question.
  20. Vietnam: The Experience (OFP) download links fixed. Vietnam: The Experience (ArmA 1) repack download link added. VTE Official ArmA 1 forum updated with links and download as well. Vietnam: The Experience ArmA 3 forum is where players can get VTE downloaded.
  21. Wrote a detailed PMC Tactical forums: ArmA 3 Campaign Hub topic about how to design these things. Would love to hear feedback. Dunno what it is about campaign hub style of campaign design but I just love to hang out in such hub base/camp/FOB location, rearm etc before going to patrol/scouting to keep the bad guys away 🙂
  22. Snake Man

    Buldozer dont run (cfg)

    Head over to PMC Editing Wiki and read some tutorials, buldozer configuration and other things are explained there in great detail.
  23. Snake Man

    RSO Buildings pack

    This project is long gone and abandoned, you should get the PMC Opteryx Objects - Middle Eastern Structures. When you are using addons properly as requiredAddons, you don't need to add files to your terrain dir or ask for permissions, just make sure you understand what that means before starting to edit.
  24. Snake Man

    Layers into Smaller PBOs

    Install PMC Editing Wiki: Mikero Tools. Note that moveObject is one of the pay tools.
  25. Head over to PMC Editing Wiki and you find plenty of how to create addons related pages.