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Everything posted by Muecke

  1. Muecke

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Good, me too.
  2. AI squads should respawn after death triggered on markers named Respawn_West/East. (Description.exe / respawn = 3;) They don´t do it since 1.68 anymore. What they do is laying down till the server cleans them off. Then they are at pos x0-y0 of the map. This happens if they are squadleader with no squad. If they do have squadmembers they respawn 95%, and in 5% of all cases they do respawn into one of their squadmembers. Even human players respawn with vanilla weapons sometimes. I guess it has something to do with checking death or with a change on the new respawn module of A3. We had problems like this in ArmA1 and never since then anymore. The whole cti community is waiting for information aiming to this bug. Help is very welcome af right now... ps. another ticket about it https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124098
  3. Muecke

    Respawn Module Broken

    In CTI´s the ai Leader wont respawn, they will be deleted after death. If they have ai members in their squad the leaders will spawn into them till noone left. If a you try to jip into a deleted ai leader slot the game will kick you back into lobby. There is something really messed up with the respawn and AI´s...
  4. Muecke

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Yes, I hope the hotfix will resolve this very bad bug. crCTI Proman has same problem since the latest patch 1.68. A workaround would be nice or even an info whats causing the issue. 2 Weeks of broken cti (hearts).
  5. Muecke

    Advanced Rappelling

    via init.sqf aisRespawn = _type; aiSettingDefs set [_type, ["Respawn", ["Default", "Base 1", "Base 2"], 0] ]; _type = _type + 1; triggered in eventrespawn.sqf _marker = "Respawn_West"; if (_si == siEast) then {_marker = "Respawn_East";}; _posRespawn = getMarkerPos _marker; if ( !isPlayer _unit ) then { _spawnSetting = (((aiSetting select _si) select _gi) select aisRespawn); if ( _spawnSetting > 0 && _spawnSetting <= count(BaseMatrix select _si)) then { _posRespawn = (BaseMatrix select _si) select (_spawnSetting - 1); }; }... I tested it again for longer time and the problem appeared after 1hour even without your mod.
  6. Muecke

    Advanced Rappelling

    Hi, just want to inform you about a bug I have with this mod since the latest BI Patch. I has broken the respawn of my AI squads in my Mission. When I disable it on server the Respawn works well again. I guess it needs a tweak to work proper with the new A3 version.
  7. Vehicles like the Marshall or Marid which can swim wont go into deep water. They only go into water if it is not deep like 4-6m. Why should they ? Because it is needed sometimes and they can swim ! I made a ticket please support it. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T123500 Any workaround or fix anyone ?
  8. Muecke

    Arma3 Videos

    Time to post this treasure here. It was a long journey since then back in 2002/3. For those who dont understand german here is an instrumental for your car.
  9. Hi, forgive me if this is already asked but i cant find an answer here or in google. Maybe it is known issue but I noticed that all vehicles which could swim boarded with AI dont want to swim on all CUP terrains or terrains who used CUP depencies. I tested it on Tanoa and Altis which works well. On Chernarus for example the vehicles dont move at all they just say ok. Is this a bug and if yes is it known or can we hope for a solution ?
  10. Congrats on the release ! Thanks for sharing.... gj...
  11. Just tryed today in eden with no luck. Could only lock enemy chopper with rmb on sight but no locksignal to see or hear. fired rockets but they flew straight into horizon. Again Iam lame as pilot but can anybody tell how to do it ?
  12. I would like to ask one about locking targets with the Ka-50. Couldnt find anything here or in bugtracker. In Ka-50 you dont have visual locking on hud or radar right ? So one needs to lock on view and have audio lock sign ? Sorry if this sounds stupid but Iam more Infantry than pilot, I need to know though. Or is there any chopper on opfor who can lock aircrafts ?
  13. What are the folders named on your server ? If like @CUP Terrains - Core then it dont work well or dont work at all. Linux goes crazy with gaps. Maybe thats your problem as your rpt says You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. That means its not loaded. ArmA never lies...
  14. Muecke


    Thanks ! Iam not that familiar with the eden.
  15. Muecke

    Operation Blockhead

    All in all this is not just a another brick in the wall !
  16. Muecke


    They don´t attack west or east. Do I have to make them enemy myself ? Otherwise it´s a great idea and pretty cool mod !
  17. Awesome update !!! Thank you very much for your work.
  18. https://www.twitch.tv/cows_and_guns/v/116568573 Check my workshop to explore...
  19. Congrats on the released update ! As I saw in the first post the ArmA community can be happy today. Thx for your great work and extra thanks for sharing it for free. I will play crCTI on it today and left a candle for Paul.
  20. As far as I can see you won´t be a great help with disrespectful posts. Also you are surely hating as your post if full of it. The bugs you are pointing on are mostly true but we can´t expect anything. How often do we need to explain how this community works ?
  21. In Keyoptions at "Generally" at "Use default action" the LMB will cause this problem. If you unbind it you can use the MMB or other key. This will help a bit but it is not much better cause in custom mission menues you still need to use the LMB for buttons. Also for Error messages or even in all A3 option menues. This shows that the LMB is usual for clicking buttons and so on. A solution would be to stop or remove the automaticaly popping up symbols. They only should be shown after scrolling the mousewheel. Atm I find myself shooting for no reason or almost killing others cause I just want to click menues like inventory of vehicles or open doors. Not possible to get it out of the head after so many years. It is like switching pedals in your car.
  22. Hi, I got this working fine so far but I found an error in my RPT. Error in expression <then{ _n=(entities[[r_PS],[],true,true])inAreaArray[position player,r_WS,r_WS,36> Error position: <inAreaArray[position player,r_WS,r_WS,36> Error Typ Jede, erwartet Zahl AFAR\rFN.sqf, line 91
  23. Oh I really apreciate your suggestion but to me it´s not a solution. Look, actionmenu with spacebar would not change all the custom menubuttons in diffrent missions which need to be clicked with lmb. Then there are some other controls on the spacebar I dont wanna change. Enhanced movement for example (example)... Also it is hard to teach an old donkey new moves.