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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Hi guys, I'm hoping this is a simple request for you modder people out there. I need a simple object that looks like a small steel dart. I'm currently using the vanilla pencil object as a place holder. I'm guessing this is a simple modding task, as you can take the existing pencil object, and re-color all its textures to steel metallic grey color. The end result could be either an addon object, or simply the .p3d for me to use in scripts to create a simple object based on the .p3d. Correction, it has to be an addon object. A .p3d won't work because simple objects aren't affected by physics. This new steel dart object must be physics enabled (like the vanilla pencil objects). Can someone create this for me? I promise its for a very cool usage (which I don't want to reveal right now, but will reveal to whoever creates the object). You will of course get full credit for the object. Please PM me if you are interested in helping. Thanks!
  2. johnnyboy

    [sp camp] Gambit Royale

    Wuss. Drink more coffee. Don't be selfish...you care more about your own health and well being than your fans!!!! Hahaha.
  3. Glad to hear it sir. Post a link here to your mission if you publish it. I'd love to try it out!
  4. Thanks, glad you like it. Is that possible in ARMA? :) I don't use Alive so I have no idea. Its a simple script though, so it should work.
  5. Thanks WA. Yes, it is MP compatible.
  6. johnnyboy

    List of all hidden texture inits

    The cat shirt is now officially in my next mission!!!
  7. johnnyboy

    (Coop 1-2) Target in Sight

    Congrats on the release. Sounds interesting. Great pic!
  8. johnnyboy

    List of all hidden texture inits

    The Snake Whisperer strikes again: Here's an example of a applying a custom texture to make your own uniform. This is a character in the next episode of Last Tango in Tanoa (rate it on Steam so I can win a steak dinner...I'm running out of time!). I've pixelated this so I don't trigger @froggyluv or @Grumpy Old Man Here's the command to set the texture: RicoSuave setObjectTextureGlobal [ 0, "JBOY\Textures\snakeWomanArtVertical3a.jpg"];
  9. johnnyboy

    Kiory's random hat madness!

    Hi @kiory I love these hats. I see this thread is really old, and I wonder if you are still active in ARMA. I am using the hats in a mission I'm working on. I can't find this mod on Steam, and I'm hoping you are willing to publish on Steam to make it easier for players to download. Having to download from Armaholic is a barrier for some players (not me of course, I already have them!). Anyway, I hope life is treating you well whatever you are doing now, and thanks for the hats! @kiory
  10. johnnyboy

    [sp camp] Gambit Royale

    Thanks dude! I really appreciate it. I second all your sentiments man. AZCoder puts serious thought, work, creativity and depth into his campaigns. He should get paid for it IMO.
  11. johnnyboy

    Animals on Dedicated Server

    @gokitty1199 offers a good solution. I'm not sure the animals will stay within a certain radius though once spawned. I think that would require coding a loop to execute per animal spawned. But maybe that isn't that important as you would only spawn them when a player enters a trigger radius. After the createUnit statement, you might want to add the following to the above script so they start off moving in different directions: _animal setdir random 360; And maybe my Birds of Prey script might interest you. When a player enters a trigger area a land animal (rabbit, chicken, or snake) is created if trigger pos is on land, or a random fish is created if trigger pos is over water. Then a seagull is spawned above later that will dive and attack the animal/fish and carry it away. It is MP compatible. You can see these scripts in action in these 2 missions: Last Tango in Tanoa: Episode 1 - Missing Person Property of Mabunga If you like this script please Rate these missions on Steam as a small reward for creating them. Thanks!
  12. johnnyboy

    List of all hidden texture inits

    Maybe that value expects an array, but you are assigning it a single string value?
  13. Hey man, I'm totally breathing down your neck now!!! Can you hear my hoofbeats? Actually these 3 contributions really shouldn't be grouped together (Mission Generator vs. Awesome Script vs. SP Mission), but who cares... When is the next Furniture performance boost update coming? How's the top secret project going? Is your new pad furnished (lol)?
  14. johnnyboy

    List of all hidden texture inits

    hahaha...you don't know the half of it unless you've seen the outro to Last Tango in Tanoa - Episode 1 (hint: a new take on a very old American joke). C'mon Grumpy, give it a whirl! I'd love to hear your feedback. It's short: about 30 minutes. Actually, because I am the "snake whisperer" lol, that's EXACTLY why I am experimenting with applying snake textures to uniforms. Snakes are a theme of one of my campaign's adversaries, and I'm hoping for snake outfits for his minions.
  15. johnnyboy

    [sp camp] Gambit Royale

    In this scene, I hope to hear some spaghetti western music by the master Ennio Morricone. :) Good news about the campaign. People need to block out some time this weekend for Gambit Royale!
  16. johnnyboy

    List of all hidden texture inits

    Using one of the vanilla snake textures can make for an interesting shirt. No Mods necessary. Put this in the unit's init: this setObjectTextureGlobal [ 0, "\A3\Animals_F\Snakes\data\Snake_Leopard_CO.paa"];
  17. johnnyboy

    [Release] ExplosiveBreaching

    Great job mate. Thanks much!
  18. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Holy crap, the Chernobyl mission is a masterpiece! I'm super impressed with the whole package dude.
  19. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    BTW, a Porto Pirate fired an RPG at me, which was great. I don't think I've ever seen vanilla Arma 3 AI fire on a foot soldier. Was that you scripting? Or one of the Mods?
  20. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Pirates of Porto: Favorite mission so far. Very fun action and CQB. Plus I dig pirates. You've put so much work into this, and it shows. Thanks for the great entertainment. My progress will slow now, as I'm going to be busy again. Nice to have some play time and time off mission building (I couldn't face the Editor for a few weeks, too burnt).
  21. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Mission 2 was big fun! Barely started Mission 3: Off to sleep now. p.s. I also get this error popping up in the missions occasionally. I think it happens when shooting starts. I'm guessing its a mod problem, not a mission problem. Not bothering me really.
  22. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Man, this campaign is really good. Cutscenes are awesome. Voice acting really good. Good and interesting music choices depending on what is going on. Really enjoying the plot, and not knowing where its going. Mission 1: MIssion 2:
  23. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    That ain't no fun bro. I mixed wine and vicodin at my local bar/restaurant once after a root canal, thought I was fine until bill came and I paniced because I could do no math and needed to get home pronto. Gave the hugest tip ever and split. Still a big joke between me and that bartender. You still got numb lips so everyhing you drink dribbles down your face? Quit bothering me man, I got to find a doctor, as only a doctor can heal my leg.
  24. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    OK, OK, so I've had a couple of margaritas...quit judging me man! Clicked on wrong mission...couldn't find your bloody mission until I realized you hid it under campaigns to make it difficult for me. I'm gonna a pound a few more drinks and play this sucker, and comment here every 5 minutes whilst playing, to capture all my tequila fueled impressions about it...stay tuned. Impressive opening graphics, dramatic music, and diffuse shots...this is gonna be good...
  25. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Hey buddy, I'm finally getting around to trying this mission, but can't get it to load. I'm pretty sure I have all the mods loaded (including Chernobyl Zone), but when I go to play the mission I get this error: Any ideas?