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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Hey atmo, this is a great find! For humans, looks best on VR Entity. Alien Boomer!!!
  2. That is slick and useful! Thanks Pierre.
  3. haha, just noticed the PS. I'm definitely pushing the limits of my weak-ass voice acting skills. Of course my wife's riveting delivery of the "Cajones" line is exquisite, and plays the heart strings of the viewer like a Stradivarius. But there still ain't no women in Arma 3, so its hard to give her a bigger role (plus she's impossible to direct "what's my motivation?", "why are there no Dove Bars in my trailer?", etc.)
  4. So frog man, did you finish this mission? I gots to know...
  5. you're crackin' me up dude...glad you're trying it...
  6. This script enables shotguns to destroy small vegetation like ferns, bushes, thin palm trees and sugar cane. This adds an exciting dimension to CQB in dense jungle or cane fields. You can see this script in action in my new mission Last Tango in Tanoa: Razing Cane. You can support my scripting efforts by subscribing on steam and giving this mission a thumbs up! Give it a try, its fun! "Bush Cutter"...waiting for a smart-ass remark from someone on that. You know who you are. Last Tango in Tanoa: Razing Cane promo video shows this script in action also; Dropbox link to demo mission. Unzip this folder into your missions directory and open the mission in the Editor. Then shoot some bushes, and run into cane field and RAZE some CANE! Required Mods: RHSUSAF, CBA3 Shotguns from these mods should also work: CUP, Massi, KA Other mod shotguns can be supported by adding in their magazine name into the script. Limitation: Only works on Tanoa currently, as I have only collected bush names to destroy for Tanoa. If you want to destroy bushes on some other map, you need to collect the names of those bushes and put them into the _bushArray in the script. A simple way to collect bush names is put cursorObject in one of your console watch variables. Then look directly at a bush, and go back to console and you will see the bush .p3d name and can copy it. The Scripts (bush cutter and flying leaf effects):
  7. johnnyboy


    Who are you calling an adult? I'm insulted. I'm a 14 year old girl (but I self identify as a furry). I built my first ARMA 1 mission when I was 2 years old. And, no, I don't want go camping with any of you perverts.
  8. johnnyboy


    Words to live by. Thanks brutha!
  9. johnnyboy


    Thanks George. I did the shotgun part, but mixing it with Max's mod is VD's idea.
  10. johnnyboy


    Rock it like you own it!
  11. johnnyboy


    I like a challenge! Making a pot of coffee now. Ordering a pizza. Loading the bong. Check back tomorrow morning!
  12. johnnyboy


    Now that i re-read your post, you're focusing on Max Melee weapons, so yeah, go for it. Here's my axe cane cutter script. Use anything you want from it. This script also calls leafEffect.sqf, so I will add that script to the top post as well.
  13. johnnyboy


    I've got that already, although its hard-coded to cane only right now. See the first few seconds of the Last Tango in Tanoa: Razing Cane video in top post. Its currently for AI only, but can be expanded on it. I'll publish it next week after I clean it up. If you're hot for it now, I'll post the current version. It was only a matter of time before the VD handle boomeranged on him!!!
  14. Beautiful man. Gonna have to work these bad-asses into my next mission. Thanks!
  15. johnnyboy


    hahaha. Best scene in that movie. PANIC! SHRED!!!
  16. Police officer Booger Chang has a close call against an axe wielding maniac. From mission Last Tango in Tanoa 2: Razing Cane. Mission features AI melee attacks. Forum link.
  17. OK for me, but I'm strictly SP these days. You can also disable simulation on the objects until player near.
  18. I'm not familiar with the spawner scripts. But when you create a dog, the object is returned to a variable (local or global if you name him specifically). How you refer to that object elsewhere is then up to you. You could use namespace variables. I believe a namespace variable for the dog is created for the unit that handles the dog, so you could refer to him via the unit that handles the dog. The dog is just an object ultimately , so why is it different than referring to a spawned AI or a spawned vehicle?
  19. The Ancient Ruins is brilliant man. I'm working on a big Voodoo King minion rally scene, with torches etc., kind of fits with this. Consider using the bamboo pole for the torches, as they are more primitive looking. Moving stone walls is a great idea. Might have to borrow it. :)
  20. Since you don't have enough to do...another suggestion is to place small physics enabled objects on some of the perimeter objects (walls, vehicle wrecks,) and tables. These would be canteens, food boxes, pumpkins, cans, etc. And use setMass to reduce their mass. When hit by a stray bullet, the objects fall over or fly (and the reduced mass makes them move further when hit). This makes firefights more kinetic and exciting. And pumpkins explode nicely. I like to place these near stationary AI units or near cover the player is likely to use, to increase the chance of the objects getting hit in a fight. I also fortified the roofs of some tin shacks in my Property of Mabunga mission, and placed units on top. These might be another good camp variation for you. You can see this fortified shack roof in these two script videos: JBOY Move Collection of Objects JBOY Up/Down The shack has a ladder attached, so roof is accessible to player also. OK, I promise to stop bothering you man! And you won't hurt my feelings if you don't use any of this stuff. Just throwing out ideas. BTW, When a satchel is placed in that fortified shack and exploded, all the roof stuff flies, and looks awesome.
  21. He does not attack "closest units". That would cause the "attack friendly" problem way too often. Attack works 2 ways: 1) If Boomer has just detected an enemy (he stops and growls), then player can issue the attack command without looking directly at a unit, and boomer will attack the detected enemy. Player does not have to see the unit to be attacked in this case. This will never be a friendly unit he attacks. ...or... 2) Player looks directly at a unit (or at ground very near unit), and dog is ordered to attack that unit. I play tested the Tango missions 100s of times, and only very rarely did I accidentally order him to attack a friend. This discussion makes me think I should look at this logic, and change it to always attack detected enemy (if there is one) before choosing option 2 (attack unit looking at). This should reduce chance of accidentally attacking friend. BTW: I have a friend who was a prison guard with a dog. He told a story where other guards had a prisoner in a room that was crazy on drugs and went berserk. There were 3 or 4 guards fighting him, and my friend's dog was straining to get in the fight, but he wouldn't let the dog go. The other guards later asked why he didn't let the dog attack, and he said the fight was too crazy and there was no way to control who the dog would attack. He was afraid for the safety of the guards in this case.
  22. I'm glad you finished. Regarding the "bug", I've known about the issue for awhile, and haven't decided whether its a "bug" yet. Just like a player can choose to be a renegade and shoot friendly units, a player can choose to order his dog to attack friendly units (and pay the price for it).