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Everything posted by Jackal326

  1. Well, if you'd like help with that, try checking your texture path in Object Builder. Select it and press 'E' Based on your config, the new window that pops up should have your texture path reading something like: 'Peq2\Peq_2\your_texture_name.paa' Note the texture should be sized with pixel dimensions ^2 i.e. 256, 512, 1024 and try to keep it roughly square (e.g. 1024x1024).
  2. At a guess, its because you don't have memory points in the 'Memory' LOD that correspond to the entries in the config. For the laser make a 'point' in Object Builder (place your cursor and press INSERT I think is the key), right click in the named selection window and select new and name it "laser pos" (without the "). Then move this point to where the laser emits from. Then repeat the process for "laser dir" and move the point to where the laser should aim - this doesn't need to be miles away its just to give the game a direction so can be millimetres away from the source. Then for the flashlight the process is exactly the same with the "flash" and "flash dir" points defining the source of the light beam and its direction respectively. Save, repack and you should be good to go...assuming that was the issue anyway...
  3. Jackal326

    Arma 3 Random Crashes

    It could be a driver issue. I had a similar issue with 'Hell Let Loose'. It was the only game that would crash, and it would shut my entire system down. I updated my Nvidia drivers and it went away, then came back 2 updates later and was removed by a further update. Anyway, long story short try either updating your drivers, or if they are fully up to date as you say, try a legacy (i.e older) version to see if that resolves the issue
  4. I'm surprised that config even packs into a PBO, its got a crucial error in that you have 3 separate cfgWeapons defines...try them all under the same cfgWeapons entry...in fact, having actually read your config I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to accomplish with the first 2 entries...the first one seems to be a define that creates a rifle that uses the PEQ2's model, only its broken and the second entry seems to create a new rifle with broken attachment defines...The third entry is going in the right direction at least... The only way you're going to accomplish what you want is to piggy-back on the CBA/ASDG Joint-Rails method of adding attachments without breaking/over-writing other code (or the game entirely tbfh). Fortunately, at least last time I checked, CBA has a built in feature to allow swapping between similar items i.e. the functions of a combined IR laser/flashlight which the game lacks (at least it did the last I checked). // A cfgPatches define is crucial to tell the game what files/addons your addon requires and to have them loaded first, kind of loosely defines a "load order" class CfgPatches { class YourRifleAttachment_PEQ2 { ammo[] = {}; vehicles[] = {}; weapons[] = { "YOUR_PEQ2_ATTACHMENT_IR","YOUR_PEQ2_ATTACHMENT_IR" }; magazines[] = {}; units[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F","A3_Weapons_F_Acc","cba_jr"}; // make sure to define your required addons, just the basics plus CBA - specifically JR author = "You..."; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class InventoryItem_Base_F; class InventoryMuzzleItem_Base_F; class InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F; class InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F; class acc_flashlight: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class acc_pointer_IR: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; // First lets define the IR Laser part class YOUR_PEQ2_ATTACHMENT_IR: acc_pointer_IR { scope = 2; displayName = "PEQ-2 IR"; descriptionShort = "IR laser device"; picture = "\Peq2\Peq_2\MAKE_A_DISPLAY_PICTURE_FOR_YOUR_PEQ.paa"; // You'll want to make an image for the PEQ that'll show in your inventory model = "\Peq2\Peq_2\peq2.p3d"; // this is the model path (i.e. Peq2.pbo >>> Peq_2 >>> peq2.p3d) MRT_SwitchItemNextClass = "YOUR_PEQ2_ATTACHMENT_FL"; MRT_SwitchItemPrevClass = "YOUR_PEQ2_ATTACHMENT_FL"; MRT_SwitchItemHintText = "IR Laser"; class ItemInfo: InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F { mass = 5; class Pointer { irLaserPos = "laser pos"; irLaserEnd = "laser dir"; irDistance = 20; // was 5 }; class FlashLight{}; }; inertia = -0.1; }; // Now we need to define the Flashlight part, and the ability to switch between them class YOUR_PEQ2_ATTACHMENT_FL: acc_flashlight { scope = 2; displayName = "PEQ-2 Flashlight"; descriptionShort = "IR laser device with flashlight"; picture = "\Peq2\Peq_2\MAKE_A_DISPLAY_PICTURE_FOR_YOUR_PEQ.paa"; // You'll want to make an image for the PEQ that'll show in your inventory model = "\Peq2\Peq_2\peq2.p3d"; // this is the model path (i.e. Peq2.pbo >>> Peq_2 >>> peq2.p3d) MRT_SwitchItemNextClass = "YOUR_PEQ2_ATTACHMENT_IR"; MRT_SwitchItemPrevClass = "YOUR_PEQ2_ATTACHMENT_IR"; MRT_SwitchItemHintText = "Flashlight"; class ItemInfo: InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F { mass = 10; // the weight/encumberance of the item class FlashLight { color[] = {7000,7500,10000}; ambient[] = {6,9,9}; intensity = 1.5; // WAS 2.5 size = 1; innerAngle = 20; outerAngle = 75; // WAS 80 coneFadeCoef = 10; position = "flash dir"; direction = "flash"; useFlare = 1; flareSize = 1.5; flareMaxDistance = "500.0f"; dayLight = 1; class Attenuation { start = 0.5; constant = 0; linear = 0; quadratic = 1; hardLimitStart = 200; hardLimitEnd = 300; }; scale[] = {0}; }; }; inertia = 0.15; }; }; //The following 'should' add your two new attachments to the basic side-rail attachment list allowing it to be used by most weapons...at least in theory // Base ASDG and CBA defines class asdg_SlotInfo; // Base class class asdg_FrontSideRail: asdg_SlotInfo { class compatibleItems { YOUR_PEQ2_ATTACHMENT_IR = 1; YOUR_PEQ2_ATTACHMENT_FL = 1; }; }; I haven't tested that config, I just hacked it together in 10mins from various addons where I've done a similar thing...Have a read through it and see if it helps.
  5. Jackal326

    chain several animations

    Its amazing what that thing can do. We can replace this entire section of the forums with just a link to it. When the SkyNet/AI revolution takes us all down, I'll be among the first to be marched into the death camps for referring to ChatGPT as a "thing" and "it"...
  6. You can use 'hiddenSelectionMaterials' array to define new rvmats for each 'hiddenSelection' that you also define to use. However if working with an existing in-game model you are limited to only the already defined hiddenSelections within that model.
  7. To be honest I doubt you'd learn a lot for them. Unless you were planning to make content for OFP they'd be almost useless to you and/or require tonnes of work to actually function in Arma 3 due to the engine and many mechanics etc having changed in the games since.
  8. Script commands =/= config parameters...
  9. Jackal326

    Referencing files in config.cpp

    You need to have the pbo name in the path (without the .pbo part) e.g material = "PBO_NAME_WITHOUT_PBO_EXTENSION\skin.rvmat";
  10. Jackal326

    Keyboard issues

    Add them back one at a time. When the problem returns you'll know you've found the cause (it'll be the mod you added back last).
  11. Jackal326

    Error code plz help

    Reading that gave me eye-cancer. Next time post in code (C++) mode with a spoiler (eye logo) tag Anyway, put another }; ABOVE where you start your cfgVehicles part as the error is telling you, that you have a missing }; and as such haven't correctly closed out your cfgWeapons section
  12. Jackal326

    Flickering/Flashing Objects

    Back when the porting of Arma2 terrains was still a "new thing" and All In Arma was still around (before CUP surpassed it) I remember there were numerous issues with terrain flickering and the ponds breaking stuff. Like I said...Arma is a finnicky beast...
  13. Jackal326

    Flickering/Flashing Objects

    Stop using the mod. If the issue goes away, its the mod to blame. If it doesn't, its not. Arma is a very finnicky game, sometimes one person using so called "optional" mods that others are not using can cause issues for everyone on the server. Sound mods are a prime example of this - often when one user is using a sound replacement mod (JSRS as an example), other players on the server sometimes can't hear weapons firing or explosions etc. Perhaps it is a similar case for view-distance mods? Though this wouldn't explain the OP's issues when not running any mods...
  14. Jackal326

    Arma 3 crashing due to error message

    If that is the exact error message it reads like a mod is causing the issue - a quick google makes me think A3A could be this or this perhaps? Try turning all mods off and turning them back on one-by-one and if the error re-appears you'll know you've found it...
  15. Jackal326

    Helmet in between Legs

    What tool(s) are you using to pack your PBO? I'd avoid using AddonBuilder and instead use Mikero's tool suite. It takes a bit to setup but once it its all up and running it'll do pretty much everything and if there are any errors it'll tell you exactly what the issue is - AddonBuilder's feedback is a bit hit and miss and often leaves you guessing...
  16. I'm assuming (and I don't like to assume things, it just ends up making an ASS out of 'U' and 'ME') that the cfgPatches part of your config is correctly set up?
  17. To get further feedback you would probably need to more specific as to which "Vietnam mods" you were referring.
  18. To the best of my knowledge, no it isn't possible to automate the process. Mainly due to the exact reasoning you yourself stated, all of the LODs are different and made up for different faces/points... The selection's name will form part of a list you can select from when you create and then rename a new selection to save you typing or copy/pasting the selection's name over, but that is about as close as you'll get.
  19. Jackal326

    CUP AK Top Rails

    Long story short, you wont be able to. If they are set up how I think they are the rails are permanently hidden unless an optic is mounted on the weapon. Well, you could technically, but it would require you making an invisible scope attachment set up in such a way that the "eye" memory point simply aligns with the iron-sights of the AK and at the correct position. Alternatively you could define the hidden rail as a hiddenselection in the config and try forcing it into view, but I have no idea if that would work or if it would be overwritten by the animation source within the model.cfg. It would also require you to know the named-selection in the model which unless CUP are willing to part with that info could theoretically be anything.
  20. Jackal326

    Connection failed

    What? The whole thing?! That seems a little...extreme...Though I did wonder why my internet dropped out earlier... Anyway, is it just one particular server that is affected or is it any/all servers?
  21. Jackal326

    Error in CfgWeapons during build

    Its because you have a ( in the middle of a classname, or what I guess is supposed to be a classname... //Core Items /*extern*/ class EGVAR(core,1Rnd); /*extern*/ class EGVAR(core,10Rnd); /*extern*/ class EGVAR(core,20Rnd); /*extern*/ class EGVAR(core,30Rnd); /*extern*/ class EGVAR(core,40Rnd); /*extern*/ class EGVAR(core,50Rnd); /*extern*/ class EGVAR(core,60Rnd); To the best of my knowledge, you can't have ( or ) in classnames, so why are they there? I can't imagine the PBO you're referencing those external classnames from packed if they are indeed the classnames you used.
  22. Jackal326

    Knock People Unconscious

    One can safely assume that is because the original mod came out over 6 years ago and the last update for it was ~2.5 years ago...Its a wonder it still works at all.
  23. Its possibly not a config issue and could well be an issue with the Geometry/PhysX lods...
  24. Jackal326

    SJB SAS Pack

    Sadly no, I've been through 2 new systems and numerous re-builds since they came out. You might get lucky searching over at this thread but no guarantees.